Catch .44 (2011)
Verges on Tarentino Plagiarism
1 March 2024
Catch .44 is one of these new films in the "ultra-scumbag-violence genre," of which Quentin Tarantino is the godfather. Since Tarantino himself openly claims to pilfer material from the entire history of cinema, he probably won't mind at all that the low-life cafe scene modeled directly on the famous Pulp Fiction scene is obviously stolen from him.

The problem with this film, however, is that it does not build on its mentor's work in anyway. There is some good acting, but in the end the brilliant connections and novelty of Pulp Fiction lie well above the paygrade of whoever did not mastermind Catch .44.

I'm not going to say that it was awful, but to be honest, its redeeming qualities were few and far between. I reserve the rating of 5 for movies which I intend never to watch again. I leave a rating here so that I can remember not to watch them again after I have forgotten all about them, because my mind has repressed them completely, having more worthwhile info to retain.
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