Entertaining and fun musical comedy with fine actors and attractive musical numbers that was a big success at Spanish box office .
16 March 2024
Amusing picture packing friendly relationships , romantic comedy , dances with enjoyable sensuality and including agreeable melodies . In the opening credits, the adult actors appear alongside the actors playing their younger versions. Valladolid 1989. David (Izan Fernández) and Layla Niña (Renata Hermida Richards) , two teenagers who really like "Hombres G" and they like each other too, but everything he does to win her over ends badly. They are 13 years old, they love them and they fall madly in love with each other. Together, with their gang they will get into trouble, they will sing and dance to the rhythm the songs of their favorite group, Hombres G. Thirty years later, David (Raúl Arévalo) and Layla (Karla Souza) meet again and realize that the feelings have not completely disappeared. Then , both of them fall in love again .

It is a funny picture coproduced by Spain and Mexico, dealing with nostalgic happenings, friendship, couple relationship, family conflicts and many other things. Romantic comedy, nostalgy and coming-of-age story seasoned with musical numbers and adequately written/directed by David Serrano. Romantic Spanish comedy with good actors, spectacular musical numbers singing charming songs , and nice direction. The film follows two different plot lines that are intertwined, the scenes of childhood and adulthood. Although I feel much better and more attractive the nostalgic scenes of the past, childhood, the group of very young friends from school and first love, including spectacular dancing scenes along the streets of the city of Valladolid . It is not surprising to recourse this Musical Comedy genre that had his greatest successes twenty years ago with ''The Other Side of the Bed'' and ''The two sides of the bed'' . The best parts of the movie are the choreographic numbers and known songs adapted in original model with roots in pop music of the eighties; recreating the essence of the classic songs by body movements accompanying sensual melodies and lyrics. This is a charming musical comedy including love stories in which there are twisted messes , as well as the ordinary Spanish clichés. Colorful story of love and heartfelt nostalgia for the past which predominates songs and musical spectacle. It has some moments of enjoyment as well as amusement and others quite a few sensitive. Decent and balanced, gaining the sympathy almost at all times. Bad timing results to be the voice of the singers with the actors , it is less achieved. All of them play and dance wonderful and classic Spanish pop songs, including catching musical score by composer Zeltia Montes with 'Hombres G' songs. The faces that populate the film are the notorious actor Raúl Arévalo (Tarde para la ira) , the Mexican Karla Souza (Day Shift), interpreters who provided a considerable boost to the result and the two sympathetic young newcomers: Izan Fernández and Renata Hermida Richards, in spite of being their first film they're really fabulous. Support cast is frankly good, such as: Dani Rovira, Raúl Jiménez, Jorge Usón, Teresa Hurtado de Ory, Roberto Álamo, David Lorente, Daniel Sánchez Arévalo and special appearance for Miguel Rellán. Furthermore , dances and choreography are pretty well , following Emilio Martinez Lazaro's ¨El Otro Lado De La Cama" style , "Scandalous" or ¨¿ Porque Se Frotan Patitas ¿¨ (2006) by Alvaro Begines, ¨Una hora más en Canarias¨ (2010) by director David Serrano himself and in French cinema wake , such as François Ozon' ¨Potiche¨ and ¨Eight Women¨. Glamorous and brilliant cinematography by Kiko de la Rica, completely shot in the beautiful city of Valladolid.

The motion picture was well made by David Serrano providing a professional direction, the flick is acceptable and decent. Accustomed to the successes of another blockbusters as ''Days of football'' director Serrano got to convince again to criticism or public. David Serrano was born in 1975 in Madrid , location in which he often shoots his movies . He is a writer , known for ¨Días De Fútbol¨ (2003), ¨El Otro Lado De La Cama¨ (2002) , ¨Tenemos Que Hablar¨ with Hugo Silva and Michelle Jenner and the romantic comedy musical ¨Una Hora Más En Canarias¨(2010) in similar style to this ¨Voy a pasármelo bien¨ or¨ I'm Going to Have a Good Time¨ (2022) . Rating: 6,5/10. Well worth watching. The film will be liked by fans of the musical romantic comedy.
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