Review of Aliens

Aliens (1986)
State-of-the-art sci-fi
1 March 2024
An American horror thriller and sci-fi; A story about a commercial space tug officer who joins a crew of battle-hardened marines to investigate an incident on an exomoon, but they find they are no match for what lies in wait for them. Essentially, it is a combat picture set in the future. It is visceral and has plenty of energy, successfully manipulating the audience through protracted scenes of claustrophia and then steadily building the tension that culminates in unremitting tension in the finale. As a film sequel, it could not replicate the novelty of the first film, but the marvellous craftsmanship adds a new form of distraction: better staging, better special effects, and better props, which confirm a graphic power. Sigourney Weaver is the best thing about the film, with her natural air of authority and a maternal instinct that make for an impressive 'battle of the females' idea.
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