How do we know if a family is happy or unhappy?
29 January 2024
There is a quote (attributed to Anton Chekhov, although I don't know if it was actually he who said it) "All happy families are alike. Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." I'd say that "Die Vaterlosen" ("The Fatherless" in English) shows this to be true.

Part of the issue is that a family's full story isn't always known, and the family here is about to learn some unpleasant secrets. True, this sort of story has gotten told many times, but this movie (Marie Kreutzer's directorial debut) allows time for the characters to fully develop; a sharp contrast to Michael Bay's movies, where each scene lasts a few seconds, and the characters either get killed or save the day.

In conclusion, this is a movie that you should see. Avoiding the common tropes that we see in this movies, it creates one of the finest looks at families of any movie that I've seen. Not to mention that we get some great looks at the Austrian countryside.
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