Education, education, education
18 April 2024
Lovely episode in which Hacker is persuaded by Party hacks and luminaries, he must 'do something' about education to avoid defeat at the next election - or ejection, from Downing Street, as it would become.

The answer: abolish the Department of Education (now Department for Education - some powerful Prime Minister changed its title after 1988). Sir Humphrey is, of course, appalled. Jim Hacker, advised by his political adviser, or Spad as we now call them, wants parents to be free to choose which schools their children go to. When asked whether this is a good idea, Sir Humphrey blithers and blathers.

'Which school did you go to, Humphrey?' Hacker asks him.

'Winchester' 'And who chose that?' 'My parents...' He claims they were discerning, whereas ordinary parents wouldn't know where to send their kids.

Eventually, Humphrey finds a way to stymie the plan by threatening political embarrassment. Funnily enough, political embarrassment stymies many plans: the British Government showed no interest in protecting the Windrush generation of immigrants to the UK whose status was queried....until a Commonwealth Conference here, led to potential embarrassment to the late Queen. They then sat up and took notice.

Yes, Prime Minister and its' distinguished predecessor, Yes, Minister, continue to bear relevant satirical fruit 35 years after first being shown. It should almost form part of an induction package for any incoming Government.
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