Deep Woods (2022)
This movie serves up a nice mix of myth and mystery. Then reality bites.
5 March 2024
Deep Woods doesn't feel like a contemporary action picture. There's no big body count during the opening credits. Instead we meet a guy through the eyes of his old college buddy, whose world is just about perfect. Athletic good looks, charm, big city career, gorgeous wife - and yet there's something missing. The view from his penthouse is just a bit too paved over. He convinces his buddy, a Native American living and working as a game warden on remote public land to guide him and his dog on a grouse hunt off the beaten path. Suddenly an action picture takes over and everything hits the ground running. Without the exaggeration that comes so easily with CGI effects, this film tells a story that feels real. Like it really could happen. It is. It did. Thanks to arrogance, greed and stupidity it will happen again.
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