Winterbeast (Video 1992) Poster

(1992 Video)

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dukeakasmudge11 June 2017
According to IMDb, filming for Winterbeast started in 1986 & then it was forgotten about.Only 2 scenes are from 1986 & the rest is from 1989 (Interesting) Winterbeast isn't a movie that's so BAD it's good, it's a movie that's so BAD it's HILARIOUS.Totem poles are coming to life & killing people!!! There are times where you'll laugh, There are times where you'll cringe, There are times where you'll go WTF?! You'll either be entertained or BORED out of your mind.I don't know if there will be times where you'll get pains in your head watching it like I did but I hope not.The claymation in this movie reminded me of The Gumby Show, only demented.After the 1st claymation monster scene with the lady who puts forth no effort in her screaming (Which was hilarious) after seeing the monster, You know it's going to be bad.Winterbeast is a movie for all those bad movie lovers out there.If you're not a bad movie lover then I can't imagine you'll sit through the whole thing.I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE bad movies but out of all the tons of them that I've seen, I've NEVER ever seen 1 like Winterbeast.The DVD cover even says *It Must Be Seen To Be Believed* & that's the truth!!!
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A gem from a bucket of celluloid sludge
Coffee_in_the_Clink2 April 2020
"Winterbeast" is the kind of movie you watch and just want to meet the cast and crew of immediately, and learn more about the making of it. I'm not sure where to even start, so I guess I'll just lay out the story. After a strange nightmare-sequence opening (where we are treated to our first experience of the quirky and horrendous stop-animation special effects) we meet Rangers Whitman and Stillman at the Rangers Station up on a mountain somewhere. Whitman is an intense and brooding character who takes his Park Ranger job with the utmost seriousness. The sunglasses-wearing Stillman is a pure ape, and would rather sit in the station and read his porn-mags than do any kind of community liaison. Which is tough, because one of their colleagues has gone missing, and pretty soon, more people at the mountain resort begin to go missing, too. Whitman decides it's time to shut down the resort. Stillman could care less. The hub of this resort is the local inn run by the camp, nasty and highly eccentric Dave Sheldon (What a performance from Bob Harlow. More on him later), but he is having none of it, and hampers their efforts to close the mountain down. But fairly soon, missing people begin to turn in to dead people, and it comes to light that there are ancient spirits out in the woods responsible for the carnage, manifesting themselves in monsters and possessed Totem poles.

The special effects, first of all. Absolutely diabolical. But unique! These guys did not give a hoot. "Winterbeast" was made (half-heartedly) over a number of years between 1986 - 1989 and my understanding of it is that by the end of it, original footage etc. had been lost or ruined and so Christopher Thies just ran what he could through and filled the gaps with stop-motion animation. All the action and dead scenes are made from clay and are absolutely hilarious. The acting is atrocious, for the most part. Tom Morgan is extremely rigid and awkward as Sergeant Whitman, but he is a joy to watch. Bob Harlow is actually very good and is the best thing about the film. What a nasty and menacing character he creates. His arguments with Whitman over the closing down of the inn are terrific. They really go at it in these scenes! It was like something you'd see in your day-to-day life, with Harlow's pitch getting louder and louder and the tendons in his neck nearly bursting out until the two are literally unrestraint and screaming at one another. It's terrible acting, of course, but by god it is entertaining.

As I mentioned earlier this was made over a number of years and as a result it gives the impression of a project that was passed from one film-student to another. The film varies in quality and changes sometimes in mid-scene. The best example of this is, I think, during one of the aforementioned bust-ups between Whitman and Sheldon. The camera angle suddenly changes and the footage goes from the normal-looking cheap kind to a sepia-grain tone. Made me wonder if perhaps half of that scene was filmed in '86 and the rest of it was added in years later, maybe after the original reel was damaged or what not. To sum it up, "Winterbeast" is like "Plan 9 to Outer Space". Highly deplorable film-making from a technical point, but highly enjoyable. However, "Winterbeast" is extremely obscure and thus not as accessible as "Plan 9...". It simply faded into celluloid-sludge obscurity along with a mass cohort of similarly low-budget, straight-to-VHS, horror flicks from this time, that are now a joy to seek out. The majority are unredeemable, but you do find the odd gem like "Winterbeast".
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I don't know what I just watched
reapercrew-0558414 March 2022
Winterbeast is a 1992 horror movie about many monsters coming alive and killing people and SOME of the monster are cool looking and not all and I feel like it should have been called Winterbeasts because there is multiple and some of the monsters and effects are cheesy and especially when they kill people and it just feels bad.
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schlock * and * awe
EyeAskance30 July 2004
An amateur misconjecture devoid of anything recognizable as production values, WINTERBEAST is sure to win the hearts of all bad movie masochists fortunate enough to track it down.

The spindly story involves a woodsy resort town cursed by ancient Native American demons which manifest as wobbly totem poles, a giant chicken, and a goofy rubber spinal cord thingie with a big, grimacing head. The resident lawmen launch a bumbling investigation of several recent disappearances in the area, and gradually become aware of the mounting danger. In predictable B-horror fashion, they motion to alert and evacuate the area despite the resistance of the creepy mayor and some greedy local business owners who fear a loss of tourism revenue.

WINTERBEAST boasts clay stop-motion effects which appear to have been lifted from some tragic Third-World GUMBY knockoff, and intendance at every phase of production is catastrophically all-thumbs. Staggering, hilarious, and almost psychedelic in its diversiform inelegance, this is a lovable wonderwork of unsung schlock majesty which is surely a cult-film in wait.

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A-Ron-227 April 2000
This is quite simply the most terrible film I have ever seen in my life. That being said, I have seen it several times. Winterbeast is the story of a claymation class project that someone tried to turn into a full-length movie (or at least this is how I understand it). I am not really sure what the plot was, it just seemed to be an excuse to hook together several otherwise unconnected claymation short films. The opening scene must be seen to be believed. This is not even in the "so bad it's good" category, but in a relatively unique category: "must be seen to be believed, and then told about in hushed whispers at parties until you convince other poor buggers to watch the thing."

I rented it on a lark at a video store in Maine, I was not expecting much, but what I got was something very terrible. I sat and watched the opening scene several times in awe of the terrible editing and worse special effects. I still am not entirely sure what happens in the first few minutes, but I do know that it is incredibly fun to watch your friends see it for the first time. From then on, you will simply laugh or gape in amazement at the horrible majesty that this film surrounds itself with. This is the great grandson of Ed Wood, and is possibly even worse than anything produced by the great master of schlock. Don't try to follow the plot, it may make you go insane.

All that being said, if you are a connoisseur of terrible films, you cannot rest without seeing this movie. Force yourself through it, if only be able to claim that you have done so. Then make your friends who think that they are hip enough to like "films so bad they are good" watch this film and sit back and enjoy the reactions. Alcohol is a good way to do this, because it will numb you to the disaster of the film, yet allow you to enjoy your friend's reactions even more thoroughly. This is one of the few films where it is more fun to watch the audience than it is to watch the film.
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So bad it's good
Andulamb7 June 1999
This is so horrifically low-budget that you'd swear it was made during the dark ages (aka, the 70's). The plot makes no sense whatsoever, but it's great fun to watch with a group of friends.
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This movie is the worst movie...ever!
vertigoboy19815 August 2001
This movie has opened my eyes to how horrible a movie can be. I thought I found the worst movie ever so many times. Then my sophomore year of college I saw this thing...I can't explain how much I enjoyed it's horrible nature. It makes no sense, the villain is a gay Jewish guy, they all wear flannels, the acting is so bad, there is no plot, the bad guys are terrible claymation products, we don't even understand who actually IS the's just bad!!!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!

Can't say I didn't warn you however.
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Some semi decent stop motion and gore and a very incoherent plot...
Aaron13751 February 2022
I am kind of baffled as to why this film has a 4.7 rating on here, I am guessing people who rate this highly are doing so because while this thing is completely awful there is entertainment to be had! It also makes one try to figure out the plot themselves as the first portion of the film is very disjointed and this film also seems to be one of those films that was filmed over the course of many years probably weekend shoots here and there. So you can also try to spot different era vehicles or play a drinking game where you have to take a swig every time someone's hair style changes mid scene! Bad, but a fun bad...

The story starts out with a bizarre dream sequence and something happening. Then we focus on rangers in a shed that looks suspiciously like the library set and the lodge set. Monsters are killing people and the man who holds the key puts on an annoying record with an annoying song, proceeds to dance and then his head catches on fire. Meanwhile, stop motion creatures run amok such as super chicken, weird bear thing, lizard thing and so many more.

The cast is of course not very good. You have the hero whose mustache changes throughout the course of the film. You have his partner who wears his sunglasses at night so you know he is cool. You have nondescript woman ranger who comes and goes like the wind and creepy lodge manager who yells a lot! Oh yeah, cannot forget the guy who owns a souvenir shop who does not seem all that important at first, but is also a hero of the tale and who keeps a very strange object in a box with his sacred tooth...

Once again, this film is awful. If you are not into making fun of stuff like this or seeing really bad films stay away at all costs! Not saying it is the worst film ever as I did like the stop motion effects, but the thing does not have a good story, the acting is bad and the editing will give you whiplash! Probably one of the reasons I enjoyed watching it, but I am not giving it a high score just because of enjoyment, I rate based on technical aspects and if it is not good I am scoring it low even if it was kind of fun.
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This movie is one to watch if you want to watch a really, really bad horror movie
kevin_robbins25 January 2022
Winterbeast (1992) is a movie that I recently watched on Shudder. The storyline follows a couple of forest rangers working on a mountain with an Indian curse that has caused a history of disappearances. They start finding dead bodies all over the forest and as they dig into the root cause they start finding demons all around them.

This movie is directed by Christopher Thies in his directorial debut and stars Charles Majka (The Polka King).

This is a way out there movie. I've really never seen anything like this. I did like the opening birth scene and the mummy sequence in the woods. There's also some nice tan line boobies in here and a really weird sequence that goes with it. The claymation aspects of this movie blew me away, like who thought this was a good idea? Then there was a huge bird. The ending of this movie is awful.

This movie is one to watch if you want to watch a really, really bad horror movie. I would score this a 2/10 and recommend skipping it.
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'Winterbeast' (1991)
mfnmbvp21 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
'Winterbeast' definitely raises the bar for bad filmmaking techniques. I honestly just don't even know where to begin with this one, this is such a treasure for fans of god awful bad cinema. The acting talent is below minimum, and the claymation effects which were the original class project for this film seem to only last about five minutes of screen time, with the rest of the film as horribly dragged out dialogue of "character development" if you can call it that, and contrived, stale plot which somewhat resembles what the bast**d child of 'Jaws' and 'The Evil Dead' would look like down to a tee. Basically, just take the premise that 'Jaws' handed off to the thousands of films that would use it's template in the decades to follow, and replace the shark with a totem pole or a demon or whatever, and we have one of the greatest, most awful pieces of independent filmmaking ever.

The film is listed as being made in 1991, but it comes off looking more like a project from 1971 that was found in some dusty basement shack of a storage room, obviously due to the use of ancient camera equipment. This all just adds to the nostalgic feel of this gem even more, this is the kind of sh*t that I thrive on, and if you're reading this and have been fortunate enough to view this piece of badness, you probably thrive on this kind of terrible, atmospheric lore as well. Students and admirers of Charles B. Pierce's low-budget goodness 'The Legend Of Boggy Creek' and other films of that ilk will be ecstatic.

WINTERBEAST -----7/10.
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So bad it's just bad
Zorin-25 April 2001
This has to be the worst movie ever made. At least Plan 9 From Outer Space had a plot you could follow, this film doesn't even provide that. It's a convolted mess that never deserved to be released to the public. Hopefully the original reel is rotting in someones's basement or workshed so no one else can be tarnished or cursed with this monstrosity!
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The most amazing event film you will ever see...
MrTalbotOO729 August 2007
Don't believe the naysayers when you read about this movie. This film truly exemplifies the independent film spirit. Winterbeast is a film that clearly did not have much of a budget to begin with, nor any real talent behind or in front of the camera. Regardless of any of that, the filmmakers have managed to produce a film that was most likely dated before it was even in the can, with amazing, Gumby-like effects (were Gumby a horny totem pole, that is), a flaming Jewish stereotype of a villain (the incomparable Bob Harlow) and no real plot to speak of. I have probably seen this movie way more times than any human being should have, and it is truly a mantle I wear proudly. Watch it alone, watch it with your friends, watch it drunk or sober, just watch it. You owe it to yourself.
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nixflixnpix31 January 2022
Dumb, good fun, to burn an hour or so!

Decent dialogue and music. Tries to have fun. 1,000x better than Fatal Exam. Better action and horror than Fatal Exam, too.
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TeenVamp8 September 2021
Undeserving of a blu ray release. I had to fast forward through this garbage...and i generally love "so bad they're good" movies. Skip this one.
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Not the worst, but close...
professor0323 February 2022
I love bad movies!

This one doesn't measure up to many of the 2 star or less movies I have enjoyed.

I think I would watch EraserHead before I watch this again!

Bad acting Bad writing Bad special effects

Even the gratuitous nudity wasn't enough to hold my interest.
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Some strange artifact
BandSAboutMovies16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Winterbeast is less of a movie and more of a film that feels like it came from another much darker version of our universe, like a VHS tape that was found in a store and someone played it and it was too much for them and it killed them, then the police found it and it caused a few of them to lose their faith in God and they're all in a sanitarium somewhere writing all over their faces, then the government got involved and one guy snuck the tape out but his son accidentally returned it to a mom and pop rental shop that rented it out so many times that they started making bootleg copies to keep up with the demand and here we are.

Sergeant Whitman (Tim R. Morgan) and Forest Ranger Stillman (Mike Magri) have just spent the first ten minutes of this movie talking about all the mutilated bodies around the Wild Goose Lodge. Instead of the plot, this is where you'll start to wonder why Whitman talks so close to everyone. In nearly every scene, nearly every time he talks, he's within kissing distance of every person he speaks to, a moment topped only when three characters stand shoulder to should, the camera gives a little dutch angle, they all look to the horizon and speak one at a time in a way that can't be a conversation.

Someone has opened the Native American gate to hell - not to be confused with the traditional Italian gate to hell - and our heroes have to figure out how to put it back together. Standing in their way is Dave Sheldon (Bob Harlow), the owner of the lodge, who is given to red and plaid suits and screaming like a New England skinnier clone of Harvey Fierstein. Then, he goes wild in a scene that really I fear I don't have the words for, slapping dead women in the face, shoving his digits into their neck wounds, dancing to strange otherworldly music and caressing other dead bodies he's arranged around the room. It's a big leap from someone who has been the Mayor Larry Vaughn character up until now to wildly doing some kind of vogue-like dance to "Oh Dear! What Can the Matter Be."

It took six years, three video formats and ten grand to make this movie or so they say. I don't think Winterbeast was made. I think it escaped. I can't explain a movie that has multiple monsters that don't match - demonic humans, stop motion things out of The Gate, a gigantic chicken that nearly devours Stillman, a murderous totem pole covered in skeletal bodies, a skull bursts out of a man's chest for no reason, Sheldon wearing a mask and dancing - as well as moments where the camera lingers forever on a chicken coop or someone driving while synth just drones away.

There's also a moment when the investigation of the box of Native American medicine man Charlie Perkins (Charlie Majka) finds not just a monster tooth, but also a dildo and not a single person mentions it.

Director and writer Christopher Thies made one movie and this is it and it's so much more than enough. Does he have too much creativity or audacity? And how dare someone name a movie Winterbeast and it takes place in the autumn? Why would you do that? How is there so much plaid in one movie?

You know Evil Dead straight up ripped off Equinox and everyone is too polite to say something about it? This movie gets the stop motion part of those films and then says, "What if we just had a man's head burst into flames for no reason at all?" Also, there's a theory that the totem pole and Indian skull were ripped off from Dokken's "Burning Like a Flame" video, which makes way too much sense.

Nothing in this movie matches. It never seems to end as in every ending there is a new beginning, which feels like a painted sign that someone puts up on their wall as if they have any idea what it means. I can come to you and say that I have no idea what Winterbeast means but also that I loved every single second of it.

It also has music by Michael Perilstein, who scored The Deadly Spawn.
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I just love this stuff
Hayjohowe30 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, lets review... What was the idea again? Nothing! This film has little to no plot, and even less explanation to whatever plot there is. The first shot is a guy sitting in a chair. When his friend asks if he's OK, he says he's fine and turns his face to his friend. Well, his face is half burnt, and he picks and eats at his guts through a hole in his side while a stop-motion tentacle man appears and the other guy falls over in fright. Then we cut to a shot of a skull bursting out of a guys chest. The former scene with the guy who picks at his gut is never explained, nor is it revisited ever again in the film. Then the movie starts with some ranger guys discussing a missing person on a mountain. They just run around looking for him and more people start to disappear. Well some sort of lodge owner or something is later found to be the villain, summoning up all these weird creatures. It's cause he wants to rule the world, or something, or I don't know. I mean I was paying attention, and I don't even know whats going on. Anyway these creatures are called up and start attacking people. The first one is a totem pole, which grabs naked chicks out of their homes, looks at them, and throws them against the wall. Then we have some sort of hairy sleestak creature that kills two hikers. Afterwards a six armed ET which kills a ranger. And then we come to the dragon dinosaur chicken thing that bites off some dudes head. Then we see a giant hawk thing which runs around cawing for 1 minute, then disappears.I like how whenever the monsters show up, they run around, cause some mayhem, then disappear, and afterwords they are never referred to again. All of these creatures are stop motion, and not good stop motion mind you, it's like a little six year old after they see a Ray Harryhausen movie and decide to make a creature out of plato. There's also a makeup corpse and the skull, which is seen again with the same clip, but still never explained. and there's the final monster which is some giant or something. HOnestly this movie makes no sense. So i guess you'll just have to leave your brain at the door and just sit back and enjoy. Honestly its a pretty bad movie that makes troll 2 look good in comparison, but it's definitely still the best worst movie ever made. Like the tag line says it must be seen to be believed...
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Best worst movie !
tadjdragoo29 January 2022
There is no way a movie this terrible wasn't made on purpose. This is either the worst movie ever, or the most brilliant intentionally bad movie ever.

Excellent choice for a bad movie night. The perfect movie to get drunk and marvel at. I'm still not sure if this was genuine, or the greatest homage to bad movies made by a madman genius.
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daniel-r-henkel8 December 2022
I've never seen a story developer so mysteriously. Twists and turns and unanswered questions at every corner. It could very well be the best movie I've ever seen involving the winterbeast lore. If you haven't seen this film yet, there is true horror of the cinema, and there is Winterbeast.

I've never seen a story developer so mysteriously. Twists and turns and unanswered questions at every corner. It could very well be the best movie I've ever seen involving the winterbeast lore. If you haven't seen this film yet, there is true horror of the cinema, and there is Winterbeast.

I've never seen a story developer so mysteriously. Twists and turns and unanswered questions at every corner. It could very well be the best movie I've ever seen involving the winterbeast lore. If you haven't seen this film yet, there is true horror of the cinema, and there is Winterbeast.
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Comedy genius, but no one mentions the dildo!
tclark552 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There seem to be two trains of thought on this: one, it is one of the most ineptly made movies ever, or two, it is intentionally bad. I am inclined to believe the latter.

Here are some reasons I believe it is a spoof of cheap horror movies:

1) The main characters are going through a box passed down to one of them because, he is told, he might need it some day. Inside the box are several things including a dildo, but no one mentions the dildo in the box! The character talks about one of the other items in the box, but not the sex toy. If one takes the dialog to be about the dildo, it is quite amusing.

2) There is one scene where several of the characters journey to the mountaintop and react to the horrible, awe-inspiring sight they see; however, the camera never shows it! We only see the faces of the characters reacting to it.

3) Near the beginning, the two rangers go to the local hot spot (the inn) to question the owner who is holding an opening party of some sort. The clientele look ancient and there is a "toaster giveaway"! At the end of the scene, the wise-cracking, horndog ranger is hitting on an old lady and he has won the toaster!

3) The claymation monsters and their claymation victims are hilariously rendered, and the way they are incorporated into the live action is very amusing. For example, a woman is topless in her house, she screams and reacts to the offscreen claymation monster at her window, then there is an exterior shot of the monster pulling out the claymation victim (who is clothed, now) and flinging her to her death.

4) Some action movie cliches are there, also. The owner of the lodge will not close because of the business generated by the fall festival even though his guests are in grave danger. The ranger and he argue about it in several scenes.

5) Another cliche: As the story ends with the two surviving heroes defeating the monster and walking away, they start laughing and the ranger says, "Next time let's go bear hunting!"

6) The acting varies from horrible to adequate, but do not miss the owner of the lodge (the villain of the film) whose emoting is incredibly inept or breathtakingly brilliant depending on whether he was trying to be that annoying a character.

7) The bad guy, the owner of the lodge, spontaneously combusts! I can think of quite a few movies that would be improved immensely with some spontaneous combustion.

8) The low budget adds to the overall ineptitude and fun.

Is this intentionally bad and a comedy, or is it unintentionally horrid and a mess? Either way, it is fun!
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Hilariously Awful
rstef18 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Check in the dictionary under inept and you may find this film listed. I thought Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny was a cinematic abortion, but that's only because I hadn't witnessed the awesome mess that is Winterbeast.

Scene follows scene in apparent random order, characters have conversations that often appear as if the participants are not even listening to each other, and stop-motion monsters pop up every so often to kill a person we've never seen before. The script often has the actors looking at something important such as a picture or item offscreen that we, the viewers, never get to see or have explained to us. The lead actor has a mustache that goes from close shaven to bushy during the course of a day and then back again to close shaven later that night. But the best part is the villain of the piece. How and why he is the villain is never explained but it culminates in the most bizarre and hysterical scene of an already uproarious film. Picture, if you can, an effete man in a tartan plaid suit, who sounds like Harvey Fierstein crossed with Katherine Hepburn, wearing a dime store clown mask and mincing around a group of corpses while a record plays "Johnny, dear Johnny what can the matter be" in a whiny high voice. The sound is awful throughout, particularly in this seemingly endless scene, which just adds to the hilarity.

Seriously, if you like bad films and want to be able to laugh at people who think Plan 9 from Outer Space and Manos: Hands of Fate are the worst films ever released, be sure to check out this complete mess. You won't be bored, it will have you laughing and rolling your eyes throughout, plus you can say you've seen the bottom of the barrel in cinema.
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Awful yet Honest
jonahs-4326016 August 2022
First, don't rate a movie that you like with terrible ratings it's contradictory But, Mainly we have Winterbeast.

A shot on Video gem with terrible pacing, editing, acting, dialogue pretty much bad on every level but yet it's just so endearing.

This isn't Hollywood & that's the beauty of it! It's Human in its errors, very Human. It was done because somebody just wanted to make a movie & that speaks much about the passion & appreciation for the medium.

The one thing I can say about Winterbeast that I love is the Stop Motion Creature effects,they're cool even if we've seen better it's still cool because it's a dying art form. It's also very random like this movie makes no sense & that's what is the best part of it.

It's a great time but it ain't Mozart.
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