Let's face it, it will take a long time before we get anything like this from Disney again.
21 February 2024
And that's a shame. While I don't find Princess and the Frog to be nowhere near my favorite Disney movie, it still captures that 2D charm that screams old Disney to me. I miss this era of animation, and the terrible samey feeling and looking vibes from 3D animation and Disney is so sad to me. Gone is all the style and character from the animation, replaced with flavorless backgrounds and template characters. Princess and the Frog is worth celebrating for what it stands for, and furthermore it's an entertaining and well done movie that could have used a bit more time to really land everything it wanted to do.

Tiana is a hardworking colored woman in New Orleans. After her dreams are set into question, her day could not have gone worse as she walks into a prince turned into a frog.

What I think could have lifted this movie a bit would be to flesh out the characters and story more. I feel like characters like the villain and the prince needed more time to have their endings be far more impactful, especially compared to Tianas character. The problem is more in the vain that both the prince and the villain are great characters on their own, being charismatic and colorful, but they really needed that little more time to make the story seem even stronger.

Where this movie shines is its animation and soundtrack. The backgrounds all look gorgeous and the overall animation is so expressive and full of life. I must say, it's been a while since I felt the animated Disney magic, but this movie always brings me back. From well-made background and characters to a singing number done in a complete different style, this movie just screams style and its own thing. The songs are all absolutely incredible together with the score, brining in jazz and New Orleans vibes throughout. Every single song is well-made and preformed and even memorable. From my favorite "Almost there" to "Ma belle Evangeline" and "Friends on the other side" they all scream old Disney in the best way possible with "want songs" and villain songs.

I really liked the subversion of expectations and the overall premise of the movie. While I criticize it's too short runtime and needing more time to flesh it out, it's because there is a good story and premise here that could have been even better. Top that with lovable characters, and you have all the dominoes to make a perfect track.

I think this movie has a few issues when it comes to some handling of its subject matter in the beginning. It briefly addresses ethnic problems in the first half and while they are important, they are handled in this surface leveled way that makes me just want it gone. Either do it or don't this is not the place for in between. It feels like some writers or the company was afraid to tackle this and with white writers on this movie, it makes sense.

While this movie looks wonderful, its best parts are the beginning and. Too much time is spent in the bayou, where the movie just kind of happens. A change of scenery and feeling like the movie is moving would have made the movie flow better, and it would have given more time to make the movie land better with its characters.

The voice acting and singing is great here! Anika Rose and Kieth David are no doubt the standouts, showing great talent in both their voice acting and vocal performances.

As mentioned, this movie is a testament to Disney's fall from grace in my opinion. Gone is the passion and glee in the modern era, replaced with templates and shallowness. This movie stands on its own, especially well, in that regard. Showing me that this is still disable to some, or at least me.

While this movie has so many great elements going for it, a tighter and more character focused story would really have elevated it more than where it is right now. You still get a good piece of entertainment, but the movie leaves more to be desired.
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