Didn't read the book but this is terrible
20 March 2024
I don't know what the book is like and I don't care either. This movie is just bad.

What was I expecting? Something like the first movie, which I actually liked a lot. I liked that it walked the line between romance and not taking itself too seriously. Sure, it was somewhat predictable and cliché but that doesn't mean it can't be enjoyable to watch. The first movie showed the intensity of the two characters without making the relationship too toxic.

So how did this sequel live up my expectations? Horribly! The makers apparently decided that this needed to be utterly ridiculous.

The heart of the story is that now that Travis and Abby are married and now that they have to figure out how to make this relationship work, they discover that they don't really know much about each other's pasts and their clashing personalities only throw gasoline on the fire of what is already a chaotic dynamic. This theoretically would be a very interesting and entertaining angle for a sequel in which the couple is required to learn to approach their relationship like grown-ups instead of just yelling at each other like children.

Unfortunately, this movie went the opposite direction. There is constant yelling and sound effects, a strange relationship between the bad guy and his much younger butler, vomit, guys immitating babies, rooster fights, an unexpected boxing circus, a very overdone Mariachi band, penis/banana emojis, and so much more. The whole thing is literally a chaotic sketch with the comedic quality of staged prank videos.

To make matters worse, any trace of romance has also vanished, only to be replaced by childish jokes and more yelling.

So in summary, this is without a doubt the worst sequel I've ever seen. The makers did a 180 from the first film, it's hard to believe these two movies are even related. The only saving grace is that the actors aren't terrible, although they're between a rock and a hard place here.

After watching this mess, I feel like my eardrums and brain need a Mozart cleanse.
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