Predictable and Amateurish
10 March 2024
I don't really know why I was expecting anything from this movie. I watched it mostly just because I love supernatural/paranormal themed horror films.

It is clearly trying to cash in on the success of the recent Stephen King movie, Boogeyman, but fails badly.

The set up is that a doctor goes to a psychiatric establishment, hoping to secure a position on the staff. During her meeting with one of the resident doctors, she discovers the centre has some patients, all with the same delusion, they are afraid of the Boogeyman. She proceeds to read through their case histories, and so the movie unfolds into a series of backstories, showing how each patient came to be there.

The acting is pretty average at best, and all the stories are predictable and unoriginal. And as for the "twist" ending, I had two in mind, and this was one of them. As for the titular Boogeyman, I've seen better Halloween costumes made by an eight year old.
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