Star Trek: The Next Generation: Timescape (1993)
Season 6, Episode 25
"I've been testing the aphorism 'A watched pot never boils'."
3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Good luck trying to keep up with the pseudo-scientific gobbledy-gook in this episode. It's fraught with all manner of temporal disturbance anomalies that affect all the players at one time or another as the action moves from a shuttlecraft bringing Captain Picard, Commander Data, Commander LaForge and Counselor Troi to a rendezvous point with the Enterprise, but when they get there, their ship appears to be frozen in battle with a Romulan warbird. To board the Enterprise, Geordi comes up with a 'time pocket' that prevents the other three members of the crew from being frozen in place, but after a temporal necrosis affects the Captain, they all beam back to the shuttle, and then prepare to board the Romulan vessel, but this time with Captain Picard staying behind. At the bottom of all this time disturbance foofaraw was some sort of alien presence that placed their young in the warp core of the Romulan ship to use as a nesting area. This all sounded pretty specious to me, and because the aliens didn't have a corporeal form of their own, the entire premise didn't seem very reasonable to this viewer. The episode scores pretty high marks from the majority of Next Generation fans here, so I'll have to bow to some wisdom I can't fathom. The big question mark for me was why the writers suddenly changed the name of the shuttlecraft to that of a roundabout.
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