Agreed "Stay Away"!!!
24 March 2024
This movie is terrible and incomplete. Why, just why? Why would someone spend money to make this horrible thing? I can't even call it a movie. Movies are generally around two hours, and have this weird thing called an ending!

Why would they do this? Why put out a terrible movie, and not even have the decency to give it an ending? How did they even get funding?

I could rant about other failings in this umm, whatever it is, but as the only other current reviewer already did that I think I'll focus on the thing that angered me the most. I admit I should have listened to my gut, and stopped watching early on when it was kind of boring and slow. But I figured it would be something to have on in the background while I did other things. So I stupidly continued. Then, towards the end, I was at least curious how it would all end up, and then it said, "to be continued," continued where?
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