Aberrant (2016)
The wedding crasher
3 March 2024
If the reported $40k budget is reliable, then the makers should be immensely proud of what they've achieved on such a scant budget. Notwithstanding the budget constraints, 'Aberrant' doesn't quite live up to the simmering tension projected throughout. An existential thriller or psychological drama involving too many sub plots and elaborate backstories that are never properly addressed nor resolved.

Well-acted, Magnusson in particular plays the part of the anxious bridezilla well, whilst junior Quaid gives one of the most cringeworthy best man speeches on record. Veteran Roger Robinson plays the concerned priest presiding over the happy (?) couple's nuptials in his final film appearance, and Tibor Feldman has a cameo late in the picture playing Quaid's abusive father, but whilst their strained relationship hints at past sins, its ambiguous.

Sincere effort shows technical competence and features realistic dialogue, but disappointingly the central plot goes nowhere, leaving the audience without resolution, the fate of Quaid's character (and the complex lives of the other characters previewed) left to the imagination. It's got hooks, but ultimately lacks focus.
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