Nutty Psychic Trivia Section
10 May 2024
The Trivia Section for this and the previous episode... or basically every episode since Maggie played by Jane Adams entered the show, has been invaded by some insane spiritualist acting as if psychics are actually 100% proven to be real, which would mean these people could allow the world to know whenever any terrible catastrophe would happen beforehand...

It's a BELIEF, and NOT a fact...

The thing is, Jane Adams, while a great actress in Happiness and Wonder Boys, when she was young and artsy, quirky-cute, is totally miscast here... she's supposed to be older, sure, but she's also supposed to be a woman that men are smitten with, and... she doesn't have that going on, sorry...

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the female detective, Roby, very gorgeous and very strong as an actress... here and Taylor's scenes are wonderful...

The best characters this season other than the leads are the two thugs, especially Frank... even though the over-the-top Serbian guy is the replacement for producer Bryan Cranston's Vince, it's Frank (with the partner resembling a young Tom Courtenay) who did a Vince-like thing in the first episode to really show how bad these guys are, and to be feared, setting the whole first half of the second season in good motion where it slows down here in this episode, deliberately, but ain't too shabby...

Except for that kook trolling on the Trivia. My Lord.
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