Review of The Lesson

The Lesson (III) (2023)
12 January 2024
The Lesson is another example of a script that would have never in a million years been greenlit before the age of streaming. But now with every streaming service starving for content, we keep seeing stories that are not in the least bit worthy of a movie.

Boredom is turned up to the max. Intrigue is nowhere to be found. On numerous occasions I thought to myself, "I DON'T CARE." When things finally start happening later in the movie, it doesn't come close to justifying the amount of time it took to get there. Like, really? That's where it's going?

I'm a movie fiend. It doesn't take much to get me hooked. So when I watch a movie that can't hook me, I see it as a complete failure. It's not actively bad, but there is zero here for me.

(1 viewing, 1/11/2024)
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