Review of Wilde

Wilde (1997)
It Was So Forgettable
31 March 2024
I realized I had watched this movie before, but wasn't completely certain untill the end. It was so empty and hard to follow that I'd simply forgotten, and wasted yet another two hours on it. I kept expecting more substance, but was disappointed. I learned little about the characters beyond Bosie and Wilde, and honestly really only that they were gay, and that Bosie was a narcissist.

The story jumped around too fast to be coherent, and left me with far more questions than answers. It also started much later than I might have preferred. I would like to see a movie that actually showed his life more completely, and not just made him out to be the sad obsessed follower of a spoiled boy (I would like to have put that in different more accurate words, but as some of the words are inappropriate for young readers, I will refrain, and hope you understand my meaning.)

Jude Law stands out with a stellar performance. Fry was decent maybe, but I could have sworn Oscar Wilde was historically a more intense person. I could be wrong, I suppose. I found most of the other characters to be too limited in their appearances to get the opportunity to be stellar. This is sad, as most seemed like they definitely had the potential to be spectacular if given more screen time.

Overall this was a mediocre window into the life of a famous author who suffered greatly for, "The love that dare not speak its name." The movie had the opportunity to be something special, but surprisingly many people seemed to like it. I feel it missed the mark. It was simply too forgettable, confusing, and incomplete. I wished it had been better, as I think Oscar Wilde was a fascinating person.
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