Premature (2019)
Premature (2020): A forced, cliche-ridden train wreck of a film!
10 March 2024
"Premature" (2020) is a film that promises much but delivers little, leaving audiences with a sour taste and a feeling of wasted potential. Directed by Rashaad Ernesto Green, this romantic drama falls short in almost every aspect, from its lewd and overdramatic tone to its baseless storyline and cliché scriptwriting.

From the very beginning, "Premature" sets the tone for what's to come: a barrage of profanity and forced sexual scenes that serves more as a distraction than as a meaningful contribution to the narrative. The film relies heavily on shock value, using curse words as a crutch rather than as a tool for character development or storytelling.

The characters themselves feel like caricatures, with the actors delivering their lines as if they were competing in a profanity-laden contest. There's little depth or nuance to their performances, and it's difficult for viewers to connect with them on any meaningful level.

One of the film's biggest shortcomings is its portrayal of the central romance. The relationship between the main characters feels rushed and forced, with little to no buildup or chemistry between them. It's hard to believe that they've fallen in love when they barely seem to like each other, let alone have any meaningful interactions.

The main female character's abrupt change in behavior is particularly jarring. After initially treating the male lead with ice-cold indifference, she inexplicably transforms into a passionate lover after a brief encounter at the park. The lack of a natural transition between these two extremes makes it difficult for audiences to suspend their disbelief and invest in the characters' relationship.

In addition to its narrative shortcomings, "Premature" also suffers from unoriginality, with scenes that feel like direct copies of moments from other, more successful films. The blatant rip-off of scenes from "Really Love" (2020), directed by Angel Kristi Williams, is especially disappointing and further detracts from the film's credibility.

Overall, "Premature" is an exercise in frustration and disappointment. Its lewdness, overdramatic tone, and baseless storyline make it difficult to watch, let alone enjoy. While it may have had the potential to be a compelling romance, it ultimately falls short in almost every regard, leaving audiences longing for something more substantial and meaningful.
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