Entre tierras (2023)
Good Start But Steers Left.
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Show was going good for me until the lgbt scene, and unfortunately that is where i have to stop. To be honest the plot started to take a decline for me anyway. Up until that point the story succeeded well in explaining each character's role and their purpose. From beginning to middle, each one seemed to fufill their roles perfectly, as the plot smoothly and unpredictably flows. But toward the end, it seemed to steered towards the very common, repeatitive romance twist of the devoted ex-lover (who has impeccable timing) who is not satisfied until he gets back his mate. It even managed to diminish the innocence of the main character (Maria), after we just see her put her neck on the line for husband, only to then withold vital info from the same man. Then add the revealing of a not-so-important secret that happens to be THE perfect not-so-important secret NEEDED in order to catapult a string of MORE events.... Just seemed to me as one unecessary convoluted insert after another, to prolong the story. I believe it could have been better had the ex-lover departed, and the story continued with the success of Maria's family and the young boy.
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