An alarming portrayal of BDSM!
24 January 2024
The widescreen Kino version reveals more of Noelle Adam's nudity and her long bondage ordeal as a captive of the sadistic Grand Vizier (GV). As he surveys his prisoners lying down at swordpoint, he smiles at Djalma, flexes his whip and says "I'll torture the girl at home!" Minutes later GV and his magician stroll across a dimly-lit stone dungeon to reveal Djalma's nude, shapely legs swaying high above the floor. She is hanging naked by her wrists and is tightly gagged with black cloth as GV begins her interrogation. He dabs acid on a skull to show her how she will be tortured if she won't talk. As he questions her, she struggles and mmmmmphs helplessly behind her gag. The magician indicates she can't confess since she is gagged. GV: "When I want your advice, I'll ask for it!" He also says "Let the people have their simple pleasures." Two later scenes are filled with images of her hanging, gagged ordeal and naked legs. Twice more she moans and mmmmphs while gagged. After many hours suspended nude and gagged, with a brazier of fire beneath her as torture, she is finally rescued, only to later be captured again by GV! In one of the final scenes, Aladdin finds her hanging nude by her wrists again, being tortured by fire beneath her feet and waiting for the sadistic GV to return to have her again gagged for interrogation torture!

Advertised as a family film, the bondage and sadism in the last third of the film, with more than 30 shots of naked suspension and gagged interrogation torture, is pretty shocking stuff!
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