Forever Evil (1987) Poster


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Somewhere, a movie lover is screaming.
Hey_Sweden23 June 2015
An evil entity wreaks merciless havoc on a group of young people partying in an isolated house. The one survivor is Marc (Red Mitchell), who soon hooks up with Reggie (Tracey Huffman), who similarly survived a massacre. They also partner with a weary old police detective named Leo (Charles L. Trotter), and work the clues behind this mysterious antagonist and its ties to a real estate agent named Nash (Howard Jacobsen).

This viewer wanted to seek this one out after seeing some clips that looked entertaining. Alas, the clips are the all too brief highlights in a protracted experience that goes on much longer than any cheese-horror movie should. It runs an hour and 50 minutes, and the director's cut actually runs even longer than that at approximately two hours! It would seem that the filmmakers, including screenwriter Freeman Williams and director Roger Evans, were somewhat ambitious and wanted to make this a little bit more than the average regional B horror movie. But it's just too long and boring.

It's not without its charms. It's got a very loopy plot involving a god character named Yog Kathog and pulsing quasars. (Then again, the movie does tend to get bogged down in plot.) The effects are quite delicious, with some priceless visuals and some nice bargain basement gore. The acting may not be slick or terribly competent, but it IS entertaining. Jacobsen is a particular hoot as the bad guy. His final confrontation with Huffman is fun. But the balance of the movie never measures up to its opening.

It does have a sad postscript: star Mitchell seemed to be on the cusp of stardom, having gone on to act with Luke Perry in the rodeo drama "Eight Seconds", when he died in a car / train accident at the age of 33.

Four out of 10.
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Good of a kind.
actor-1925 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie, meaning the "Restored Director's Cut" that is available on DVD. The home video version that was released on VHS (and is also on the DVD) begins with a scene involving a fortune teller, an encounter with a supernatural being, and a murder. In the director's cut this scene is 38 minutes into the movie. I suppose the distributors thought the movie needed a "hook" and moved this scene to the beginning for that reason. Unfortunately the result is 45 minutes of film where nothing really exciting happens, ruining the pacing and giving the film something of a bad rap. The Director's Cut is definitely the version to watch. The home video version also completely deletes some other scenes for no apparent reason.

Admittedly there are better movies out there, but there are also worse ones. The script definitely needed one more re-write. But if you can get past the fact that there are no big names attached to this film and none of the cast or crew are ever going to be Oscar contenders, it's entertaining.

By the way, in my humble opinion, the demon birth scene alone makes this film worthy of some kind of cult following.
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Cheese in a spray can
ctomvelu16 October 2012
Grand cheese fest from the late 1980s, FOREVER EVIL draws on Lovecraft and EVIL DEAD to tell the story of two survivors of separate mass killings who go on a hunt for the demonic killer. Shot in Texas with a community theater-type cast, it is perfect for late night TV viewing. The special effects are sparse, and the villain (although ultimately just a henchman and not the master killer) is a rotting zombie right out of Return of the Living Dead. Clumsily executed, badly written and atrociously acted, it may not be up there with such grand 80s fare as Night of the Demons, but it should appeal to cheese lovers and insomniacs everywhere. A huge stretch of the film goes by with little or nothing happening, so beware. And where there might have been a decent bedroom scene near the finish is sadly cut short.
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Not a word...not one single word...
EyeAskance16 October 2008
My dear Aunt Lucille, may she rest in peace, always told me that if I don't have something nice to say, then I'd best say nothing at all. With those wise words in mind, I will retain a humble silence while you enter your neighborhood movie rental store and approach the counter with this pissant excuse for a supernatural horror film.

That's right. I'm not going to say a single word while you shake your head in disbelief as a girl gets dragged into the night by A SINGLE FLIMSY STICK. Nope. I'll hold my tongue throughout the scenes of a rubber-mask-zombie wreaking very minor havoc upon characters you wish would die in pain and fear.

I'll politely refrain from commenting on how the folks who made this seem to have read someplace that THE EVIL DEAD was a virtual no-budget project, and, being aware of the considerable buzz which that film generated, decided to utilize a 3-day weekend to concoct this pallid "homage". And when the "surprise ending" comes around, don't expect my opinion to be forthcoming...I'll just sit quietly and listen as you hurl expletives at the video box.

2.5/10. But I'm not saying a damn thing.
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Unspeakably horrible...
abattoir7 October 1999
This is one of the lamest, tackiest, ugliest horror movies it has ever been my misfortune to see. Populated by some of cinema's most unattractive nobodies dressed in K-mart fashions, this movie plods on and on with some nonsense about some Lovecraftian menace name Yog-Kothag.

Avoid at all costs. It's not even amusing in that so-bad-it's-good way Ed Wood movies are. It's just painful and depressing to sit through this shot-on-video mess.
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What a cheesy garbage!
HumanoidOfFlesh29 January 2002
The box of this film proudly claims "WARNING:Not for the squeamish!Explicit violence and gore.Don't see it alone!".I think that it should be "Don't see it alone,because it is so incredibly awful!".Everything here:the acting,direction,and production design look straight out of a gradeschool play.There's bad music,bad effects and some of the most moronic dialogue I have ever heard.Lots of cheesy gore(especially the birth scene-I'm sure that this is a doll!)to satisfy the most undemanding gore-freaks.The first thirty minutes is a total rip-off of "The Evil Dead"(1982).Avoid this one like the plague-it's really an utter trash!
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Bad, Bad, and More Bad
leilanisan25 August 2006
I once though that there was nothing worse in a film than bad acting. This film convinces me that bad special effects are worse than bad acting any day. I recently had the pleasure of working with Jim Eikner, the guy who did the SFX in this movie. He was to be the SFX artist, and I was to be the "straight" makeup artist. Basically, he was 2 or more hours late to set every day, and he never had any of the guts or head wounds prepared ahead of time. Everything in his "kit" could have been bought at any cheesy Halloween shop and most of his supplies were from 1989. Long story short: he did a crap job and held up the whole production b/c it took him ages to produce sub-standard stuff then halfway through the filming, once the production company cut him his check, he never showed up for work again. I ended up getting paid 1/3 of what Eikner got paid for me to do his job. If the director would have watched this film and saw the worst in bad special effects, he would never have hired that no-talent, scam-artist hack.
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Amateur rubbish, seemingly lasting FOREVER!
Coventry6 June 2017
I said it before and I'll repeat it until my dying day… No horror movie should last longer than an hour and a half! I worship the genre and have been a fan since childhood, but overlong horror movies are a complete turn-off and I always postpone watching them for this sole and superficial reason. Like with every "rule", there naturally are exceptions, but there most certainly don't exist any exceptions within the group of low-budgeted and amateurish 80s horror! "Forever Evil" lasts no less than one hour and fifty minutes! In other words, that's like 110 minutes and thus at least 30 minutes too long for trashy smut of its kind! Straight from the irritating, video-game style opening sequences, you notice that this is an independently produced amateur flick made by - and starring - inexperienced and incompetent fan- boys. The logical and inevitable consequence hereof is that more than half of the movie is pointless filler that should have been cut, the dialogues and performances are abysmal and that the gore and make-up effects, although plentiful, are lousy and pathetic. My attention span struggled to survive for about half an hour, but not that many significant things happened by then. Three couples spend the weekend in a holiday house and even the decision of who receives the last remaining slice of pizza gets turned into an overlong and boring five-minute sequence! Suddenly they all get butchered one by one by a mysterious and (initially) invisible force of evil. The culprit then turns out to be a demon with the face of a grandfather who has been dead for 30 years. Just when you're starting to hope that the running time indicated on the tape is erroneous and the film actually only lasts 50 minutes, there is one idiot who survives the ordeal and ends up in the hospital. Enter a nagging old police detective, who really ought to be retired already, and a photographer. Together they investigate the case and team with the supposedly embittered survivor who seeks revenge. I must admit that by now the movie was only playing in the background and I only occasionally looked at the screen whilst doing other stuff. The first half hour was nearly unendurable already, so I can only pay my respect to anyone staying focused throughout the whole running time! Oh, and please don't tell me that you have to watch this film from start to finish for giving a valid and trustworthy judgment.
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NeverEnding Story 2
saint_brett19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I just remembered when I used to do my YouTube intros on my original channel, I'd open up the monolog with, "Welcome to Toilet House Productions; you're watching the underside of horror." And it was crap like this 'Forever Evil' I'd talk about.

VCI Entertainment is another horrible brand of DVD to steer clear of.

What's the monster supposed to be in this, the Crypt Keeper from 'Tales of the Crypt?'

You see, a B&S Productions. Self explanatory.

What looks like Elaine Benes pays for a tarot card reading with Brother Magnus, and who is he supposed to be - Doctor Strange's father?

A representative from the close encounters of the third kind arrives in the form of a grim reaper, and his only attack is hurling around early 80s MTV laser beam graphics. After only 8 minutes, you have a lot of ground to make up for, movie.

An MTV title and credits that resemble an Atari 2600 game only waste more time. Yes, I know it's called 'Forever Evil,' as the DVD cover told me already.

What looks like Snake from 'Karate Kid 3' is vacating his swampside abode in a few days but throwing a party beforehand. No sooner do a bunch of college students arrive to make up the numbers to be slaughtered, but why are they all in their 40s?

Snake's brother looks like Michael Anthony from Van Halen. They're down by the swamp having a deep-seated discussion, and any moment now I got a quarter says that Kool & the Gang break out that "Cheerish" song.

Instead, Sears change room music plays while a fake thunderstorm sound wav roars in the background.

I'm normally for orienting the audience with our players and getting to know them as individuals and their backgrounds a bit, but in this case they're all unlikeable, so can we hurry it along, please?

The old Lutheran in the glasses could be added as another potential Zodiac suspect. He looks like that minister in the white suit holding the baby goat from Soundgarden's "Black Hole Sun" music video.

The first victim commits suicide, and not one of these highly educated seniors calls the authorities.

The Zodiac suspect, unmasked, takes charge as he has seniority, but it turns into a tug of war over Michael Anthony's body.

It has to be asked if they assembled this cast from The Body Farm down in Tennessee.

With some Evil Dead Tree interaction, you can tell the director was heavily influenced by all the classics that came before this. It's evident at the end with the Texas Chainsaw daytime road scene.

Strangely, 90% of the victims are killed by the 30-minute mark, leaving only Snake alive, who's now being tortured in the hospital with every prong known to man.

I've elected not to mention the living-dead main killer, as it's nothing remarkable and a blatant rip-off of the Crypt Keeper.

Where are they going to take this movie for the next hour? (Or 2. It's an endurance test.)

I'm not good with cars, but whatever that Jetson's blue whiz banger was back there, I'm guessing it's an accessory part to the space needle from Seattle?

The movie completely 180s and turns into an investigative journalist and keystone cop story.

What looks like Mr. Collins from 'The Wonder Years' heads up the mystery? Yes, the math teacher.

What avenue this movie seeks now for its duration is intriguing.

Snake hooks up with a survivor of Jones Town, and she has all the answers to counter the Crypt Keeper.

The three of them team up and go house hunting, and can we get to the meat of this lunchtime special, please? I've got a feeling the Langoliers are getting closer.

Come on, movie, hustle; you're boring. Where's any horror in this? What evil?

Snake and the Jones Town survivor just sit around, hitting on each other over a nightcap in a noncommittal relationship, while elsewhere not a damn thing occurs. The middle part of the movie completely eliminates the Crypt Keeper from the screen and just focuses on the three investigators and their intrepid pursuit of finding the movie's missing script.

References to 'Evil Dead' are made here and there, but this movie's hauling 100 elderly corpses and one dead elephant in a 1,000-zone area on flat tires. Destination: Body Farm.

Is the highlight of the movie Mr. Collins posting a letter in the mail at nighttime?

At first, I hated the three math episodes of 'The Wonder Years', but with age and maturity, they nearly became my favorites. So much emotion and heart, and when he passes with that "Goodbye, My Friend" song by Linda Ronstadt, Jesus, I've actually got tears in my eyes at the library right now just thinking about it. That's how powerful that show was. I'd say that most episodes of 'The Wonder Years' made me cry. But not that Electric Shoes episode!

Hey, where'd the Zodiac suspect go in the movie? I don't recall his death scene.

After posting his letter in the mail, Mr. Collins is attacked by the cameraman and then escorted off the movie set on a stretcher and pronounced dead due to a lack of direction in this movie. That's how dead the action is.

Snake opens a scrapbook and claims Clam Yogurt is the real identity of the Crypt Keeper. The answer was there all along on a cereal box dot-to-dot puzzle.

But I'm more interested in the end credits rolling as this toilet plunger of a movie has unclogged Satan's personal commode and released Castlevania's stopwatch as it's just dragging out.

One hour and 35 minutes later, 'Forever Evil' is still towing the dead weight and elephant and refuses to roll the credits. I thought the Castlevania stopwatch only ran for five seconds.

Snake stabs the Crypt Keeper at the end with an Evil Dead dagger, then Peter Gabriel's MTV Sledgehammer effects are employed to kill the British guy from Texas Chainsaw: Next Generation, or something.

One hour and some 48 painful minutes later, this economy-budget entertainment finally throws in the towel, but I'm guessing if the director had it his way, he'd go for another 2 more hours.

It's like watching a horrible game of football with the two worst teams playing and three hours of commercials on free-to-air coverage.

Your time is better spent watching "Creepshow 2" or 'The Wonder Years.

"Thanks for the ride, lady."
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Enjoyable low budget 80s horror/weirdness
udar5521 October 2009
Three couples head to a cabin for the weekend to bid the place farewell before Marc (Red Mitchell) sells it. What they don't know is that a pulsing stellar Quasar is happening when they get there and it unleashes some monsters that kill everyone except Marc. Still with me? Marc then teams up with Reggie (Tracey Huffman), a female survivor of a similar incident, and Leo (Charles Trotter), a cop who has seen this before, to figure out what is going on. Together, the trio finds out that an immortal being on Earth has been planning these attacks for over a century in an effort to bring back evil god Yog Kothag (someone has been reading Lovecraft) to end humanity as we know it. This Texas-produced flick falls into the same category for me as late 80s flicks like THE VIDEO DEAD, DEMON WIND, THE DEAD PIT and DEMONWARP. It might be a bit budget starved, but you can appreciate the amount of effort and imagination that went into making it. The first time I saw this back in 1990 or so, I was surprised how they pulled a PSYCHO on me and offed everyone about 20 minutes in and took it from there. Mitchell, looking like a cross between Jack Black and Jason Alexander, is an interesting choice for a lead and he is alright I guess. If you are looking for a few laughs, see the scene where Reggie declares her love to him. While the flick is overlong at 107 minutes, it has enough weirdness (demon babies, random zombies, a cute looking demon dog) for me to recommend seeing it at least once.
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OK... I admit it... I know these people
lark196430 April 2009
Freeman Williams and cast were all part of the Texas Renaissance Festival many years ago (I was a wench), and Freeman told me late one night after too much mead about his desire to film this movie - a remake, no less, of another really cheesy horror film - and... oh, boy!

I loved it! But then... I know the inside jokes... and I just about wet my pants laughing each time another schlock death occurred...

This is a popcorn film, folks, don't take it seriously, take it for what it was written for - Freeman wanted it to appear on USA latenight with - gad, what was her name, the vampy looking woman with the wild black wig? Elvira? And that's really where it belonged! This was great!
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Cheesy as Hell!
hucklecat0318 November 2008
LOL! Man, I recently bought this movie, because I saw some old promos for USA's Saturday Nightmares, and this movie was in one of the intros. I vaguely remembered it, and after viewing it again I can see why.

While the movie itself, is forgettable, the effects and acting are hilarious. It's one of those, great, cheesy ass horror films from the middle, to late 1980's that is, unintenionally funny. Forever Evil, is like a cheap, rip off of "The Evil Dead", with horrible effects.

I'd only suggest this film to those who, truly enjoy a cheesy horror films from the 1980's. Younger viewers and people looking for a good horror film, don't waste your time, but if you love awesomely bad 'B' horror films from the 1980's this is right up your alley
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Why did I like this movie?
mdb45128 January 1999
This movie has bad everything. Bad acting(by actors I have never seen before),laughable special effects,awful writing.The only thing good I can say is that it was consistent.Bad! So why did I get into the story so much? Why do I keep renting it? Go figure...
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oh boy...this is horror beyond terrible..
jediexile198617 November 2005
This movie is a work of genius. The effects were amazingly real while the storyline was utterly riveting. The collective acting of the ensemble cast is mind-blowing. Especially the guy in the "College" T-shirt. He could've easily taken the Oscar for best supporting actor for the role. The sets are simple picturesque while the locations are simply the best. I loved the part where the dead baby crawled, so full of spunk and vigor, from his dead mother's womb. This was heart wrenching and breath-taking at the same time. I mean who would've thought such evil existed in wild, small-town USA. It's an amazing picture which had tremendous potential and the only real reason, in my humble opinion resulted from poor distribution and atrocious advertising. Like so many other films, it's inevitable flub at the box office was a direct consequence of the producers misappropriation of selected funds along with terrible promotional tactics. All in all, a great film that is sure to delight again, and again, and again.
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This movie is one of the funnest movies I have watched!
brothertrav27 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has horrible acting, but is so much fun to watch. The monster scenes where it is watching the characters from a spot where it should obviously be seen, the devil dog that serves absolutely no purpose to plot development, and the abandoned highway where the guy gets hit by a truck that he obviously should have heard coming are just a few of the fun and inane things to watch for. I would highly suggest this movie to anyone who wants a good movie to laugh and drink to.
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Forever Evil Dead.
BA_Harrison22 November 2019
After his friends are massacred by an evil being that is attempting to bring about the return of 'Old God' Yog-Kothag, Marc (Red Mitchell) joins forces with fellow survivor Reggie (Tracey Huffman) to try and prevent the end of the world as we know it.

The Evil Dead gets mentioned a lot in the same breath as Forever Evil and it's easy to see why: not only do both films have the word 'Evil' in their titles, but both feature a group of friends gathering at a remote cabin for the weekend where they are killed by an ancient demonic force. One of the girls even gets attacked by a tree! Other similarities include ancient Sumerians, a sacrificial dagger and the Necronomicon, while the hero keeps a sentimental reminder of his dead girlfriend that comes in handy when faced with dark powers (Ash uses Linda's necklace and Mark keeps a Zippo lighter, a gift from girlfriend Holly).

Sam Raimi's '82 cult classic succeeded by keeping the plot simple, the gore excessive and the action pacy; Forever Evil's director, Roger Evans, also gives splatter fans some enjoyable gore but tries to make his story more expansive; in doing so his film becomes far too bloated, suffering from irrelevant subplots and a little too much exposition (Mark's in-depth demonstration of his emergency grappling hook and all that stuff about pulsating quasars). The final film clocks in at a whopping 107 minutes, which is at least thirty minutes past acceptable for this kind of thing.

Still, fans of H.P.Lovecraft should enjoy all of the stuff about the Old Ones and Yog-Kothag, while fans of low-budget '80s horror will get a kick out of the practical effects: the discovery of a mutilated woman in the shower (the earlier shower scene providing viewers with some T&A), a dream sequence that sees the ghost of the shower victim ripping a demonic baby from her womb, and a manky zombie that just won't die, even after being doused in gasoline and set on fire.

5.5/10, generously rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
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Average Drinking Movie
drhackenstine8 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A group of yuppies head out to a summer house. An evil presence attacks and kills them all, minus one guy who wakes up later in a hospital. He teams up with a detective and a female survivor of another similar massacre to stop the evil menace. Ambitious, but horribly acted time-waster (especially at nearly 2 hours long) thats loaded with really cheesy special effects and Hallowen masks that are sometimes funny. The story itself tries to be somewhat original and does move at a tight pace so not all is lost. Good movie to view with beer. B movie horror fans shouldn't mind this. Features a fetus torn out of a belly, plenty of POV shots, and a "let's just end this thing now" ending. Two And A Half Stars.
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Lovecraft-inspired video
lor_23 March 2023
My review was written in December 1987 after watching the show on United video cassette.

Originally titled "Nemesis", "Forever Evil" holds the dubious distinction of being perhaps the longest made-for-video horror effort to date. Bloated running time features a few good ideas and acceptable gore effects, but definitely would have been cut if theatrical release were envisioned.

Story is derived from the popular mythos of H. P. Lovecraft (not credited, with no screenplay credit displayed), as various survivors of encounters with a Grim Reaper-styled caped monster team up to find and fight some supernatural entity. Referring to mythical books such as Lovecraft's invention, "The Necronomicon", they deduce that the ancient god Yog Kothag, exiled to a distant star system, is being brought back by cultists to take over the Earth.

Pattern of murders on the map (pic was shot in Houston and Cold Springs, Texas) forms a pentagram, leading our heroes to descend upon Nash Realty for a bloody climax. It turns out evil realtor Nash (Howard Jacobsen) is over 100 years old, using as his zombie assistant a guy he killed over 60 years ago. Hero Marc (Red Mitchell) is turned into a zombie at film's end but stabs Nash to put a halt to Yog's Earth takeover bid.

Best thing here is an intriguing puppet designed by Luis Ibarra representing a monster baby, which recalls the fine Rick Baker creations for "It's Alive".
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An Independent Fraud for Evil Dead.
eddy-2815 October 2000
Rating 2** out of five

A Bad movie can be really bad with not so great actors and actresses and it's director. Well Forever Evil is very bad. It rip-off's the plot and location shooting for Evil Dead and has actors I have never seen before. Except for Red Mitchell who was later in a few other films before he was killed in a Train Crash. The director sinks into carnage to even bring up any scares and the photography is also bad. The only thing I enjoyed about Forever Evil was it's 'Scary' effects which are interesting but other than that that a hike and find another monster movie.
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