Amityville Death House (2015 Video)
The Worst in the Series So Far
6 February 2024
This film essentially begins with a woman being beheaded for witchcraft approximately 300 years earlier not too far from where the town of Amityville is now located. Fast forward to the present day where a young woman in college named "Tiffany" (Krysten St. Pierre) and three of her friends are traveling up from the Gulf Coast and decide to stop at the infamous house in Amityville to visit her sick grandmother. What they don't realize, however, is that a warlock (played by Eric Roberts) is busy casting a deadly spell intended for the descendants of those who killed the witch--and Tiffany is one of his targets. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film may have had some potential, but it failed miserably in that regard. For starters, it became quite noticeable early on that this was a low-budget production due to the mediocre camera work, bad makeup, poor direction and rather basic acting skills on the part of some of the actors. Admittedly, Krysten St. Pierre performed reasonably well and some of the CGI wasn't too bad either. Then again, there were other times that the CGI was just plain awful. Be that as it may, the bottom line is that this was not a good film and I have rated it accordingly.
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