Time also does not exist
29 April 2024
No pun intended - the movie starts off and sets the mood right away. This is nature, this is life here. Do you have the patience to follow, to just watch? The first 10 minutes or so "nothing" happens. Chopping wood, collecting water - but again this is supposed to get your mindset into the tune of the movie.

The english title can mean a few things. As in nothing evil exists in this part of the world. We do not even see a police station or anything of that sort. And while there is no reason for one (no apparent at least), you could argue that once the "intruders" come, it would make sense to have them there - just to show presence or for safety reasons.

So the community seems to work without any higher power - there may not be a mayor either. We do not see a clear leader here. We see different types, a wise one, a hot headed one and so forth. And our main character from the beginning who seems to connect or be connected with most people. And animals for that matter.

We do not get too much backstory for the characters (the viewer has to fill in the blanks for them and a few other story and character beats) ... just one from that community who says at a meeting that she came from the town, but feels like she is part of everyone in that village now.

Nature vs. Men .. and nature within men (and women for that matter of course). The movie may be a slow burn, but it does a great job telling a story and giving us a check. Have we forgotten where we have come from? Is money more important than the well being of others? Because whatever happens at the top, is having consequences to those at the bottom (that come after them) ... yes this is not only true for rivers, but for society as a whole too.

A movie that may test your patience, but will reward you in the end ... speaking of which: while the cinematography does a great job (and may suggest certain things I reckon if you look long and hard at some of the "pictures"), it puzzles us a bit ... what actually happened? What do we believe is going on? This will be in the eye of the beholder. Do our eyes conceive us? I reckon we will see or rather interpret what we want - morally and otherwise ... way more interesting and intriguing than you may think after the first couple of minutes ...
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