The Golden Arrow
11 February 2024
Bandit chief Hassan (Tab Hunter) infiltrates Damascus with a daring plan. Impersonating a prince from the "Island of Flames," Hassan joins the nobles contending for the hand of beautiful Princess Jamila (Rossana Podesta) intending to kidnap her for ransom. The suitors' contest revolves around the legendary Black Bow, the weapon of the true savior and Sultan of Damascus. Whoever can bend the bow will wield the invincible power of the Golden Arrow, claim the hand of Jamila and become ruler. No one is more astonished than Hassan when he succeeds in bending the Black Bow, but the brash young thief ignores the call to heroism, kidnaps the princess and loses the Golden Arrow. With the aid of three magical spirits, Hassan must embark on a quest to recover it, contending with a series of supernatural challenges that refine his spirit and prepare him for battle against Baktiar, the evil vizier who controls Damascus.

Tab Hunter isn't the first person to come to mind when thinking of who would be suitable to star in a "scimitar and sandals" epic that soars across fantastic locations with sweeping spectacle and grand lushness, but he does well as the bandit chief who falls for the beautiful princess played by Rossana Padesta and hunts for the golden arrow. It's a thoroughly out-there Arabian fantasy with a flying carpet and other well done special effects. There's even a bit of humour with the sound of jet engines when the carpet flies up. The Golden Arrow doesn't always make sense, it can be incoherent and nonsensical but it's really entertaining with great filmmaking and camerawork. There's something magical about this film.
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