Rick & Morty-style fun but lacked some King Crimson
6 January 2024
Guardians is the strongest most consistent trilogy of the MCU, with ratings of 9, 9 & 8. It had the potential to match the original Star Wars trilogy for absolute quality but slightly fumbled the ball at vol. 3.

The Rick & Morty-style sci-fi that we had hints of in the first two are given full bloom in the third film. Not a negative, necessarily: that style of humour and irreverent science fiction is very fun to watch. But that means we also don't go deep into a sense of high-stakes threat or intriguing mystery (something which Infinity War did so well). While I appreciated Rocket's backstory, and his friends' attempts to save him, this story didn't fire the imagination like the first two Guardians movies did. The plot's developments were also more predictable than the first two: a few times I correctly guessed the next scene...

Vol. 3 generally felt a bit more kids-friendly, what with all the animals, cute aliens and children (indeed, Return of the Jedi did something similar by introducing Ewoks and going overboard with puppet-aliens...a now oft-criticised move).

The cast are all on top form, as always. Tho' it's frustrating from a viewer perspective that this Gamora has to reset her relationships with everyone...it was however as neatly done as can be expected. The antagonist is played expertly by Chukwudi, but his performance can't quite save the not-credible character of the High Evolutionary, a clumsily-scripted and underwhelmingly-directed Big Bad. Ego, and even Ronan, were a bit more compelling overall.

The music, such an addictively-strong part of the first two films, doesn't quite hit the same way. Song choices seem uninspired, the production (the sound) of said songs clashes with what's on screen, rather than complements...

...as a certain character mused, the soundtrack sorely needed some King Crimson, specifically Belew-era. That bit of edge, a bit of that experimental avant-garde; while still sounding pop, fresh & mainstream. Come to think of it, the story could've done with a bit of King Crimson too.

If my review sounds a little harsh, it's only because after two strong 9/10's, and being aware of rave reviews for the third one, I was expecting something really epic. Vol. 3 still deserves the 8/10 as despite going the easy route and going 'for the feels', those feels worked...even if they were predictable. The jokes landed fine, a couple genuinely laugh-out-loud funny! There's some outstanding action & FX (one single-take battle scene near the end is particularly noteworthy). The whole package is very fine fun entertainment, a worthy end to the trilogy as long as expectations are dialled down a little...

...it's just not quite as good as the first two.
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