Unique and interesting documentary
7 January 2024
This is one probably one of the most unique documentaries that I've ever seen as we're treated to stories about hoboes from professional actors (ala When Harry Met Sally's couple anecdotes) and there are quite a few fun things to witness. These stories are brought to life not just by the powerful words of their story teller but also by re-eneacments that are all shot with the same grimy camera that captures the rest of the film; offering a feeling of authenticity to even the more fantastical of these tales. It all comes together to feel like you are sitting around a fire listening to the old timers talk about how it all used to be before the world moved on and left their little slice of existence to be a little less colorful. Beyond the engaging story time moments we get some really fun footage showcasing hobo lifestyle that honestly feels really unique. The true highlight though is the soundtrack which features many a hobo themed tune and some of them are quite fun. The film does romanticize the lifestyle pretty heavily, giving the viewer the impression that with just a little bit of street smarts that they too could bum around the United States (circa 1967 at least). Still it is worth watching for just how unique it is as the filmmakers seem to genuinely respect their subjects and do not stoop to the level of exploitation that less reputable individuals might have while making this film.
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