A noir in splendid colours
14 January 2024
A lovely immigrant night club singer gets involved in a murder case, and the man murdered had just proposed to her and been rejected, and he was deeply involved in fishy business and desperately in debt. A hoodlum was paid for having killed him, but he didn't do it. The lieutenant in charge of the case gets involved with the lovely singer and thus makes the mess worse. Another lovely lady from a dancing school happens to look out the window after the murder and recognizes the paid assassin, but instead of immediately reporting him to the police, she tries to blackmail him, whereupon he almost slugs her to death, but she survives just enough to be able to identify him when they try to put her together again at the hospital. The lovely immigrant (Vera Ralston) is still being held a suspect of murder, and the case is far from clear. Eventually she returns to go on singing at the night club. It is not a very convincing noir, but it is worth watching for the lovely colours, which are very unusual for a noir.
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