Review of Road House

Road House (2024)
25 March 2024
The original Road House is one of the most fun action movies ever made. This is dull not just in comparison, but dull even by the standard of today's dull movies. Jake G is the only good thing in this movie. The rest of the distractingly diverse cast are bland beyond belief. The original had a group of bouncers and bar staff that all had personality. Even the idiots drinking in the bar were memorable. This movie has no memorable staff working in the bar, just a diverse mix of young people who all seem to have a chip on their shoulder for no reason. There is no character development at all and when Connor McGregor shows up the movie basically dies. They spend more time on speedboats and yachts than they do in the bar, which is barely a bar anyway. It's more like a beer tent on the beach. You don't get to see Dalton gradually turning the bar into something better like you did in the original, he just has a fight every fifteen minutes or so. What happens in between is of zero interest or relevance most of the time.

Jake G is really trying to do something with his character, but he's stuck in a 2024 action movie so he's basically wasting his time, much like I was when I watched this.
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