Immaculate (2024)
A holy terror with room for improvement
21 March 2024
Sydney Sweeney sheds her good-girl persona in Immaculate, a horror film that throws a devout young nun, Cecilia, headfirst into the nightmarish underbelly of a secluded Italian convent. While the premise is deliciously creepy, the execution lands somewhere between a campy throwback and a missed opportunity for deeper thematic exploration.

There's no denying the film's fun factor. The first act lures you in with idyllic Italian countryside visuals and a warm welcome for Cecilia. But the cracks soon begin to show, and the movie gleefully dives into increasingly bizarre and bloody territory. Think The Wicker Man meets Suspiria with a dash of Sweeney's signature intensity. The special effects, while not top-of-the-line, lean into a practical, grotesque quality that complements the film's grindhouse vibe.

Sweeney is the undeniable star here. She beautifully portrays Cecilia's transformation from wide-eyed innocent to a woman fighting for survival, both physically and emotionally. There's a vulnerability in her performance that makes you root for her, even as she descends into badassery. The supporting cast, however, feels a bit one-note. Their portrayals of the enigmatic nuns are more stereotypical than chilling.

The historical and cultural context of Catholicism is undeniably present, with religious iconography and rituals fueling the film's atmosphere. However, Immaculate doesn't quite commit to a deeper social commentary on faith or female subjugation. It throws out intriguing themes but doesn't fully explore them, leaving me wanting more.

The score is a haunting blend of choral music and discordant strings, perfectly capturing the unsettling duality of the convent. The editing is sharp, keeping the pace brisk and the scares coming. There's a sense of stylish chaos to the film, particularly in the later acts, that's undeniably entertaining.

Immaculate isn't immaculate. The script could have benefited from tighter plotting and a clearer thematic focus. But for fans of campy horror with a strong leading performance, it delivers a wild ride. So, if you're looking for something to shock you and maybe make you laugh a little (nervously), then step into the convent with Cecilia. Just don't expect a profound spiritual experience.
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