Heaven Only Knows (1947) Poster

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A fond remembrance...
tim_and_barb_hill27 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen this movie only once or twice in the 60's, when I was maybe 10 or so, always remaining with me was the vivid scene at the end, with the coach that Mike and the little boy were riding in, the background changing from mountains to the starry heavens, the boy closing his eyes and then reopening them again.

For years, I searched the TV guide listings, especially late night, to try and see this movie again. Now, with the advent of the internet, I thought maybe I could find out if this movie was available on video or DVD. I see it isn't, but am pleased to see others enjoyed, and remembered, the movie as much as I have. I wish AMC or Turner Classic Movies would run it so others could enjoy it.
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Is This Why Montana Is The Big Sky State?
bkoganbing14 November 2009
Something is not quite right with the cosmic order of things so heavenly bookkeeper Robert Cummings gets a field assignment on earth. Brian Donlevy's name and birth were not recorded in the celestial ledger so he's been a true free agent on Earth. If things had gone as planned he would have met and married frontier school teacher Jorja Cartwright and become a big man politically in the west. What he is now is a mine and saloon owner in partnership with Bill Goodwin who wants to dissolve the partnership any way he can. Their little feud is tearing up that patch of Montana they're from.

Cummings mission impossible like assignment in Heaven Only Knows is to get Donlevy and Cartwright together and fulfill his real life destiny. It won't be easy, especially for Cummings to avoid earthly temptations like saloon gal Marjorie Reynolds. But she's also got a destiny as well.

Heaven Only Knows is a charming enough fantasy that seems to derive from many sources. It aspires to be a Here Comes Mr. Jordan gone out west, but I also saw elements of Death Takes A Holiday and The Return Of Peter Grimm in the plot as well.

One actor in the film I wish we had seen a bit more of was Gerald Mohr who plays a Donlevy henchman with the name of Treason. He's a most mysterious and jealous sort and filling the cosmic vacuum created by Donlevy's omission at least until Cummings arrives in Montana.

In these kinds of films we can only expect a happy ending and there is one of sorts for nearly everyone. Every one of the good guys that is. Heaven Only Knows is a too little scene gem of a fantasy film, try not to miss it.
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One of my best memories
jpastor130 June 2006
In the early 1950s Heaven only Knows was one of those movies you would see on the Sunday afternoon movie. It was one of those movies that you always remember once you've seen it as a child. And yes as a child I remember it and will probably always remember it, especially the last scene where the coach flies across the sky. I know it's not an Oscar winner but it ranks with me in the same category as Champagne for Caesar and The Horn Blows at Midnight. These two movies also had scenes that will travel with me until I die. The scenes in The Horn Blows at Midnght of Heaven are so great and so well done that even today I can close my eyes and still see them. The same goes for Champagne for Caesar, those scenes with Ronald Colman i the factory are just so great!
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Magical memories make me want to see this again
rsolis-112 March 2003
The 1950's television meant small screens, black and white snowy pictures and a lot of bad programing. It also meant seeing great old movies such as Heaven Only Knows. That movie with an angel and devil's minion both trying to win the same soul at the "Pair-o-Dice" Saloon in the old west was so captivating to the then six to nine year old I must have been, that 45 years later the memory drove me to the library to find it again. There it was, in Robert Cummings' filmography. It's fine to know the source of the memory, but it would be even better to SEE it again. My research a few years ago showed only one known copy, located, if memory still serves, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Maybe there are enough of us out here who would love to see it so that it might be worth while for somebody to do whatever needs doing to make it available. So, if you're one of those who want it, write in too.
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Unknown location
nightmisc5 December 2009
As many people comment on what this film is about from viewing it I am taken amiss as I have looked for a couple of years for my father-in-law that saw it as a child and has commented on wishing to see it again.

It had apparently viewed on AMC recently as I think someone had commented on. Unfortunately I had missed that bit of information and do not know when or if that will be shown again. Currently at that website, as someone had mentioned, it is possible to vote on it coming to DVD which I assume as the votes go up so would the possibility of it being shown once again. Currently I figure another 2 or 3 hundred votes will bring it into the top200 most voted to come out on DVD list.

I had hoped to get this for the holidays for my relative however any help it appears that it will be another year without being able to get this task done. And as he ages each year I am starting to reach out a little more because he really wanted to see this.

Should anyone have any suggestions or direct knowledge I would appreciate hearing from you.
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Cute and inspiring
HotToastyRag21 June 2021
Robert Cummings plays an angel in Heaven Only Knows, and his Boy Scout persona fits in perfectly in the role. Sent down to Earth to save the soul of a gangster, Brian Donlevy, he has his work cut out for him. It all started out as a misunderstanding up in Heaven - Brian never got a soul to begin with! Had he, he would have lived a wonderful life with heart, morals, and love.

Now, soulless, he runs a saloon and is carrying on with a dance hall girl, Marjorie Reynolds. Bob gets sent down in human form to set things right and teach Brian that there's another way of living. In a wonderful quote, he says, "Goodness, that is, true goodness isn't measured by its reward. It's something you do because it comes from the heart, because you must do it. Even if no other soul does it, knows about it, or cares. Reward or not. So, you see, the good heart need never falter." How do I have such a quote memorized verbatim? Because after seeing this movie, I rewound to that scene and wrote down the speech. That piece of paper is taped to my refrigerator. It's a simple story, made the year after It's a Wonderful Life, and the same year as The Bishop's Wife, that has been forgotten over the years. But it's inspiring and heartwarming all the same.
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Hybrid Fantasy/Western
richardchatten27 June 2018
Yet another film refuting Billy Graham's claim four years later that his production 'Mr. Texas' (1951) was the first Christian western. The title had led me to expect more heavenly whimsy like 'Here Comes Mr Jordan' and 'It's a Wonderful Life'; but there's far more God talk than usual, and the fact that it turned out to be a Western set in Montana in 1887 proved just the first of many ways it confounds expectations (SPOILER COMING: such as the fact that it appears to be building up to a climax but then continues for another 25 minutes, with God's moves getting ever more and more Mysterious with every additional minute).

The once-in-a-lifetime supporting cast ranges from Edgar Kennedy to Gerald Mohr at his most saturnine. Brian Donlevy almost makes you believe in the transformation the script requires of him; while Stuart Erwin's Destry-like sheriff merits a movie of his own.
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It's been more than 60 years
roger-39512 August 2020
I saw this picture as a boy of 9 or 10. I couldn't recall the film's name only that it starred Bob Cummings as an angel in the old west. Mostly I recall the ending. It was sad but not sad, at least if you believe in heaven. I wat hed the film several times in an Emerson 12-inch black and white TV. I didn't understand it until the ending when the stagecoach leaves town and heads into the sky. I watched it whenever it was in TV, typically Subday afternoon on NYC TV 5 or 9. It's a lovely memory from a time when society was still rather naive and pretty easy to please.
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A Great Film..Want to Purchase VHS or DVD
natapa59 January 2006
Robert Cummings was a good actor and I really enjoyed all his works. Kings Row, Sabateor, Dial M for Murder, and many others were all great to watch. Heaven Only Knows (Montana Mike as I remember),is a favorite of mine, and as a young girl it was shown on TV (The Million Dollar Movie) for a solid week. I watched it each and every day. I love how he comes into town and things just seem to change, no one suspecting he's an angel. What I remember too is the sign on the saloon, "Pair O Dice". (Not sure if I'm spelling it correctly). I remember too that he cares too much for the leading lady, but brings himself back to reality. Mostly though, I remember crying at the end when he takes the little boy with him to heaven. It would be very nice to see it run again on some of the movie channels so that our young children can see a movie where fantasy and sentiment play on your heartstrings. Wouldn't it be nice to re-introduce these films again! As of today, I watch the movie channels that show the old classics. Movies from the 1930's, 40's, 50's really tend to be my favorites. I thought what a great idea for our schools to run a program where old movies with good story lines could be shown. I personally have been searching for this movie for a long time, so glad to have found your website. Please let me know how I can purchase this film whether it be on VHS or DVD.

Thank you, Patricia Nelson
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God Helps Those Who Help Themselves...
utgard1419 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
...murder, that is! An average feel-good western with a surprising dark twist toward the end. I was rather shocked when I came on IMDb to comment to find that no one else has commented on this dark twist. That twist being that God helps a man commit murder. In most of these movies where an angel comes down to help a man yadda yadda, they usually help him find love or be a better person or something. This is the first time I know of where God helps a man gun down another man. Donlevy's 'Duke' is the murderer. He's not a good guy. Through the course of the film he lusts after/falls in love with a chick and has an affinity for a little boy, and yes he does save the boy's life at one point. However he's still a scumbag who we're led to believe is a cold-blooded murderer and crook from the beginning of the film to the point where God helps him gun down another gunfighter. Said gunfighter (whose name I forget and don't care enough to look up) is about to kill Duke after giving Duke 5 shots to kill him first! The gunfighter was more than fair! Both men are killers but at least this guy is a good sport! So, right when the guy is about to deliver the coup de grace to good ol' Duke, God shines sun in his eyes and distracts him, allowing Duke to kill him in cold blood. Just wrap your head around this. God helps a bad guy kill another bad guy while goofy and ineffectual angel Robert Cummings looks on smiling. Not to mention that one of the film's most likable characters is killed in the same gunfight as an innocent bystander. Guess God didn't want to help some feeble-minded old man! He's too busy helping a POS like Duke kill a guy. What a movie. At the end of the movie, Duke is completely unrepentant. That's right! Despite the warped idea of God helping him murder and goofy Cummings aiding, Duke is STILL a b*st*rd! In the end, Duke helps save Cummings' life from a lynch mob. Some salvation. He saved his 'accomplice.' Oh and when Cummings goes back to Heaven at the end, he takes the little boy with him! Outrageous. Other than the last twenty minutes or so when things start getting weird this is a pretty forgettable movie. Cummings is especially bad. But give props to Donlevy. He's a protagonist who learns no lesson, doesn't redeem himself, and is still the same jerk at the end of the movie as he was at the beginning. But hey, he has God on his side!
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Montana Mike / Heaven Only Knows
jb-30730 January 2006
As all of the other commentators say, this is a really great one. It is Really sad that it isn't available on DVD or even VHS. Suffice it to say I too still remember it fondly more than 50 years later, and pine for it still. Why oh why cannot we find out who owns it, and is keeping it off the market. We fans need to blanket that firm (person) until they do release it. It is at least unfair, if not immoral, to keep it from us adoring public. We need to once again visit Pair-O-Dice before we go to our eternal reward.

Robert Cummings does an admirable job of entertaining us and at the same time making us believe that he really is an angel from heaven sent to get back into balance the Book of Life and the Book of Destiny which got "out of balance" when the saloon keeper Brian Donlevy was left out of the Book of Life ( a clerical error). Bet you didn't realize that, before computers, the angels up in heaven had to do their bookkeeping by hand, and keep their books, accounting-wise, in balance. Well, Robert Cummings comes to earth to correct the mistake, and thus in the end he saves not only Donlevy but the poor souls of this old western town. But us viewers forget all about the premise of the Book of Life and just sit back and enjoy the movie. You will too, once we get it released to the public where it belongs.
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" I'm here to let you know, you were meant for something much greater "
thinker169116 April 2010
During the early years of Hollywood, movie studios were extremely fearful of the Hays Code, civic leaders, church groups and religious society in general. Fearing their wrath and what it meant for their pocketbooks, studio heads tried to insure continuing revenue by producing religious movies with morals or spiritual messages. Here is one example called " Heaven Only Knows. " Handsome, youthful and extremely popular comedic/dramatic actor Robert Cummings plays Mike an angel who journeys to earth to help recover a man who's apparently lost his soul. Brian Donlevy, his charge, is Adam 'Duke' Byron one of two powerful men determined to run an emerging western town during the early years of America. It is Mike's task to somehow cause Drusilla Wainwright, (Jorja Curtright) to fall in love with him. The story is a camp, lighthearted attempt, though often transparent spiritual propaganda designed as a 'feel good' film for 1947. As a result, it rests on it characters and the obvious message it conveys. **
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Wish I could obtain a copy of this movie. Does anyone know how to get one?
thedoodles62 October 2004
Heaven Only Knows from 1947 was a great movie with a beautiful message. It left a wonderful impression on me as a child. The story itself gave forth the importance of good over evil. Robert Cummings along with Brian Donlevy put forth great acting in this film. The actor who portrayed the Devil also left an impression on me. The idea of putting this rather religious message in the area of a western town, is unique. I keep looking to see if it is listed in the TV movie guides but never see it. I often wonder why some of those older, great, movies are never shown on TV considering the TV networks keep playing other older movies over and over again. Does anyone know how I can obtain a copy of this film? I have tried everywhere.
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I too loved this movie as a kid...
negevoli-4430 June 2000
Like Allanph I saw this on TV when I was very small and I remember it as "Moantana Mike." It used to be on pretty frequently in the early days of television, as I remember, and my brother and I both loved it. I have been trying to tape it or buy it since videos became available, with no luck. I wish the powers that be would re-release it on video. It is a fond memory from a more innocent time. And it must be a great film because my brother and I both have the same strong desire to see it again. I am sure it is a classic, so why not treat it as such?
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Terribly disappointing
vincentlynch-moonoi17 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Bob Cummings appeared in a handful of films where his performances were top rate. Number one on my list was the Alfred Hitchcock film "Sabateur", followed by "The Devil And Miss Jones", "King's Row", and "Dial M For Murder". Based on those films I felt he was a very underrated actor. So I was looking forward to seeing this film. But, alas...pee yew!

First of all, this is a very corny religious film. If that kind of film is not typically your taste in movies, then pass this film by. Second, I was often disappointed and distracted by the look on Bob Cummings' face in the film; it made it seem as if he didn't know how to handle being an "angel"...or something of the sort. Third, the leading actress in the film -- Jorja Curtright -- was just horrible. HORRIBLE. Fourth, Stu Erwin, as the sheriff, seemed to be trying to copy the mannerisms of Will Rogers...it didn't work. And fifth...the way the boy dies. Of what?

But let's see...there must be something good about this film. Well, it does give Brian Donlevy, who usually played the heavy, a chance to play the good guy...at least toward the end of the film. And, it's a bit interesting to see Marjorie Reynolds -- who later played Bill Bendix's wife in "The Life Of Riley" -- as the second female lead, but it's too bad she never fulfilled her early promise as seen in "Holiday Inn".

Sometimes I'm glad to see a film once, even when it's not a good film. I can't say that in this case.
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fabulous fantasy, takes place in the old west
jpluss328 May 2005
For years, I searched the TV guide to see this movie too. I have been trying to find this movie available on video or DVD. , i am happy that others enjoyed it too. I wish AMC or Turner Classic Movies would run it. there are magical moments in this film, i really want to see it again. this a movie with an angel in the old west, a movie with a great message. It left a wonderful impression on me. The story of good over evil. Robert Cummings and Brian Donlevy. I have been trying to find it in VHS, with no luck. I wish the powers that be would re-release it.i just hope it is not one of the many films we have lost. it would be fabulous to see this again. much better than some of the other films they play over and over.
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Heaven Only Knows- This is Beyond Eternity **1/2
edwagreen25 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Heavenly book-keeper Bob Cummings made a mistake and is sent down to earth to correct it.

He comes right into a conflict with Bill Goodwin and Brian D. The casting of Goodwin as a heavy is totally wrong here.

Sometimes you don't know whether to laugh or cry at this film.

It seems that the Brian part was destined to marry the parson's daughter. Instead, she is leading an effort to drive him out of town. The movie should have explained why he went off the track!

The ending is a real downer when Cummings goes off with the sickly lad to that kingdom in the sky. No mother can be made to understand that her child is being taken from him. This was absolutely poignantly ridiculous at best.
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Fond memories
hdfrompbfl8 June 2007
It's funny to read these notes on this movie. A definite play on Good and Evil and One of the things I remember from the film is Treason (Gerald Mohr) as either the devil or one of his evil ones, lighting a match and Mike (Bob Cummings) causing the flame to go out by looking at it! It was a running joke thru the whole film. I haven't seen this movie in over 40 years. I remember the ending as a tear jerker. I would love to get a copy of this film. It probably is one of many lost treasures like the old Lash Larue movies. Many of the older westerns have disappeared from TV . They don't even show up on the "classics" channels. Where have they gone to???
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A movie worth remembering
robertc3925 April 2004
I rated this move as a 10 because I recall seeing it over 50 years ago as a young boy and at that time it gave me great joy as it would if I saw it again today. True, it is a fantasy but isn't that what dreams are made of? I was fortunate enough to see this in a movie theater rather than television. Somehow when you see the old movies on TV they lose their magic.

I believe that this was the first picture that I can recall seeing Bob Cummings in.

I rated this move as a 10 because I recall seeing it over 50 years ago as a young boy and at that time it gave me great joy as it would if I saw it again today. True, it is a fantasy but isn't that what dreams are made of? I was fortunate enough to see this in a movie theater rather than television. Somehow when you see the old movies on TV they lose their magic.
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planktonrules14 November 2009
This is a god-awful film and I was shocked to see that the featured review gave it a score of 10. This is like giving a pig the crown for Miss America! Instead of a 10, I am actually feeling a bit charitable in giving it a 3, as it was a groan-inducing movie from start to finish.

The film starts in Heaven. It seems that somehow Heaven has screwed up some paperwork and this necessitates the angel Michael (Bob Cummings) taking a trip to Earth to convert a soul! It seems that the evil Brian Donlevy is soul-less and Michael needs to point him towards God.

There are so many problems with this sappy picture, I don't even know where to start. The script is full of religious clichés and never once seems genuine in any fashion. It will most likely irritate or offend many religious folks who watch it was well as atheists--one of the two times these groups will agree! And, to top it off, on top of all the hooey, the film is so deadly serious and earnest that it was just very, very hard to take. It makes GOING MY WAY seem very gritty by comparison! Preachy old nonsense is the best way to summarize the film. Just plain dumb might be another.

By the way, though it was probably NOT intended, in the scene towards the very end of the film my family and I laughed because by the way the dialog was written there sure seemed to be a gay subtext. Think about this as you hear Donlevy and Cummings give their lines--they sound more like lovers than friends.
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A Cowboy Angel
ghtch3 June 2005
I also have fond memories of "Montana Mike." I saw it on an old RCA TV with a round 12-inch screen. I had scarlet fever at the time, and the the TV was only 10 feet away, but sometimes the picture looked 10 yards or 10 miles away.

I, too, watched it every night on Million Dollar Movie. I thought I was going to die; and, if so, I wanted a cowboy angel like Robert Cummings to take me to heaven.

It's a beautiful and sensitive film and I'm surprised that the cheapo DVD distributors, like Alpha, Front Row, etc., haven't picked this one up. Lousy transfer and all, I'd love to see this film again
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Heaven only knows
bobo9723 January 2005
When I was a young boy I watched this movie many many times. I remember seeing it on the Million Dollar Movie back in New York, they showed for a week every day and I watched it every day.....I want to see it again so very badly, but I've had no luck in trying to locate a copy....It really had an effect on me and I wish I could see it again.. I remember being glued to the TV set and knowing what would happen next but waiting for it to happen anyhow....Robert Cummings and Brian Donlevy were in the movie. I can still remember the stagecoach flying up to heaven with Michael (Robert Cummings) the angel saying goodbye to everyone and leaving to return to heaven at the end. They just don't make pictures like that anymore...What a shame it's not on video...
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Heart warming
softheart_100614 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What a wonderful movie this was! I saw it as a child and have never forgotten it. It was with the help of a friend that I was able to learn the title. I have, however, never forgotten the name of Robert Cummings' character in this movie as he was thought to be a gunslinger and was called "Montana Mike". There are two scenes that I recall, one was of Robert Cummings talking to God while looking at a pistol in his hands. The camera panned up to his face and you could see the ceiling of what must of been a church, and the other was of a stagecoach ride but the coach was on it's way to heaven. The storyline is a fanciful one, yet very heartwarming and extremely unforgettable. From the moment I saw this movie, I have always loved the acting abilities of both Robert Cummings and Brian Donlevy! What great actors they were! I would love to be able to find a copy of this movie as it's been a lifelong dream to own one. NOTE: It is 6/2009 and I continue to search for any information about this movie! I may leave this world without seeing it one more time and that is true sadness.... UPDATE: 2/9/2010 It has taken YEARS but through another post at this site, I have just purchased/ordered this movie in DVD! It will take 2-3 weeks to get it but I am so thrilled, I can hardly wait!!!
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loved it
allanph12 November 1998
If anyone knows if and when it will be on TV please email me and let me know. I have wonderful memories of this movie when I was a boy.

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Heaven Only Knows 1947 Western/Fantasy
pm6904 January 2008
This is a must see movie if you can find it. Robert Cummings is an angel sent down to earth because a cowboy (Played by Brian Donlevy) destined for good is turning bad with influence of the devil (Played by Gearld Mohr) I had never seen Robert Cummings in a role so perfect for him until I saw this movie on television in the 1950.s He was portrayed on television at that time in his own weekly show titled: Love that Bob, AKA: The Bob Cummings show. It was funny I guess but the role he plays in this movie is simply outstanding. Many events during film occur which causes Bob Cummings to perform a few miracles and the end of the film is very memorable as the stagecoach gradually starts to fly toward heaven. This film was also known as "Montana Mike" and I believe many film goers avoided the film because of it's false Western theme. In Fact, I am not a real fan of Western movies and the night it appeared on television as "Montana Mike" happened to be an evening when nothing else worth watching was on the tube. Much to my surprise, this was more a fantasy film then a western. This film was released thru United Artist and is very hard to find. If anyone knows where a decent DVD copy is available Please inform everyone on this web page. Thank You.
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