Review of Mars

Mars (2004–2005)
Old but gold!
23 January 2024
This series is oooold! I mean, I discovered it 15+ years ago maybe? We rewatched it recently with my husband, and I have to say it doesn't matter when it was filmed, limited special effects used, how slow paced it is sometimes etc etc The core stands strong. I am perfectly aware that this is based on a comic book story, however everything starting from the casting, scenography, music(that intro, too!) is spot on. You are in from ep one, you can take something for yourself even from that first 40 minutes. It speaks loud. It's strong. It made me remember all the fire within me. The characters are beautiful, authentic, flawed but trying to better themselves, standing for something, fighting for something. I don't care this is not hyped as many new series nowadays - if you, by any chance, come across Mars, give it a watch. It will leave you touched, reflecting on so many things, still accurate in 2024... It will tell you so much about human nature. And love - the most important force in the universe. I want this on DVD to keep forever, anyone knows where to get one with English sub?
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