The Number 23 (2007)
Interesting script, hokey execution
15 January 2024
While not a 23-believer, I do appreciate how prevalent that number can be if one begins to focus on it. When Walter names big news events related to 23, he neglected to mention the biggest one: 9/11/2001. Add those numbers together...

Stephen King pulled off a similar trick in his Dark Tower books with the number 19. Confirmation bias...tho' some numbers are better at it than others.

If you also have a passing interest (or even unhealthy obsession) in such things this film is worth watching. It handles the mania - and the uncanny coincidences - quite well, and hides many 'easter eggs' for those wanting to hunt the number.

The plot is pretty good: decent sense of build-up & mystery, with a plot-resolution that makes sense. However the execution is very hokey, feels like a parody of noir at times. And Jim Carrey frankly is miscast...he just doesn't convince in such a role. Virginia Madsen also, there's no real chemistry between them.

Only recommendable to those interested in 23...

Note to Timothy Leary readers: a professor character in the film is called Sirius Leary. R. U. Sirius (a pseudonym) was a foreworder and part-ghostwriter for Leary's later years.
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