Black Demons (1991) Poster


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Not to be compared with Lamberto Bava's 'Demoni 1 & 2'
rundbauchdodo13 January 2001
This extremely cheap "sequel" to Lamberto Bava's two well crafted 'Demoni' movies (even though only the first one really rocked) has absolutely nothing to do with them. Umberto Lenzi tries to do the best out of a rather old fashioned story about voodoo rituals that - yes - wake the dead. So the demons are rather zombies, but they don't eat their victims - they just split their skulls with axes and/or gouge out their eyes with hooks (ah yeah, and once they also use a pitchfork).

Very similar (concerning production values and gore scenes; and in a way also concerning the story) to Lenzi's made for cable cheapo 'Le Porte dell'Inferno' two years earlier. Horror fans might like this one, but everybody else won't have a good time with this, I suppose.
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Not great, but OK
Vastarien20212 September 2009
I'm pleased to add this little Cubic Zirconia to my collection of gems. The plot is almost non-existent, the characters incredibly one-dimensional, but despite that, it was a good effort. It was obvious that at least some research on Candomble was done, and the ritual scene was amazingly well-crafted. The "Black Demons" themselves had great make-up, and the few gory scenes there were left little to be desired. Now, we come to the meat of it all: the acting. In a word, terrible. This isn't a film to be taken seriously anyway, but the unintentional comedy is everywhere. From accents that randomly disappear, accents too thick to understand, and the eye-bulging freak-outs of the maid, this is one film that's worth seeing in spite of itself. Get some friends together,pop this in, and have some laughs.
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nogodnomasters14 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is a great concept, but had poor execution. Three tourists are vacationing in Brazil, one of which is interested in its voodoo practices. He records a ceremony and later plays it at a cemetery at a plantation where they are subsequently stranded. The slaves who were hung by their masters come back to life and seek vengeance. The reanimated corpses are very well preserved for having been dead for so long.

The acting was on par with other Italian zombie movies, which means it was bad. The vehicle had a distributor cap problem which means sometimes the vehicle worked sometimes it didn't. Normally you can fix that problem by drying out the inside of a crack cap, cleaning the contacts and gluing the cracks, otherwise you end up with a situation where the vehicle only works when the writer of the script wants it to.

No f-bombs, no sex, very brief nudity (dancer).
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Typical low budget horror, with no surprises.
nikmaack18 January 2005
A bad movie almost bad enough to be good, but not quite bad enough to be worth recommending.

Sonia is missing. Her boyfriend Jose thinks that maybe she went to town, but when she doesn't come back, he's pretty sure something bad happened.

But then Jose finds... one of Sonia's shoes! Now he knows something has happened to her.

"Maybe she changed her shoes," suggests Kevin, a cooler head.

They go to her room, and find another pair of her shoes.

"You see!" Jose exclaims. "These are the only other shoes she had! Are you convinced now?"

"Yeah," Kevin says. "She wouldn't have gone to the village barefooted."

These utterly ridiculous, idiotic scenes are meant to be taken seriously. That's the sort of movie you're in for -- accidental comedy. If you can appreciate a film on that level, this is the film for you.

Worse than the dialogue is the pacing. The movie is as slow as the stumbling zombies of the film -- and these zombies have chains around their ankles. Everything is very predictable, and we're left waiting around for the next moment of gore to show up.

The actors are constantly flubbing their lines -- but not in a particularly interesting way. Just stuttering slightly as they deliver ridiculous, stilted dialogue.

For a horror movie, there isn't much blood. Or fear. Or tension. Or horror. Or movie.
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"They can recall Hell's demons."
Backlash00723 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers

Umberto Lenzi's Black Demons is yet another movie that was released under the title of Demons 3 (along with Soavi's The Church and Bava's The Ogre). Everything about this movie (the title, the box art, the dialogue) is so politically incorrect that I had to check it out. Let me tell you right away it's bad; Laughably bad. Black Demons is about a Macumba voodoo ritual that brings back six slaves (the titular demons) who were blinded and hung for trying to escape. Now they must kill six white people to rest in peace, I guess. The film doesn't really give you a lot to go on. Most of the expository dialogue is given by Jose, whose English is not so good. At the same time, his performance is the best part of the movie. Just watch his death scene. It's the apex of perfection, Oscar worthy even. Another noteworthy aspect is the bouncing Molotov cocktails that explode like grenades. If you check out this DVD be sure and watch Lenzi's interview, it's the highlight of the disc. In it, he talks about how disappointing this movie turned out and dogs all of the actors except for Joe Balogh--and he's never been so right. Also, in the interview, Lenzi would have you believe that this is the only zombie movie he made stating that Nightmare City was about radioactive people. Why kid yourself, Umberto? Nightmare City is more of a zombie film than Black Demons is! The only reason I bought Nightmare City is because it is a classic piece of zombie trash cinema. Sadly, Black Demons is not.

"We're heading for the year 2000 in a sophisticated, technological civilization and you're asking us to believe in a vendetta of the living dead?"
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Demon Flesh-Eaters!
The_Void3 October 2006
This film is supposedly the second sequel to Lamberto Bava's fun eighties trash flick 'Demons', although I'd say it's more like a lacklustre version of Lucio Fulci's zombie masterpiece 'Zombie Flesh-Eaters'. Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly one of Italy's most diverse and interesting directors, but like many of the best; his career took a downfall towards the end of the eighties, and it's hard to believe that the same man who directed such cult classics as Seven Blood-Stained Orchids and Almost Human also directed this film. The fact that this film is touted to be the third entry in the series started by Lamberto Bava is forgotten about when it comes to the plot, as the film really has nothing to do with the earlier series entries; and this is shown again by the fact that Lambero Bava's own 'The Ogre' is also known as Demons 3! The story here follows three kids who travel to Brazil. One of them is into voodoo, and uses his knowledge of the art to raise a load of dead black slaves. It's not long before the three kids and some other people in the vicinity have a big, flesh eating, problem on their hands!

The problem with this film is that it doesn't have anything in the way of surprises, and while there's some nice gore (including some good gory Fulci style eye gouging), the film is seriously lacking. If you're tuning in for gore only (as you probably should be), you're also likely to be disappointed as the gore isn't relentless, and there are only really a couple of memorable scenes. Bad acting is something you have to expect from a film like this, but with Black Demons; Umberto Lenzi has taken that expectation to a whole new level, with some truly diabolical performances from all concerned. The film starts off slowly, which puts itself on the back foot; as I was already starting to get bored of it before the gore even showed up. One thing that the film does do well, however, is hark back to the classic style of filming. The production values are a little better than Fulci's 1979 classic, but the basics of the film are the same. I can't say many good things about the zombie make-up, and they're nothing like the demons in Lamberto Bava's film. Overall, this movie isn't very good; but it's fairly fun at times, and I preferred it to Demons 2 at least.
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Bore Demons
CMRKeyboadist10 January 2006
Here is a movie that could have been a lot more. Released in 1991 under the title Demoni 3 (has nothing to do with the Demons series) and directed by the infamous Umberto Lenzi, the story takes off with a brother and sister and her boyfriend. Her brother becomes possessed by some black magic during a voodoo ritual and later on brings back to life 6 "Black Demons" to kill 6 white people to get revenge for their enslavement when they were alive. This movie moves very slow (as do a lot of Lenzi's films) and is acted quite badly. But then again, the actors didn't have much of a script to go off of. Unlike Lenzi's other classics like Cannibal Ferox or Nightmare City, this movie really doesn't hold your interest at all. With Nightmare City the gore was silly and the acting stupid but it was entertaining because the movie didn't stop, and the same goes for Cannibal Ferox. This movie, on the other hand, had may be 3 decent scenes of gore (most of which had someone getting an eye poked out) and the rest of the film is talking filled with bad background music. The only thing that kept my interest at all was the costuming for the demons/zombies. They looked genuinely kind of creepy. Besides that, the movie is to slow and that is really my main issue. 5\10 stars
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Oh my God this is bad...
Rooster9920 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Possible Spoilers (not that it matters)

I am used to some bad acting in B-horror movies, but this one really did a great job finding terrible actors. The lines are delivered in an absolutely wooden manner, obviously momentarily memorized shortly before filming. The worst by far is Jessica, "you. killed. Jose. didn't. you. He. found. out. about. you. Answer. me." <delivered in a monotone like a robot>. On top of that, she has a really big butt! Her brother is a complete joke, what a terrible actor. You have to see the incredibly bad attempt to kill his sister. He makes this really pathetic lunge at her with an axe, while she just goes through the motions of her saying her lines; "Noooo! You're. my. brother! <run away and fake fall down>" Terrible, just terrible.

One thing that wasn't bad was the eerie music. And the actual production quality isn't bad either, the scenes of Brazil are pretty interesting. You just won't believe the acting. Wait until one scene where Jessica's boyfriend Kevin is attacked by the zombies. These are the slowest moving zombies on the planet. Yet when they attack, the victims just cringe, stand there, and are resigned to their fate. Instead of simply running away, Kevin ducks under the blade, but remains in place, dancing around the slow zombie blows. It would have been so easy to leisurely jog away, he wasn't even surrounded. It's almost like he is doing his best to make it look exciting but just can't pull it off. And Jose's death! Hahahaha! What a riot! You can clearly see him breathing when he is supposed to be dead. The whole movie was so fake it was worse than professional wrestling!

And yet they made an effort to really play up the voodoo aspect, the ceremony was well done, the music was good, it was simply the cheesiest acting in film history. Oh and one more thing, these zombies explode if they get near an open flame. Even pouring gasoline on them doesn't just make them burn, it makes them go up like Hiroshima. Hilarious!

Too bad. 2/10
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Demoni 3- Viewers 0
movieman_kev14 April 2004
Two Americans and an English man brake down while driving in Brazil. They meet a couple & stay at a cursed house. Then the "Black Demons" (or to the politically correct "African-American living-challenged), who are dead former slaves stick it to the Man by killing Whitey (how's THAT for reparations??!!?). But not before one of the guys gets a necklace from a voodoo tribe for no reason. The acting is putrid at best and some ok death scenes can't liven up this jumbled mess.

My Grade: D

Shriekshow DVD Extras: Interviews with Umberto Lenzi (where he denies making any Zombie movies, prompting anyone who saw this or "Nightmare City" to exclaim "Whatever Umberto") and Olga Pehar; Theatrical Trailer; Trailers for "Killing Birds", "Zombie 2", "Zombie 3", and "zombie 4"
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Kill Whitey...
EVOL66621 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Umberto (CANNIBAL FEROX) Lenzi's BLACK DEMONS is a goofy but entertaining entry in the zombie genre. Lots of dumb stuff happens for no apparent reason, a good bit of silly gore, and even though it was made in 1991 it looks like a film from 1975, make BLACK DEMONS a none-too-serious but fun watch...

Three college students are in Brazil, one of whom sneaks off to witness and tape-record a voodoo ritual. Later on, their car breaks down and they come across two locals who own an old house who offer the kids refuge until they can get their vehicle fixed. The voodoo enthusiast is inexplicably drawn to a small graveyard by the house, plays his voodoo-tape, and presto! Black demons. Apparently there is a curse on the land where six slaves were killed for trying to escape and they will not rest until the blood of 6 honkys is spilled. The rest of the film is the group avoiding death (or not avoiding death in some cases) at the hands of the vengeful zombies...

Completely ridiculous and totally fun - BLACK DEMONS is a semi Un-PC zombie romp that will probably be of interest to Italian horror fans. Don't expect much in the way of a sensible or coherent storyline, and I was also disappointed by the lack of nudity - but the gore is decent, with two (count 'em...TWO!!!) wonderfully cheezy Fulci-style eye gougings, a throat puncture, and a few other "choice" scenes...but be warned - the "action" doesn't come til after the half-way point of the film. The zombies themselves are suitably creepy looking as well. Fun Italian trash - BLACK DEMONS is a no-brainer good time...7/10
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More demons!
BandSAboutMovies29 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hitcher In the Dark. Nightmare Beach.The Man from Deep River. Eaten Alive! Cannibal Ferox. Ghosthouse. Iron Master. And throw in even more - Eyeball, Spasmo, Orgasmo, So Sweet...So Perverse and A Quiet Place to Kill. Man, I love Umberto Lenzi and his films. I didn't even mention his crime films!

Originally known as Black Demons, this was Lenzi's last horror movie. In interviews, he'd claim it as one of his favorite films, but felt it was ruined by the lack of budget and acting.

Three American college students, Dick (Joe Balogh, Hitcher In the Dark), his sister Jessica and her South African boyfriend Kevin (Keith Van Hoven, The House of Clocks) are on vacation in Brazil when Dick attends a voodoo ceremony and suddenly gains frightening new powers.

Those powers manifest themselves when they end up in a plantation outside of Rio and Dick mistakingly raises six slaves from the dead as zombies, who start killing everyone in sight, including doing some Fulci-esque eyeball damage.

Lenzi intended Demoni 3 to be called Black Demons, and he did not like it when the film was later retitled to make it seem like it was part of Lamberto Bava's Demons series. To make matters even more confusing, Bava directed a 1988 made-for-TV movie called The Ogre that was released in the U.S. as Demons III: The Ogre. And to top all of that off, Michele Soavi's film The Church was originally going to be Demons 3.
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Great for being made late
tomas20830 July 2003
Although, even if it had been made in 1980, I would still consider it a very good movie. Lenzi manages perfectly to capture the feeling of the worst of the b-movies (which in my world means the best); a sense of the director being completely uninterested in the script; just making the movie because he has to, or working off an idea which he thought was interesting for one day and then just continuing for the sake of it.

The acting and the plot are uninteresting and unimportant. What is interesting is the zombies and the special effects. I don't think I've ever seen real afro-american zombies before, so this was a new exciting thing. They look really frightening and extreme, especially one of them. The deaths in the movie are quite gruesome. I give the movie 9 out of 10 points, for being such a nostalgic shot from the hip. The thing that prevents me from giving it a 10 is that the scenes of dialogue have no charm - and that's because it's from no funny men in funny moustaches who say hilarious things.
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Black Demons
ryan-1007512 November 2019
Why not bring director Umberto Lenzi in to direct a DEMONS movie? Sure, why not? Just remember this is not a DEMONS movie. It was just named that to try and cash in on the success of the earlier films.

Here two American siblings Dick (Joe Balogh) and Jessica (Sonia Curtis) along with her English boyfriend Kevin (Keith Van Hoven) are on a vacation in Brazil. Along the way Dick witnesses a black magic ritual. He records it on his tape recorder. The three of them are stranded, but luckily two strangers named Jose (Philip Murray) and Sonia (Juliana Teixeira) take them back to their house. It is here Dick replays the tape and revives the dead. Oopsy daisy.

Big problem I had with this movie was it became a little too dialogue happy. Too much yakkin' and not enough action. For gorehounds the death scenes are graphic and gory. Not worth it really.
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This was good, but nothing to do with Demons 1 and 2
Hellraiser-124 October 2002
This was one of those typical Italian zombie flicks and I saw it at TV with the title of "Black Demons" not "Demons 3" a movie which(unfortunately) doesn´t exist. As far as I remember about this movie directed by Umberto Lenzi, it was gory, although not so much as my favorite "Nights of terror" and it was quite entertaining, watch it if you are a zombie fan, my only question is Why don´t Italian movie makers recover this zombie genre? They are just doing nothing now,and it is a pity, really, because they were great at horror genre.
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(B)lackadaisical Demons
Bezenby6 December 2016
Ah, Umberto...what happened here? This man gave us Ghosthouse and House of Lost Souls and to a lesser extent House of Witchcraft, all fairly enjoyable late eighties Italian horror films, so what happened here? Is it because he didn't put the word 'house' in the titles? What we have is three folks,a girl and her boyfriend and her weird brother out on holiday in Brazil. Soon enough her brother picks up a copy of Now That's What I Call Voodoo Rituals VOL8 and before you know it six black demons are all up looking for The Fog type revenge on the white guy.

Sounds good, right? Well, it takes a long time before anything good starts happening, as these zombie/demon/slave types just seem to like standing around brandishing stuff. About fifty minutes in roughly things pick up a bit as the zombies make themselves known and there a bit of this and that with the killing and what not.

By no means a lost Lenzi classic, this is a poor low budget mess that somehow still makes a lot more sense than anything Fulci was producing at the time. I would have paid money for this in the past, but I'm glad that it's there on YouTube to watch. The Lenzi-man (after whom the Scottish town of Lenzie is named) did much better.
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POP goes the eyeball!
Coventry20 January 2008
Demons part three?!? How many parts three are there in this series? I thought "The Ogre" was supposed to be part three? Ah hell, who cares! And come to think of it, this one is a much more reminiscent successor for the series, as "The Ogre" revolved on … well … an ogre! The demons in "Demons 3" technically aren't demons, neither, but at least more demonic than ogres. Is anyone still following the logic here? No, didn't think so. "Demons", ladies and gentlemen, is the franchise infamous for NOT featuring anything even remotely resembling a storyline or tension-building, just buckets and buckets of gore! For this third venture into the universe of horribly nauseating demon-terror, Umberto Lenzi (taking over the director's seat from his pal Lamberto Bava) admirably attempted to come up with a slightly more ambitious screenplay. It's of little use, however, because the incoherence and senselessness begins to show within the first twenty minutes already. Five young persons (tourists? Scientists? Anthropology students?) become involved in South American voodoo practices, and without much further ado the mansion where they're staying is overrun by hideous black zombies craving for flesh and blood. You can say a lot about Italian horror directors, but not that they're discriminating anyone. The zombies in part three are resurrected black slaves with their minds set on vengeance, even if this means extracting it nearly a whole century overdue. Enough about the absent intellectual values and deeper morals of "Demons", let's just talk about what really matters: Gore! The make-up effects are awesome, plentiful and nauseating enough to make even the strongest stomachs churn. The first mentionable gory scene shows a girl (thankfully the worst actress of them all) who's eyeball is ripped out of the socket nice and not-so-clean! The image is so sickening that it would even make Lucio "The Eyeball Master" Fulci himself proud and emotional. The great gore also serves another purpose, namely to distract you from the painfully awful acting performances, the amateurish dialogs and the horrid cliché-sayings like "We're on the threshold of the 21st Century. Do you really expect us to believe in Voodoo". Yuck! The make-up on the zombies is particularly terrific. Please note how I keep talking about zombies instead of about demons, because that's what they are! Dead folks emerging from their graves and decomposing further as they slowly and aimlessly totter along. Actual demons, like the ones in Bava's previous two films, are hyperactive and unstoppable creatures from hell itself. Not intending to give a lecture here, just pointing out fairly important and relevant details. Now that we're splitting hairs anyway, the script repeatedly speaks of six cursed black slaves but the DVD cover depicts seven friendly fellas! And did you know you can only be 100% sure that a girl went missing if at least two pairs of shoes remained behind?
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Demons to some. Zombies to others.
Hellraiserdisciple17 August 2010
Black Demons tells the story, or at least tries to, of an ancient curse which brings back six slaves from the dead to kill those pesky white folks we are stuck with throughout the movie. Black Demons is also known as Demons 3 just to cash in on the earlier films' success. They don't have anything to do with each other though. Whatever you want to call it this is still a movie about zombies and not demons. Interestingly it remains Umberto Lenzi's only contribution to the proud tradition of Italian zombie films. Most people would argue that Nightmare City is a zombie film as well, but Lenzi has stated it's about infected people. I'm inclined to agree.

There really isn't anything particularly memorable about Black Demons. The zombies look pretty darn cool, chains and all. We are also treated to a couple of entertaining eye trauma scenes and a bloody stabbing to the throat. They are the highlights of the movie, which really is a shame since the story actually has a lot of potential. I mean black zombies coming back and killing white people just screams fun. It would have been great to see Lenzi option for a politically incorrect movie to shake the establishment. Perhaps the zombies could have utilized some of the oppressive tools used on them once upon a time? Unfortunately, he doesn't and we're left with a rather mediocre effort. That means a terrible film to non-horror aficionados. The most remarkable thing about Black Demons is that it's from 1991, when the look all the way only suggests the 80s. I know remnants from previous decades always linger, but this one takes the prize. You could do worse, but wouldn't you rather watch a better Italian zombie flick? Bruno Mattei's excellent Hell of the Living Dead or even Zombie 4: After Death are both better choices.

Shriek Show provides us with a Lenzi interview where he mostly dismisses the movie and criticizes the actors. Good stuff.
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There's nothing good about this one.
sharks_everywhere20 August 2008
I bought the Demons Triple Feature not expecting much, and that's exactly what I got. At the very least I was hoping for demons, but unfortunately I gave Media Blasters too much credit this time. Black Demons was the last movie I watched after wasting a couple of hours on The Orge and The Other Hell and it managed to be even worse. I am a fan of Italian horror films, bad and good. I don't mind low-budget movies that ask nothing of the viewer. There is simply nothing good about this movie. It doesn't even have the charm that some rather terrible movies manage to pull off, such as Burial Ground - The Nights of Terror. If you're thinking about watching this movie, think again. If you're thinking about BUYING this movie, please don't make the same mistake I did.

If I could give this movie -5, I would!
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I am not an expert on etiquette, but even I know it is in poor taste to raise zombies at someone's home.
Aaron137526 June 2011
Watched this film expecting something along the lines of "Hell of the Living Dead", you know a zombie movie that is not very good, but kind of fun to watch. Something with some good gore, stupid characters and a lot of zombies. This only met the stupid person criteria, as they had those aplenty. For the most part though this film moved slowly and was boring. There were a couple of kills, but nothing spectacular as they did one eyeball gouging twice and there was not much gore beyond that. The film has a man appropriately named Dick. You will never know what the heck Dick was trying to accomplish in this film as he is just what his name says. He wants to attend a ceremony for reasons that are known of our business, or they may have been and I just could not hear them because at times you could not understand anything anyone was saying. Well he sees the ceremony and the next day heads out with his sister and her boyfriend and they end up stranded at a house where Dick promptly raises the dead for obscure reasons. You know what happens then right? Hordes of zombies come crashing the house devouring the occupants! No, not quite, as these zombies are the most tepid, slow and boring zombies ever brought upon the silver screen! At one point it looks as if the zombie is going to stab some guy and he backs off twice when it hears something. What zombie backs off from an attack? The boring zombies of Black Demons, that is who! Seriously, all the people could have escaped with the exception of a girl who seemed to think that the best defense against zombies is to back oneself into a corner screaming "no!" rather than running. They also almost drove away till the driver drives the car off the road and into a ditch and it sure looked like he planned that one let me tell you! So a very slow moving zombie film, with slow moving zombies and very slow characters. Very little gore and no nudity worth speaking of, an utter disappointment to say the least. I expect more cheese in an Italian zombie film.
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Decent for this type of film.
Hey_Sweden4 April 2022
Three tourists, an American girl (Sonia Curtis, "The Monster Squad"), her British boyfriend (Keith Van Hoven, 'The House of Clocks'), and her brother (Joe Balogh, "Monstrosity") are enjoying the sights & sounds of Brazil. Trouble brews when the brother, who takes all of the local superstitions & rituals seriously, is invited along to an occult ceremony. Soon thereafter, the resurrected corpses of revenge-minded former slaves start stalking the wilderness, and threatening the lives of our protagonists as well as another couple (Philip Murray (in his only credit) and Brazilian actress Juliana Teixeira ('Story of O, the Series')).

As you can see, this movie is about zombies, not demons, but the film was christened "Demoni 3" in order to make it part of Italy's "Demoni" horror series. While there's very little about it that's particularly interesting, the zombies themselves are pretty cool. The makeup effects are good, but these zombies have no blank expressions on their faces. They understandably look far more angry than your garden-variety zombies. (They don't even do any flesh-munching, really, they're just determined to make their chump victims *suffer*.) There's some memorable, appreciable eye trauma, the kind that would make Lucio Fulci proud, and in fact, "Demoni 3" does end up resembling "Zombi 2" a fair bit.

Most of the acting, as you can expect, is not exactly inspired; these characters that they're playing are pretty standard for the genre. The one performer who really takes this enterprise seriously is the striking Maria Alves as the housekeeper Maria, who realizes the danger and is always frantically trying to deal with the situation. The dialogue can be pretty insipid, but that's par for the course. Best of all is the plentiful atmosphere and the music score by Franco Micalizzi.

Scripted by Olga Pehar, based on a story by director Umberto Lenzi.

Five out of 10.
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Lenzi's nightmare.
coldwaterpdh12 October 2009
Like most Italian horror flicks, this Lenzi gem from 1991 is subliminally terrifying.

Yes, the acting is bad. Yes, the dialog is cheesy. Yes, the make-up is pretty laughable. But "Black Demons," given the right set of eyes and an open mind, it about as close to a nightmare on film as you want to see.

Upon my initial viewing, it was hard to get my mind off of the negative aspects of the film. After a couple more viewings, I noticed some things that stood out to be scary. For example: nothing is explained about Dick's decent into the black magic; it just kind of happens. All of a sudden his sister is a target. I know, it doesn't make much sense, but it's still scary the way Lenzi put it together. Also, how do these kids end up in the jungle in the first place? The setting is damn good. That house definitely has the creepy factor going for it. In fact, lots of the imagery in this movie is creepy as hell.

I guess what I'm saying is: for fans of Italian horror, give this one a chance. I don't think it was intended to be seen as a realistic film. It is more like a nightmare captured on film. If you've ever woken, terrified from a nightmare in your sleep and thought, 'dude, I should write that down...' you know what I mean. Kudos to Lenzi for having the guts to film it. I liked it more than anyone else on here I guess.

8 out of 10, kids.
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Pretty awful
dopefishie21 April 2022
Pretty awful.

With the exception of Joe Balogh who plays the disturbed character, the acting is below average.

The special effects are passable. The music is also passable. The location is quite good. It's probably the highlight here. However, the director fails to generate any real atmosphere or suspense.

You should skip this one.
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Voodoo, zombies, and gore!
B. Simmons14 January 2001
After a strange amulet is stolen during a voodoo ceremony, the mouldering corpses of dead slaves arise in the Brazilian coffee fields. This almost reminds me of some of the high profile Italian gore films of the late '70's or early '80's. Director Lenzi shows that, after 30 years of film-making, he hasn't lost his touch for creating memorable horror films. A very good film which will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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What happened?
Boba_Fett113828 June 2012
This is such a huge step down from the other movies and it totally doesn't feel like it's being part of the series.

If you already thought that the first sequel had very little to do with the movie "Dèmoni", wait till you see this one. This isn't even a movie about demons but one about old fashioned voodoo zombies instead. So why is this movie even part of the series? Its concept, characters and settings have absolutely nothing to do with any of the previous two movies.

This movie is taking place in Brazil. Why? Just because they could I guess. As opposed to the previous two movies, this one is set in the open, which is already taking away a lot of the tension from the movie. There is never truly a sense of danger and despair in this movie and it never gets any good horror-wise.

There is some gore in the movie but not nearly as much as in any of the previous two movies and it also most certainly isn't as great looking. This movie really could had done with some more killings or at least some more zombie action. Now the movie instead is being for most part very lackluster and you just constantly keep waiting for something good to happen. It seems to take forever for the movie, making this an at times quite boring one.

The acting is also absolutely horrible. Not that any of the previous two movies featured some impressive performances in them but the acting in this movie is so bad that it becomes an annoying aspect about the movie.

You could admire the movie for trying something different this time around but it feels more as if the movie its script got written for a totally different movie and this never was supposed to be a part of the 'Dèmoni' series in the first place. Besides, also when you see this movie as a standalone, it's simply a very lacking genre movie, that will even disappoint the most hardened fans of zombie flicks.

Not entertaining, not scary, not very involving...just not a very good movie to watch.

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A fun Italian zombie splatter romp
Woodyanders14 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Six black slaves are resurrected as lethal and vengeful zombies through voodoo and go on a gruesome spree in Brazil. Vacationing British guy Kevin (smooth Kevin Van Hoven), his spunky American girlfriend Jessica (fetching blonde Sonia Curtis), and Sonia's whiny, annoying brother Dick (the extremely obnoxious Joe Balogh) all find themselves in considerable jeopardy. Director/co-writer Umberto Lenzi manages to create a reasonably creepy atmosphere (the sequence with the zombies coming out of their graves in a misty cemetery is especially strong and memorable), relates the story at a snappy pace, and stages the splatter set pieces with his customary lip-smacking grisly gusto. The pleasingly hideous make-up f/x by Franco Casagni deliver the ghastly goods; nasty highlights include an eye gouged out with a crowbar, an axe splitting open someone's skull, and a bloody throat slashing. Moreover, the shambling, rot-faced zombies with their egg-white eyes, unsightly faces, and rattling chains are genuinely unnerving. The cast for the most part give really bad performances, although Maria Alves contributes an amusing turn as superstitious maid Maria. Franco Micalizzi's spirited spooky'n'shuddery score, Maurizio Dell'Orco's crisp, handsome cinematography, and a lively last third with Kevin burning up those pesky zombies real good with a bunch of Molotov cocktails are all up to speed. An enjoyably schlocky piece of low-grade Italian horror junk.
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