Angel Baby (2023)
Oh You Didn't Know???
20 March 2024
Oh Yes! Rebecca De Mornay give me some Risky Business!!!!

So a couple goes on a retreat to a cabin in the woods! As we all know, nothing bad ever happens at a cabin in the woods! There is no safer place to be than in a cabin in the woods!!! Plus, this really saves on a movie's budget since you don't need to have a lot of extras and face it, filming in the city is expensive!

Of course early on we get a rule breaker, -1 Star for a bathtub scene with no nudity shown. We don't like that. It's so unnecessary.

Then Rebecca shows up. Wow this movie is halfway over and nothing has happened -1 Star.

LAter on there is a sex scene, until of course the demon or whatever reveals. And again, no nudity. Another rule broken -1 Star

So when is the horror supposed to start here?

Okay so there's a fight at the end that is somewhat entertaining. But the end is not good enough for a star.

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