the plans of mice and men... oft go astray.
3 February 2024
In kanopy, it's listed as my donkey, my lover and i; in imdb, it's antoinette dans les cévennes. When vlad can't go away with antoinette on a vacation, she decides to follow him anyway. But there's one problem. Vlad's vacation will be spent with his own wife and daughter.... on a long, difficult hike in the french mountains. And the group antoinette is in disapproves. (why would she tell them anyway?) things go okay. Until vlad's wife confronts her on the trail. And then her donkey starts acting up. It's simple but cute. Moves quite slowly. Part of the charm is the beauty of the countryside. Not a lot happens, but antoinette learns a few things before it's over. Beautiful scenery of les cévennes in françe. For the details of stevenson's actual journey, see the travels with a donkey entry in wikipedia. Directed by caroline vignal. Inspired by robert L stevenson's book.
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