Another lame recap and the worst movie ever
1 January 2024
Ulli Lommel's The Boogeyman isn't a masterpiece, but it's a decent enough horror film to make it clear that it didn't need to have the sequels it did. If Boogeyman 2 was already a bad movie that gave more priority to flashbacks than to the story, this third installment is worse. Return Of The Boogeyman makes the same mistake as its predecessor, but taken to a higher level. The plot of the film is almost non-existent and is reduced to being another summary of the first film. It tries to tell Annie's story through her nightmares that are flashbacks to the first film. The idea is that the Boogeyman returned, but without explaining how. It is clear that they did not have much desire to make a new film from scratch and what should have been a wave of new murders, there is only one murder. The connection to the original film is almost non-existent and doesn't make much sense. The film is poorly executed in many ways. The editing between the flashbacks and the actual movie is pretty random. There are no good performances, the narratives feel very relaxing without giving much tension. There are scenes that don't make sense. The photo quality is fine, although the image feels like that of an adult film. From the beginning, it is clear that the film is not good, but it gets worse as it progresses. The way they try to confront the Boogeyman through Annie's hypnosis is incoherent. Even Annie says bad words on behalf of the protagonist of the first film. Upon finishing watching the film, it is evident that they made no effort to try to create a plot that would complete the premise, resulting in something quite ridiculous. It is clear that they did not feel like making a film and decided to do only a few takes and complete everything using scenes from the first film. It depends too much on flashbacks and at least Boogeyman 2 did have a story, no matter how short it was. Return Of The Boogeyman is worse than any bad movie, it is the sum of everything that no movie should be. Not even bad movies reach that level because at least they are made with enthusiasm. By the other hand, it feels like a home project and not a movie. Unfortunately, this was a pretty weak way to conclude the trilogy and only serves to further appreciate the first film. Return Of The Boogeyman isn't just the worst sequel ever, it's definitely the worst movie in the world so far, surpassing all the bad movies I've ever seen. My final rating for this movie is a 1/10.
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