Planescape: Torment (Video Game 1999) Poster

(1999 Video Game)

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A true piece of art! Best roleplaying game I played in 20 years.
graef28 November 2001
After playing adventure and computer roleplaying games for almost 2 decades I can clearly say that this was one of the best, if not *the* best experience I had sofar.

The game sets itself appart from other games of the genre that (over-)used classic medieval or tolkien-style fantasy. Instead it introduces us to a completely new fantasy setting originating in the Planescape universe of the AD&D pen & paper roleplaying series. The story is extremly interesting, non-linear and full of surprises until the very end of the game. Characters and quests are very well developed and although the game has countless side quests and interesting choices for the player, I never felt that I got lost in the game or stuck. The game features lots of dialog that truly contributes to the storyline, immersion of the player and presents content and choices that are truly part of the game advancement rather than a tedious cosmetic add-on found in many other hack-and-slash roleplaying games. The combat system is interesting and well balanced. While combat and character development do play vital roles in the game, they are by far not as excessive or repetitive as in most RPG games like e.g. Icewind Dale or even the classic Ultima series. Every dungeon crawl is followed by at least one interesting NPC encounter. Quite often long and complex quests that are not related to combat, such as investigating a crime, create a good balance between combat and dialog/exploration that may be somewhere around 50:50, which I felt very comfortable with.

Although at the very beginning things might look a little bit confusing for newbies, this game is both interesting to the RPG veteran and still suitable for the occasional or less experienced player. The reason are the many new elements of the game, the lack of really fatal mistakes in character development, absence of hardcore puzzles and the length of the game itself. This game can be completed in reasonable time, while still offering many hours of entertainment and an almost unprecedented depth of the story. The trick lies in the removal of almost all redundant and repetitive tasks that you find in many other RPGs. This makes Planescape such a dense experience. Every hour of gameplay is full of interesting content and when playing, unlike in most other RPGs, I never felt forced to "work" towards a goal. Instead, discovery, achievement and story-telling are combined in a very clever way. Even after you complete this game you will not regret the time you have spent on it. The biggest problem will rather be, that you find yourself looking forward to a sequel. A true piece of art!
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If you had to take only one computer game to a deserted island...
seraf8 September 2002
... it would be Planescape: Torment, bar none. Never has a computer Role Playing Game (RPG) - or from any genre if I may be so bold to argue - surpassed the level of inspiration that can be seen here. Storyline, sights and sounds are all executed to perfection. It is one thing to have a masterpiece in one's mind, but to turn it into reality as well is no small feat. And here's a result of one such success...

The story is quite simple in nature, but the implications complex and thought-provoking: You play the Nameless One, a horribly scarred character who wakes up with no recollection of his past (much less his present and future). Sure, been there done that, typical amnesiac fare. Well it is in a fundamental way. But if you've never experienced actually _playing_ such a character before, making all the decisions, coming to terms with the consequences, then this game will be an eye-opener.

The plotline of PS:Torment unfolds as you dig in further into your past, and as you do so, uncover characters who would either help of hinder you in your journey towards a destiny that slowly but surely becomes clearer and more life-altering (actually, it alters much more, say, several universes? Sheesh, you _did_ expect some world-saving action as well, right? Well then, you won't be disappointed...). And you as the main character is not the only one with any semblance of personality. Many of the characters you'll interact with are so three-dimensional you can't help but truly care about them (care to either hate and/or love, that's up to you); this is a refreshing change from the archetypical cardboard-cutout, "battle-fodder" companions of typical hack-n-slashers. The emotional impact of this process is heads and shoulders above most of its "role-playing" peers (the "smash-hit" Baldur's Gate included).

In terms of audio-visuals, PS:Torment scores equally well. The setting of this game - Planescape - is in a fantastic locale consisting of multiple planes, or universes if you like. In the game's own terms, what we call a "multiverse". Think of it as a collection of worlds, each corresponding to a specific set of beliefs. Heaven and hell and everything between, in short. But this is no old-fashioned quasi-biblical fable - your main character will be dealing with denizens - human, demonic, angelic, robotic (yes, you heard right) - who each will play a crucial role towards the success/failure of your quest. And the game never forgets to help you understand the grand scheme of things in this strange, fascinating land. You'll find that it's not all philosophy either - the artwork, music and sound impresses like no other in creating a totally absorbing world of its own. A memorable soundtrack coupled with superbly rendered alien landscapes are just a fraction of this game's strengths that by themselves would be sufficient for many other games to earn countless plaudits.

Would PS:Torment appease the hopelessly-addicted hack-n-slasher fan as well? Why not? Depending on its difficulty level, this game offers a variety of powerful enemies - in terms of quality as well as quantity - to test one's mettle against. But to be fair to fans of the more cerebral (or charismatic) approach to conflict-resolution, there's no shortage of non-violent solutions either. I'd say both options are equally rewarding. Take it from me as a fact: you can be extreme and kill almost _everyone_ you meet, or practically _no-one_ and still finish the game. Which gives even more credit to how well-thought out this game really is.

Are there gripes? Very little. With a plot so multi-faceted and full of alternate endings (much of it depending on whether you choose to be good or evil, lawful or chaotic - yes, PS:Torments allows the freedom to choose one's moral and ethical compass), it is understandable that not _all_ subplots get resolved in the most satisfying manner. But in the final analysis, they don't figure much at all. Remember the saying that only the journey really matters in the end? The main plotline engages the player enough to ensure that the momentum is carried all the way to its epic final act.

On a more technical note, the gaming interface is well done, though it may take a slight bit of time to get used to especially for newcomers to the computer RPG genre, particularly Bioware's Infinity Engine game series. Even then Infinity is considered by far one of the most user-friendly of interfaces. But once you're accustomed, most likely you'll get sucked right in till the end of at least another chapter. Or two. Or till the end of the game.

Overall, a solid, one-of-a-kind (Bioware has decided there'll be no "franchise" of this title) computer gaming experience not to be missed, especially by those looking for a perfect balance of role-playing action and thought-provoking storylines.

10/10 (mind you, this is the only one title that gets this rating from me, and there are already precious few 9/10's on my list).
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If only more game concepts were executed this well...
jb witchdance12 February 2000
The computer role-playing game industry was supposed to be dead. If it wasn't dead, surely it was dying. As advances in CPU speeds and 3D accelerators continued the push for 3D games that would showcase these technologies, seemingly groundbreaking games such as Half-Life, Unreal, and Quake III Arena threatened to become the final nail in the computer role-playing coffin.

Then Interplay and Black Isle Studios brought them back. Fallout and Baldur's Gate were the first twitches of life the CRPG genre had seen in years, and Planescape: Torment signals the full recovery of the breed.

Fittingly, PS:T is centered around The Nameless One, an immortal whose memories decay in each brush with death. You assume the role of The Nameless One just as he pulls himself off a slab in the Mortuary once again. It's up to you to re-discover who you are, or were, and piece together the story that placed you in this situation.

It's quite a story, and a good one at that. Although the game features stunning graphics and incredible audio, it's the detailed and involving text that immerses you in the Planescape multiverse. Book reviewers often describe a title with an excessively compelling story as "a page turner" or "one you won't want to put down." Moreso than any other computer game, PS:T falls into that category. This is as close to an interactive novel as anything produced to date.

You not only play PS:T, you read and write it as you go along. Decisions made at one juncture have a real and concrete effect on the outcome of later events. This game rewards reason and favors experimentation and the thoughtful solution. If your idea of a good time is hacking and slashing your way to glory, you may want to steer clear of this game, unless you're ready to see your style of play undergo a complete transformation.

Technically speaking, PS:T isn't as 'cutting edge' as the latest Quake-clone, but that's not such a bad thing. PS:T is a world unto itself, with incredible artwork, detailed animation, immersive audio, and tons of replayability. Most folks, once they've played through PS:T and witnessed the ADJECTIVES! ending, will immediately start the game again, just to see the outcome of the path not taken.

Personally, I believe that Black Isle should be commended for such an outstanding and original effort, especially in these days of "what can I kill next" mediocrity. The merits of PS:T cannot be overstated, though any attempt to describe the experience is doomed to miss the mark. It's a great game, there should be more like it.
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Work of literary art, deep characters to care about
Merik10 December 2002
This game is nothing short of a work of art, plane and Sigil.

Torment is set within the wonderfully unique Planescape setting for (A)D&D, one of the most original roleplaying settings to ever be created. Put simply, the "normal" world, real and standard D&D, is called the Prime Material Plane... And Planescape is a long walk away from the nearest Tolkien-ish elf or dwarf. The Inner Planes are infinities of pure elemental power, of the four basic elements of alchemy, along with life and death energy, and how these all mix. The Outer Planes are the infinities created and shaped by belief -- heavens and hells of all kinds, related to the various "alignments" of good, evil, law, and chaos; and all home to the gods of any pantheon you could name, as well.

This is quite a backdrop to place the events surrounding a single human, but the game does it excellently. Torment is mostly (mainly because this is where you'll be building up a lot of early levels and getting used to the game and quests) set in Sigil, a curious city built in the center of a ring, floating above an infinitely tall Spire at the center of all the multiverse (maybe). Sigil can only be reached through magic portals, and these portals can be found in almost any bound space (like a doorway), and can be used as long as someone has the proper key (an item, a thought, a song they're singing at the time, a gesture, etc). These portals go *every*where.

Now, the actual story... Waking up, with no memory of who he is, the Nameless One finds himself in the Mortuary of Sigil, surrounded by zombies and a very strange skull -- which flies around about 5 and a half feet up, has eyes, and a wit sharper than a magic sword. The game just flows from there, into a tale of self-discovery and the most compelling objective I've seen in an RPG, so counter to what one does in most: the Nameless One wants to find a way to die. His mortality has been taken away, and while this gives him a phenomenal healing rate and some strange powers -- as well as great potential for incredible power in more "traditional" areas such as warcraft, thievery, or wizardry -- it is a curse in disguise as he loses his memories and will eventually lose his mind totally every time he takes wounds enough to kill anyone else of similar skill (read: level and hit points).

The best part of the story is learning it for yourself, but it's not spoiling anything to relate the matter of the Nameless One's immortality and healing speed, or similar. The writing itself is some of the best I have seen, and make it an extremely compelling story unfolded through all the dialog and related writing. Unique items and spells are full of history in their descriptions, and just getting some of these unique spells provides an opportunity to experience the skilled writing, and helps so much to make one of the characters a very real figure.

Ah, yes, the characters. There are a number of companions you may eventually gain, though you are limited to a total of six members in your party. Morte is the skull already mentioned, and he is perhaps the most interesting character (after the Nameless One, of course). Talk long with him every time something related to him happens in the game, and you will learn of the depth of the character. Dak'kon is a githzerai, a member of a race once descended from humans but now much different. His story is very nearly as deep as Morte's, and has direct consequences on his strength in combat, through his blade. Annah is a young tiefling woman, strong-willed and valuable, related somewhere in her family history to the tanar'ri -- demons. While her story is not as important, it provides some very human depth to the Nameless One and the overall tale. Ignus is a mad mage who wields fire like anyone else might use a dagger. His story is far from essential, but it is another interesting facet of the Nameless One's history (it seems everything in this game ties into the Nameless One's history, somehow). Fall-From-Grace is a succubus, a demonic temptress who has turned away from evil and chaos. Instead, she wields the healing magics of the priests. For the story, she is not as important as others, though just the quirk of her nature is interesting. Nordom has to be the most unique character of all. "Backwards modron > Nordom" he states as soon as Morte makes a sarcastic observation. Some explanation is in order: a modron is a semi-robotic creature of pure law from the regulated clockwork plane of Mechanus. Nordom, being a backwards modron, is a rogue, a modron who has been infected by chaos and made into an individual. He and Grace are perhaps the only ones not already tied up in the Nameless One's past. Finally, the last character you may add is Vhailor. Strange, to say the least, Vhailor is a suit of armor inhabited by an undead spirit devoted to Law and Justice. His story is important almost solely for the ending -- but that's all I'll say.

The final act to Torment is excellent. The story is revealed finally, but not too much -- the authors knew where to stop before ruining it. There are a number of different ways to end the game, with some varying amounts of satisfaction depending on how much you liked the other characters.

A beautiful game. I'm on my third or fourth time through it, and I still love it and am still finding new things.
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Best Money I've spent in a long time...
ShAd0w8 January 2000
Planescape: Torment is one of the best, if not THE best video games I've ever played. Interplay did a great job with the voice acting, but didn't rely on it as too many of the games coming out do. Without giving away too much, the storyline is basically thus: Your character (the Nameless one) awakens on a stone slab in a mortuary. You have no recollection of your past, and in fact no memories at all. Your first interaction comes right from the onset from a floating skull named "Morte". Morte helps explain a bit as the game progresses, and mainly serves as a VERY lighthearted companion throughout the game. He is the source of most of the comedy throughout the game, and by reading this, you may have gotten the impression this game is comical. Far from it. In fact this game is anything but. Your quest will take you across several different planes, and will be a long one. If you're the type of person that likes a short lived romp in the arena fragging and killing other players, then this will most likely not be your type of game. However, if you are an Anime fan, or a fan of great Sci-Fi and Fantasy, this is your type of game. Some people may be turned off by some of the elements, and there are a few somewhat adult oriented elements through the game. These range from some scantilly clad women, to a few sexual innuendo's by Morte and a few others. So, if you're a parent that doesn't want your children seeing this sort of entertainment, I'd suggest against this one. However, everything said and done in this game can and will be seen on regular network television, so your children should be safe. That said and done, I can only give this game the highest regards in my opinion, and as I am a very picky game player, I can only hope this will spark your enthuiasim into this game. The game is based on the AD&D set of rules based in the Planescape realm. It is and RPG, and I can only stress that you will need time to get into the game, and once in it. You will need more time to quench that desire to go even further into the games' storyline.
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heteaho8 September 2002
Well, what can one say about something near perfect? Just one thing, go and buy this one, you won't be sorry. The game is unique among computer rpg's, there is nothing quite like it (well, maybe the Fallouts are along the same lines, but Torment has a lot more emotion to it).

So, if for some reason you have not experienced this game, correct that mistake now, while the game is still sold.
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Absolutely breathtaking
Nadea30 April 2003
This was the most fantastic game I have ever played. And that's saying a lot. I have been a huge fan of the Planescape setting for many years now, and this game brought Sigil to life like I never thought possible. The game was pretty much exactly how I pictured everything to be... The buildings, the speech, the entire atmosphere. It was amazing. I have never been so immersed in a game before. The characters were deep and I found myself truly caring about them. The story was so engrossing and unique... so deliciously tragic. I loved every bit of it. Finally, the music added just the right flavor to set the mood of every scene and place. I just can't put into words how wonderful this game is. It is truly my favorite game ever! Thanks to everyone involved with the game for bringing the world of Planescape to life so beautifully!
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One of the most memorable games you'll ever play.
tzehoong21 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone who has played this game will agree that it contains the best storyline ever developed for an RPG. If anything, it should be classified as Adventure/RPG. Planescape : Torment is based on AD&D rules, but you don't have to be a follower of AD&D to step into the game and enjoy it.

You play The Nameless One (slight spoiler : you will never discover his true name) in his epic journey to discover who he is - or was. From the very beginning of the game you will be drawn into an atmosphere of suspense as you begin to uncover the background of the amnesiac who awakes in a mortuary with no idea who he is, and discovers he is immortal.

There is barely a boring moment in the game. Unlike most RPGs, you won't get tired of hacking and slashing your way through hordes upon hordes of monsters in every shape and size imaginable, although the game does have a unique Bestiary in which every monster species and NPC you meet is catalogued with an impressive picture and summary. You will spend most of your time meeting the colourful characters of the planes, and discovery the mystery that is you.

A major plus point is The Nameless One's relationships with his companions - Dak'kon, a proud, tight-lipped Githyanki who has somehow been bound to you, Morte, a floating skull who will be with you early on and spices up your journey with his wacky sense of humour, Annah, a theifling with a stony exterior, Fall-From-Grace, the pillar of wisdom and patience, and many others. You will come to know and love them as they share your joys and torments.

Although the story far surpasses that of Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale (which utilise the same game engine), the combat effects are on par, if not better than these games. From the lowest first-level spell to the ground-levelling ninth levels, the amount of effort put into the animation is obvious and very much appreciated. Certain spells had whole CUTSCENES every time you casted them. The character animations are seamless and realistic. Combined with the fact that the viewing point in the game is much closer to the ground - hence every character appears larger - this makes for life-like, immersive role-playing.

Critics would say that the game is too unconventional, that the main character is too sinister to be accepted among casual gamers. Granted, the box cover seems a bit too intimidating and the Planescape setting itself makes for some serious thought. For me, however it just makes the game even more interesting. So the hero isn't your typical Casanova. Big deal. And when was the last time you played a game that had its own slang and colloquial expressions?

In short, Planescape : Torment is a game you simply MUST get if you like RPG games. It is proof that mere sales does not ensure a great game (Icewind Dale had better sales, but was lacking in both story and visual effects.). It will be one of the most memorable games you'll ever play.
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Best feeling in a game I have ever felt!
Rondum3 March 2002
I think that this is a really strong release from Interplay. It`s much more emotional than their other games, that`s why I like Plane Scape Torment so much! I would say that this is the best spent money ever, the game seem to last forever.
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The story of a man without a name.
squiddie5013 July 2006
It all stared at the mortuary, I woke up as if I've been taken to a hospital after a night when I had too much in my stomach that really belonged to the bottle. My head hurts and I cant recall a thing, although this time its not just yesterday, I cant remember a thing at all. Next to me I find a skull, although not a dead one, a living, talking, free floating skull. He tells me his name is Morte...

This is probably one of the best games ever made, I haven't played anything that have drawn me in like this game. Normally I'm really not in to role playing games, I think that they are too pretentious and foney, I mean OK: I'll save the world, get the treasure get half the kingdom, bla bla... Just so boring, this game is how ever different. You don't save the world, Its not in the dark ages, it doesn't contain: dwarfs, elves, orchs or any of that crap that I've seen a little too much of. My Journey is a different one, I'm of too get my life back, or at least the memory of it since I don't even have that. I cant even commit suicide, all that happens if I try is that I wake up again. Imortalaty is not a blessing in this game, its a curse. In most games the challenge lies in surviving, but not here. Here immortality is not a cheat that you've found on gamespot, its a fact that cant be switched on or of, this game is different. This game contains a profoundness that games usually never even want to have, every single character you meet in this game has a story, some have more than others, but its always extremely well made and you never feel like its repeating itself. In fact its manuscript is so thick that its thicker than what 5 normal sized novels are together. Sure its story is a linear one, but thats not something thats going to bother when the story is filled with mysteries that unravel as the story goes by. But it does not provide the answer to all questions it awakes. This game will leave you with questions, and gaps that are not supposed to be given answers by it self, that is something you'll have to fill in for yourself.
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Took my breath away.
BENARES-211 March 2000
I won't comment too long here -- I've already seen enough praise from other posted comments that perfectly mimc what I think of this great game. I will say, though, that I have been an AD&D Planescape fan since it first showed up, and was totally amazed by the incredible ability to create its unique architectual, character, and overall art style into this 3D masterpiece. It was loads of fun, was chock-full of wonderful elements in RPG and story sense, and I can only hope for more and more of the same. My ONLY disappointment was that you don't get to venture out to more planes of reality, but they have to leave SOMETHING for the sequel, eh ^_~?
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What to say
david-rf30 January 2002
Incredible story, superb characters, good graphics, good interface, incredible length, stunning spells, very good voices...I think that it's enough to go out and buy it. Simply the best CRPG ever. Period.
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A wonderfully created game
artoran15 August 2000
I have played many games before, and when I acquired Planescape: Torment, it was with the expectation of having bought a game much like Baldurs Gate. Boy was I wrong.

First of all, Torment is set in the world of Planescape, a place where attitude is essential, and where people on the street have a fair chance of being more powerful than you, even after you acquire a good amount of levels. The game does an excellent job in conveying this feeling, and keeps the dark Atmosphere of Planescape alive throughout the game.

Second the NPC's who join your group throughout the game are more than a little unique (No, I wont spoil it for you) compared to the elves and dwarves of your standard AD&D adventure. You can interact with them (By talking to them, a feature Baldurs gate had nothing of) and you may even see a chance for some romance with the opposite sex (Much needed, if you ask me). This brings me on to my third point.

Talking. Planescape: Torment is not a game for those who just want to kill, kill, and kill. I have never played a game with so much dialogue before, and you can be sure there will be an option that fits your alignment (moral view of the world). As you go along, the game examines what you say, and defines your alignment for you. Those of you who are thinking you need some fights too should rest assured that you will have plenty of opportunity to fight, and I personally enjoyed the fine balance of fights vs. dialogue in Torment.

Technically Torment is much superior to Baldurs Gate, and even Icewind Dale (which came out -after- torment) in many points. It has a quest log to show you (in)completed quests, an NPC log to show you a picture of the monsters you have met, with a brief description of them, and so forth. Also the screen is not littered with bars on all sides, as is Baldurs Gate. Most commands are issued by bringing up a menu using right click. I certainly hope they will bring these excellent features with them into Baldurs Gate II - since they are part of why the game is so enjoyable.

All in all I believe Planescape: Torment to be the best of the Action/RPG games from Black Isle yet, and it is a definite must for anyone who wants to try a different kind of Setting and plot.

I certainly loved it :=)
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The best RPG ever.
rb001424 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I buried myself in Planescape Torment the day I got it. To this day I still play it. I returned to this game most recently after getting bored with Morrowind.

Planescape Torment is the story of a man. This man cannot remember himself, his past, where he is, or even his name. He is... The Nameless One

You find that you are not just any man. You have just awoken in the morgue(the mortuary). You were a scarred, dead body. You are hunted relentlessly by shadows of the dead. Every time your body is broken and renewed your mind is further undone. If this cycle of death and resurrection continues, all that will be left of you is a mindless shell. This game is completely like any other, in the fact that the entire plot is The Nameless One seeking his death. Being immortal, in many cases you have to die to advance the plot/get an item/finish a quest.

Nameless One: I have one foot in the grave, the other in hell.

The voice acting in this game is the best in any game to date. Almost every actor was/is a famous movie actor. When I started playing Halo 2, I almost had a cow when I realized that the Arbiter is Vhailor. Likewise for KoTOR. There's Fall-From-Grace reincarnated as Bastila Shan. This game has Homer Simpson, Jarod of The Pretender, Sheena Easton, Assistant Director Skinner, Q of Star Trek, and many others from cartoons that I grew up on.

I can honestly say this game is the only one where I truly cared for the welfare of my party members. Besides Doom 3, this is the only game that I was genuinely afraid of some of the villains. The Transcendent One has the scariest voice I have ever heard (Imagine a voice deeper, raspier, and more terrifying than Darth Vader.) I've never made it through the endgame without involuntarily shaking from exhilaration. I can remember thinking that maybe I really should follow Annah's advice and get the heck out of Fell's shop before the Lady decided she had tolerated his presence for far too long. The first time I crossed the Lady of Pain, my heart nearly stopped - I had just come face to face with a character that is soooo powerful that in the pen and paper D&D she has NO stats. She IS the trump card. Even the God that stood up to her was destroyed and banished from this plane of existence. Needless to say, it involved loading my last saved game.

The graphics and detail in this game are THE most amazing animations ever seen. These cities look like a snapshot out of the real world. When people talk of the "Ground Leveling spells" they aren't kidding. The final and most powerful spell The Nameless One can acquire essentially calls down aid from the great dungeon master of all and obliterates everything within sight. Almost every spell above level 5(in a 1-9 system) involves an entire cut scene.

Within the lowest levels of Sigil, and all across the multiverse, you encounter unique and interesting characters. You meet a fallen angel that would condemn an entire city to death, a fiend cursed to do good deeds until his death, undead shamans that could unleash the entire power of hell on your character, never-ending hordes of sentient, hive-mind rats, flesh eating ghouls, an enormous pillar of screaming, screeching skulls that were so loud and unsettling I was forced to turn the sound off, and hideous demons that would beat you to within an inch of your life and then hand you a contract that would give you your life in exchange for your eternal soul.

Those who are on your side could pass for true people. Fall-From-Grace keeps a diary, and scolds you if you try to read or take it. Annah threatens to put her daggers in the back of your skull if you try to take them. Morte is more sarcastic. "In case you haven't noticed, those are my teeth. Unless you're a dentist, HANDS OFF." And I found out the hard way that they WILL turn on you if you provoke them.

Another game has never made me question my own existence or delve so deeply into a philosophical discussion that I forget I'm talking to a computer. Each character has their own beliefs and values which affect their actions and dialog.

Ignus: Ignus wishes to BURN!

Transcendent One: The weak suffer. I *endure*!

Dak'kon: When a mind does not *know* itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken.

Vhailor: "While we await, mercy and evil seep into the hearts of more victims!"

Not all are so serious or profound.

Nordom: I estimate Fall-from-Grace to be found attractive by the male sex of over 321423 separate species. Give or take 5.

Fall-from-Grace: Simple minds... simple pleasures...

Nameless One: Well I, for one, plan on discovering the secrets of the multiverse by rubbing cottage cheese on my belly and eating vast quantities of fresh-water fish. Mmm... cheese.

I have never been so absorbed and immersed in a game. When it all comes down to it, though, the only thing that matters is that which can change the nature of a man. I have never spent so much time thinking about one question.
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The best story I've ever played.
Dimwit Flathead4 February 2001
Truly incredible, and a shame that more people don't have the patience and maturity to appreciate it. Anyone who appreciates a story with enthralling characters who develop realistically, massive scope and attention to detail, and a fantastic new way of looking at existence both as a whole and in minute detail will enjoy this game.
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Best game ever
roneBOFH23 January 2001
At risk of echoing what others have said... this game is brilliant. One of my hard-core gamer friends says it's a top-3 RPG in his experience (which is ludicrously extensive). I'm replaying it right now, about a year after i finished it, because of all of the stuff that i missed the first time around. An utterly immersive, broad, well-done, and fun game.
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What can change the nature of a game?
petra_ste9 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The moment I realized I was playing something more than a fun isometric RPG came early into the game. The amnesiac hero enters the Public Sensorium, where a society of hedonists stores into magical spheres all kind of different experiences for visitors to relive. Suddenly, as you move from one device to the next, you realize some of those visions might be connected to your old life; clues are tantalizingly vague and unsettling. Just one of the many great moments this game has in store.

Featuring deep characters, a refreshingly original plot, complex choices and a truly unique setting, Torment is on the short list of the best games ever made.

Let's get this out of the way: there is an element of Torment which is far from stellar, and that's combat. It just isn't particularly good compared to other Infinity Engine titles like Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale; encounter design in particular is lackluster. Still, this isn't much of an issue, as there is relatively little combat and much of it can be avoided; this is the kind of game where, if you play your cards right, you won't even need to fight the main villain. Also, unremarkable combat is overshadowed by what the game does right, and that's a lot.

The setting is not your typical Tolkienesque, medieval fantasy world but Sigil, an ominous fantasy metropolis which connects all dimensions, with different factions clashing to control it and creatures of all kind roaming its streets. Characters are memorable and unique, from a puritanical succubus to a sarcastic floating skull; writing is still unparalleled in the medium.

The protagonist attempts to unravel the secret of his identity; eerie shadows stalk him; his whole existence is a mystery, with strange tattoos on his body providing cryptic clues and a shady sidekick clearly concealing part of the truth (shades of Memento here: were the Nolan brothers inspired by this game?).

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The best "story" game I've played
fredde2344 November 2006
After playing this game, I won't ever look upon "story" games in the same way.

Torment's strength is foremost it's mysterious story, which is totally solid from start to finish.

How many games haven't one played whose stories catch interest at first, but in the end the "spectacular" mysteries are unveiled and proved to be totally ridiculous. This is not one of those games. Planescape:Torment is solid from start to end. I was very surprised that a story with such power (elegance, and depth) such as this one could be done without ruining it in the end.

From a role-playing perspective this game is awesome. The game begins with the main character awaking in a mortuary in a strange world having lost his memory. This beginning puts you and "him" in the same position since you don't know who he is either, or what this world is like. The world is almost absurdly detailed, with it's own slang (!) and many detailed organizations/groups with their own religions/philosophies.

The amount of freedom you have in the game to act as you like is also impressive. You can sell your friends as slaves, make them jealous, help them become more insightful(!).

Also there are lots and lots of memorable characters throughout the game. Those who can become members of your party are particularly interesting and two of them (Morte and Dak'kon) have jolly darn good and surprising background stories.

If you truly want a game with a good story and "true" role-playing, get this game!
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Deeply Impacting.
rgr_wlc1 May 2006
There are video games that you play, and when finished, there is nothing but a sense of boredom. That a task is finished, and there is little left to do with that game but relegate it to a dusty corner, naer again to see the light of day. Planescape : Torment, is not such a game. Since it was released, I have personally purchased at least 4 copies, since I keep losing one of the CD's. PS:T is one of the most engrossing and far-reaching games of it's genre. The dynamic world created therein far surpasses the shallow, uninspired, and often insipid worlds created for the "Massively Multiplayer". This is a game to be treasured, to be held in the highest esteem, and to be played often. Rarely has a game truly been as thought provoking as PS:T. Planescape Torment is unique, a jewel in the crown of gaming. Yet my grasp of the English language fails to fully encompass the wonder and awe that Planescape Torment can inspire, bringing one from the deepest depths of despair and loss, to the highest pinnacles of joy. In the hopes that someone else will discover Planescape Torment and begin a journey that will open their eyes, I make this comment.
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Travel the Planes in the quest to find out who you are. And why you cannot die.
Talleballe2 December 2006
Although this game has been around for several years and, in terms of graphic has been surpassed many times, it is still hard to find a computer-game that is so touching, so thought-provoking and so daring. Most games follow a simple line, the sole purpose seems to be to appeal to as many as possible and sell as many copies as possible, but here you have something as unusual as a game that demands something from the player. You have to get invested in the game to fully appreciate its story and its characters, and in so doing you will find an experience that will stick with you for a long time. On a slow day I still feel the urge to return to the city of Sigil, to play the adventures of The Nameless One and to hear Morte commenting on everyone and everything. Just take a look at the IMDb score. It doesn't lie!
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Undying Art
another_awakening4 April 2008
Imagine a place of infinite possibilities, where metaphor is reality and reality metaphor, a universe where belief molds the physical realm and where a single thought can *actually* change things… Welcome to "Planescape". It is hard to better describe the "Planescape" universe, one of the famous "Dungeons and Dragons" realms. At first glance, it might seem like a weird, freaky world that pales in comparison with its renowned sibling, "Forgotten Realms", but that would be a mistake: "Planescape" is infinitely more complex, thought-provoking and original than the "Tolkienesque" high-fantasy spin-off of "Forgotten Realms".

It starts off with a simple idea: what if anyone could change, with will power alone, the universe? How would *that* look like? What rules and laws, of social and physical nature would exist? How would balance be obtained? Who would rule such a world and how? As you can see, the premise alone opens a whole universe of philosophical questions, which is a sign of the inherent complexity of "Planescape". Besides the well built background, the story that unveils during the course of "Torment", written by Chris Avellone ("Fallout 2", "Icewind Dale" and "Sith Lords"), is equally profound and intellectually stimulating. Not only that, it contains some of the most unpredictable and memorable twists ever to grace a video game. And I do mean *memorable*.

The narrative starts in a mortuary, where the main character, the "Nameless One" lies unconscious and amnesiac. Unsure of why he lies in a mortuary he delves into the "Hive" (the center of the multi-verse) in search for clues about his past. He learns that he is, by some unknown reason, Immortal, a curse which he cannot fathom escape, even after millennia of trying. He then embarks on a journey to revive his memories, in order to understand the "why" and the "how" of his undying condition. He will meet many adversaries and companions that will help him regain knowledge of the multi-verse and of his previous "incarnations": different persona's molded by different memories of the same man. In the end of his quest, lies a question: "What could change the nature of a man?" The answer is the key to the game's plot. To find it, you will learn about the whole of "Planescape", its many planes of existence (hence the name "multi-verse"), its societies, cultures, philosophies and religions, and you will challenge powers greater than any mortal, such as Angels, Gods, and even… Death.

The script is superbly well written. Its dialogs are witty, complex, intellectually stimulating and also have a unique feel, thanks to the use of 17th century English (complete with proper slang). The literary dimension is used to its fullest: many actions, situations and memories are only described via text; it's great text, mind you, that allows your imagination to capture the full magnificence of the game's environments. However, it is a shame that certain scenes don't make use of some audio-visual language, such as cut-scenes or stills, in order to enhance the narrative impact. Because of this, "Torment" is similar to an interactive book, which might displease the more trigger-happy gamers. On the good side of things, the narrative is truly interactive. Whether you want to be evil, killing all those whose stand in your way, or if you wish to make up to all the evil the Nameless One's previous incarnations have caused in the past, it's your choice. Your character's alignment (following D&D's classic divisions), is entirely determined by your actions in the game. Unfortunately, there aren't different endings, just different paths to achieve the same goals, which for a 1999 game was more than enough to warrant the revolutionary status.

Aesthetically it is also a marvelous game, even if it still uses "Baldur's Gate" dated 2D Engine. Recreating the complexity of "Planescape" was definitely a challenge for the Art Department, but it paid off: the environments are dark, gloomy and dirty, meshing dark fantasy visuals, an industrial-revolution twist and some "Burtonesque" imagery (flying skulls anyone?), all of which give the visuals that edgy and freaky dimension. However, when the player leaves the center of the multi-verse, the scenarios seem to lose quality, lacking the overall attention to detail of the previous backgrounds. It's a shame, because it makes the exploration of the multi-verse less awe-inspiring then what you'd expect, considering the descriptions you'll read throughout the game. The sound has an equally broad mix of flavors; from beautifully orchestrated synthesizer melodies, to tribal rhythms, every sound blends perfectly with the visuals, adding one more layer to the uniqueness of the "Planescape" setting.

Notice how I haven't even touched the matter of game-play? Can you guess why? Yes, it's because the RPG "action" elements in "Torment" aren't exactly as memorable as the rest of the game. They are, for the most part, completely forgettable. Basically, it plays out as a simplistic clone of "Baldur's Gate", e.g. classical turn-based AD&D rule-oriented game-play. It's dull, uninteresting, and it isn't even tactical or challenging… it does encourage grinding and looting, which I, myself, would regard as downright wrong. On the good side, the immensity of side-quests helps the game-play stay somewhat fresh and keep pace, making action all the more secondary in comparison to the game's other facets.

If you can forget about the slumber-inspiring game-play (and believe me, you will), you'll find out that "Torment" is so grandiose, profound and unique, that you'll be left without words to describe it. Its stories, ideas and characters we'll linger in your memory, challenging your heart and mind to fully understand the magnificence of the game's experiences… making you want to go back to the "Planescape" universe time and time again. Whether Chris Avellone knew it or not, "Torment" was his undying attempt at immortality through art. It succeeded.
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A few words on this fantastic game
dtr196 November 2006
First of all I have to say what everyone else says, this game is amazing. I love it. I bought it when it first came out, and have played it so much that I am at the point where I think I need to buy a new one because mine is starting to get worn out. Now on to what I wanted to say. Make sure you play it through and try to get all the endings. The best one is when you actually can merge with your mortality. Not giving anything away, but that one also involves you finally finding out EXACTLY who you are. The other thing is if you have played using Da'kkon make sure you make it so that you can unlock all the discs he has, it gives you much more insight into his character and makes his part of the story much more rich. Use the cheats to up your stats if you have to to do these two things, because they make the story much better. Fighting your mortality and winning is only one possible ending, and the others are much better. Also, most people think Annah is your only love interest, BUT Fall From Grace can also be one if you do things correctly with her and with Annah. DON'T kiss Ravel if you want to do this. That's all I wanted to say. If you try any of this, enjoy. Trust me, it shows how this game can be even better. The story doesn't have to drop off after meeting Ravel if you play things right, and your stats are built up enough, especially wisdom, charisma, and intelligence.
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Best. Game. Ever.
markku-nissinen20 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It would be nigh impossible to add any praise, because all have been said already.

I've played the game six times and i haven't still found out everything there is.

I find myself often thinking that how deep can the immersion get, if things like your own name get to be one of the most fundamental aspects of the game, becoming one of the driving elements? I almost wept when He found peace and meaning, knew His destiny at long last, simply by *knowing*n his name. And as for the dialog, Jesus, i've been into RPG:s since the middle ages, basically. But never, ever something so trivial, such as Annah being afraid -really afraid- of Fell actually *meant* anything. When She was distressed, i comforted her because i actually cared AND were afraid at the same time, of fell, of the Lady an for Annah. And as for the ending, never ever in video games and very rarely (or ever) in movies and such is so much feelings involved, and a sense of drama. "DO YOU LOVE HIM?" "I love him more than me life." "THE DIE" was a line of dialog that really made me punch the screen because i was unable to do anything... And it really delivered a blow that I, yet again, FELT.

The Characters are frickin' insane, all of them. A floating portal of flame, walking Rubik's cube, possessed set of armor, a succubus, halfbreed demon, A SKULL..! Dak'kon is the closest analogue to anything normal... and that's still far from it. The dialog is superb as the characters get to know and taunt and tease each other, i really laughed my a** of when I first heard the discussions between Morte and Nordom... Hilarious and funny, witty and sharp, sincere and touching... all the same time.

For six years I've waited for a sequel. Planescape: vengeance is a fan based, full blown sequel for PS:T, and so far looks good and true to the original. Time will tell if it has anything to offer after Torment did it all.

If there's anything to diss, it would be the time it takes to load.

But all in all, the music, characters, milieu, incredibly deep and complex plot (with the rat-bashing thing included only as an inside joke and a nod towards other RPG:s), spells (Mechanus Cannon, WTF??? :D) and every single little detail included makes this the best game ever in my 19+ years of gaming. Someone said that first you play them fallouts, then BG:s and such, and only after that, PS:T. Because it can easily ruin otherwise good gaming experience. I concur.
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Finally a good translation
revere-728 November 2001
First off, let me say that I am not a computer gamer. I first began playing AD&D in 1979. When home computing began, I played some of the early PC RPGs (such as Microsoft's Adventure, Apple's Temple of Apshai etc.) Way back then, I envisioned a day when a computer game would accurately reflect D&D. PLANESCAPE TORMENT is that game. Purchased on a whim, I have not been disappointed. Afriend played it, and because of his gaming style, he had a totally different experience, but also rewarding experience. I highly recommend this one.
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Greatest Game Ever
joetooth2 April 2008
This is by far my favorite game. I am an avid RPG gamer, I play them all day every day, especially D&D based computer games. Ironically I got this game free with another game which I didn't like at all, but Torment got me addicted immediately. I have played through this game 10 or more times now and every time I find something new, from a new character, to a new mission, to a new store. The alternate endings and many different conversations you can have with each PC and NPC are amazing. You can say one thing different to one person and change the game in a huge way. The replay-ability is amazing. If you are looking for a great computer game check this out.

Also read the comment before mine it was much better.
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