Okay... With all these hyper-polarized reviews, here's where I see the balance...
5 April 2024
Everyone is pretty much saying the same thing here and most of it is either negative or comes across as very falsely positive.

Here is my basic take on it. First and foremost, it should have about 20 minutes cut out of it, it is WAY too long for what is mainly a one-trick movie. If they had simply tightened up the last 30 minutes or so, I think it could have made a BIG difference.

Also, there are honestly some very funny moments in this film and some sharp writing. So, I think the basic elements are here for a pretty good, fun, entertaining Christmas Horror/Comedy. Even the actors, especially the Dad, did very well. The Dad in his pure ineptness just makes you laugh. Not as masterful as Chevy's Griswold, but pretty good.

The thing is if you are going to try not only a Horror/Comedy, which is fairly difficult to pull off as it is, you do need the sharp writing and acting, which you do indeed have here. BUT... by dragging it out for WAY longer than it should have been, it unfortunately really dilutes the impact of both the Horror and the Comedy.

I gave it a '6' because I do think the writers/creators had a clever idea and excellent elements for a good movie and the writing genuinely made me laugh. But, I feel that if they had been far more judicious with the editing and runtime, this could easily have been a strong '7'

What I think is good too, at least for me personally, is that it doesn't go too much over the top with the violence and then try to force the audience to laugh at it. That is what I feel they did wrong with the film 'ONE VIOLENT NIGHT' or whatever it is called. They pushed it to where it was edgy, but didn't (literally) bludgeon the audience with it. So, to me it was a good balance with the stronger emphasis on the humour, which again actually is well written.

If you can appreciate the clever and truly funny humour and if you can be patient with the overlong runtime, and granted, if you even like this type of film, then there's a decent chance you will find a fair amount of it pretty fun and entertaining.
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