Monolith (2022)
OK if you watch it in the right place
30 April 2024
This is one of those movies that is surprisingly well done for a miniscule budget and, basically, one charachter on screen.

We have a tendency, these days, to watch movies with other things going on around us, this is not that kind of movie.

It would be great in a cinema but I doubt it will get a release there. Instead, be prepared to set up the room with no distractions, lower the lights and get into it. Remember Blair Witch, you need to be immersed.

If you do that then you will find a good story, well acted, some good clues but not much truly revealed, too early, and a pretty reasonable ending that ties it all together.

Whilst it is scifi, that is all in the concept rather than the action so its closer to a thriller than anything else.

With the cinematography, it was all too mono and dark. I guess they were trying to set a mood but it was the same throughout with no light and shade, just grey. This didn't suit the surroundings of a house with massive windows, in the open, and lost the chance to convey any passing of time from day to night and vice versa. With only one charachter for 90 minutes, it needed something more to vary the pace so they could have done a hell of a lot better with that and it would have driven the story.

If nothing else, I just love the house that the movie is set in.

With all that said, on the whole, it is well worth watching and deserving of a decent rating if it is watched as a movie should be. Its definitely not a 10 but is worth and hour and half of your life.
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