Stickmen (2001) Poster


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fragasm6 February 2004
Yes I was reminded of Guy Ritchie's style while watching this film, but what's wrong with that? This movie is entertaining! There isn't much of a message here other than a few allegories bandied about linking relationships with billiards, but you know what? The actors were all very believable in their roles. It is funny and above all it is stylish and entertaining! Check it out.
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LIke 'Bootmen!' only, you know, with sticks! Actually, it's better than that...
Cloten29 June 2001
Although this film comes onto its audience like an extended beer commercial and breeds initial suspicion that it may be a shot-for-shot remake of 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', ultimately it's not too bad. The characters might be the broadest stereotypes on paper (there's even a whore with a heart of gold) but the actors flesh them out with enough of their own charm, idiosyncrasies (and outright sex appeal) to make the roles seem lived in. The performances are universally good (although Kessel's and Nordhaus' stand out most), but the thinness of the material shows through in some places (like the lack of distinction among the personalities of the three central mates).

Like a lot of film-makers these days, 'Stickmen''s came to features though advertising, and this leaves obvious and continual marks on the film's visual style. There's a lot of rapid cutting and camera motion - general ad-industry tricksiness. It shows also in the care they've taken with surface detail and lighting; like 'Lock Stock...', 'Stickmen' is an exercise in imbuing a fairly humdrum urban locale with an impossibly scungy hipness. Its Wellington is a down-at-heel props-fest of found 70s-kitsch art objects.

While there might not ever be another really good New Zealand film (it often seems like the Right has killed off the arts-sector here, except as an adjunct of Marketing), 'Stickmen' is OK. It looks good, and it functions as entertainment, unlike say, 'Via Satellite'. It's a pity it couldn't have been more than just a story about some guys, some chicks, and a game of pool.
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New Zealand's 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Pool Cues'
taikman20 June 2002
Heavily influenced by Guy Richie's 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', with a similar plot (a few likeable lads get in over their heads with colourful local gangsters), style (slow-motion and other camera tricks, dark humour, some sexy violence) and setting (the seedier side a big city, particularly lots of bars), this is an enjoyable if shallow piece of pulp film. Like most Kiwi films some of the acting leaves a bit to be desired, none of the characters are particularly deep, you won't learn any higher truths or even move your intellect out of second gear, but it is good fun, particularly if you enjoy a bit of pool. Wait for the entrance of 'The Men In Black': it's the movie's best scene.

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Thoroughly loved this movie.
cterlizzi7 January 2002
I don't know where some of the folks leaving comments are coming from. Maybe I am not "high brow" enough, but I do know a funny and entertaining movie when I see one.

I caught this movie on a flight from London to Chicago and got to watch it twice. The second time was even better as I managed to catch some nuances that I missed the first time around.

I liked this movie so much that I am going to try and purchase the DVD. I get the feeling that this will be one of those few movies that I will never tire of watching and that every once in a while I will pop in the DVD player just to unwind and get reacquainted with an old friend (like Ferris Bueller's Day Off).

Now I only hope that there is a sequel and that it is as good as the first one!
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Immensely entertaining and fun movie
jnzed14 March 2001
This is not the best movie I have seen in a while - but it is one of the most entertaining. It moves along well, and both the story and characters are fun and interesting. The end is great, and seems 'just right'.
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Straightforward and engaging
briancham19948 August 2020
This film throws the audience into the world of underground pool and leaves them with the main characters who are all slick and funny. The plot is very straightforward and well paced to keep the audience engaged.
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"Pub pool has to be the ultimate game, its got everything"
adam-54130 November 2004
I watched this movie late on a Saturday night on T.V and hadn't even heard of it. I was thoroughly surprised and uplifted by the whole thing. I play pub pool and a lot of the dialogue and circumstances made me chuckle in my armchair. E. g when Thomas (Paulo Rotondo) says "I mean as long as i have got a pool cue in one hand, a beer in the other, coin on the table and my mates by my side I'll be happy". That is me all over. I bought this movie straight after I watched it but had to wait 2 weeks for my local video store to order it in. A film like this should not be one to be forgotten on the shelf never mind not even find it. One of my favourite films of today. With no well known actors this film wouldn't appeal to most, but seriously don't judge a book by its cover, or a video or a CD. 9 out of 10 a must see for the pub sportsman.
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a success that deserved more care in the making
dracher26 February 2007
This film could have been compared to Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels if it had been good enough, as it is; I believe that those who made the comparison did so without thinking. Stickmen is very nearly a first rate film, and overall, it is a very entertaining piece with excellent physical casting, in fact, the look in general, is brilliant. So where did it go wrong? The story is a good yarn building (eventually) to a good climax and dénouement, but it lacks in the telling, and presents itself more as a collection of anecdotes than a thread of narrative or story line. As I said, the physical casting is brilliant, but not all the cast can act well and much direction needed to ground the performances of the leading men simply wasn't there, the performances were also uneven, with one or two actors so obviously more gifted than the rest, and one so much so that he was almost a solo performance, overall, the women were ahead of the men in acting skills. The production values and the camera work were generally fine, but occasionally over the top, this mistake again contributed to the films unevenness. I believe that the team responsible should learn from this nearly great film and forge ahead with a sequel or a film of similar style allowing time and energy to be spent on better scripting and upon lifting individual performance and developing better cohesion between the actors.
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Can low budget mean seedy, sexy and smart...You Bet!
Donovan124 March 2004
I don't like to repeat what has been said before, but it is true. This is very much like Tarantino meets Ritchie. With that said, here is the lowdown. The first scene (set) has such a great slap to it, if you do not find it funny; there is no sense in going any further.

Three mates (best friends) get put into an underground pool tournament. The real catch is it consists of only one game per match and locations of the matches keep changing. Keep in mind; the `shock' content is part of this grand journey. The dialogue is quite humorous. Although you may not get all of the humor, as this is a New Zealand (Kiwi) brand of humor, it is great just the same.

The three words to best describe this film would be seedy, sexy, and smart. The many directions the characters go in this film is exactly what happens to real people when put under strange conditions. This is totally devoted to the characters rather than pool, but it is sure to be a pool theme classic film. Low budget? You bet, but totally worth it. So I do recommend it for the Babes, Booze, Bars, Bros., and yes of course - the pool!

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EddieMink20 September 2002
Did you like Guy Ritchie's fabulous, "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels"?

Want to see it butchered by people that obviously have no idea what they're doing?

I was alerted to this film by a few Kiwi friends (who else?). They obviously take a lot of pride in it. They were clearly not happy when I gave them my verdict.

"Stickmen" is EXACTLY the kind of trash that should be avoided at all costs. All areas of it are derivative. The performances, the style, the "dialogue". Well, the attempts at all of the above anyway. All are forced, unfunny and lack any sense of narrative coherence.

It "looks" nice (although that look itself is stolen from Richies film). But thats it.

If my verdict was one of those amusing "smilies", it'd be the one with the eyes planted firmly upwards. As it happens, all I have are numbers. Thus:

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Tarantino Down Under.
Jake-6024 May 2001
I loved this film. Ok, it's made on the cheap, the story is very basic and some of the characters are over the top, but that describes "Resevoir Dogs" and " Lock, Stock..." as well. The acting and sense of humour are superb, and it contains a real insight into New Zealand's lad culture. Visually stunning, occasionally letting style overtake substance (just like Tarantino and Ritchie did with their films), it is a joy to watch. And the drunken pool master is really funny. If you're prepared to let the higher brain functions have a night off, catch this film. More fun than a cat in a Microwave. (And if that line offends you, probably give this film a miss.)
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James Coleman makes what is a terrible movie even worse.
iploppedmypants1 September 2001
This film is embarrassingly bad, I hated every minute of it as did everyone i watched it with. Stinkmen. The acting was terrible the lines sounded like something written by some kid in drama class and the pretentious shots and effects made me cringe. Very very bad.
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Fairly derivative stuff but still quite fun to watch if you're in an undemanding mood
bob the moo29 October 2004
Jack is a ladies' man who can barely remember the names of the many women he has had in his bed – even when they are still in his bed. Wayne has been dumped by his girlfriend, while Thomas barely sees his and is starting to cheat with Sara. Together they have one main love – playing pool in their local bar. When the barman gets into money trouble he strikes a deal with loan shark 'Daddy' to bet the rest of the bar on his three customers to win Daddy's annual high profile pool contest. Going under the name Stickmen, the trio enter the contest, but can they keep their nerves among distractions and Daddy's violent methods for managing anything.

Not sure what this was about, I decided to give it a go in the absence of anything else that I really wanted to see. The film marks itself out as being based around the visual style and snappy dialogue of things like Lock, Stock, with the similar theme of crime and cool protagonists. In this regard I kind of accepted that this film wasn't going to do anything special at any point and I just met it on its own terms. The plot is nothing more than a collection of unlikely pool games punctuated with talking, f*cking or fighting all on the way to the inevitable conclusion with a few unconvincing twists. It never really does anything unexpected but it does have a certain energy to it that keeps it watchable.

The director has learnt from other people and gives the film a good atmosphere with a good sense of energy and style – again it is hardly different or unique but it does work well enough to do the job. The script has the same rough energy to it, mixing pop culture references with enough of a flirtatious swagger to come across as entertaining even if it lacks any real laughs, clever scripting or wit. The cast help the script in this area, with some typically New Zealand acting – tough guys, sassy women etc. Magasiva is a nice presence – build, sexy and with good charisma; he has little to do other than that but he is as required. Wills provides some good laughs and even Rotondo deals well with the fact that he has to carry much of the actual story involving his character and Sara. Nordhaus also has this problem and she does better than the material allows. Kessell is very cute and sexy but doesn't do much more than that – but in fairness the film didn't ask for anything else. The various support characters all help keep the films energy with several colourful parts, albeit they just gimmicks rather than people.

Overall this is not a very good film but it treads a solid path that is energetic and stylish enough to cover its many weaknesses and produce a roughly enjoyable film. Lacking anything original to do and with a pretty thin plot, it falls to the director's style, snappy dialogue, sex, violence and pool scenes to carry the film; they're not much cop any of them but they do enough to carry the film anyway.
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extraction of heads!!
AgingWilliam8 October 2004
Why do so many people want to compare this film to lock stock? is it a British thing? maybe. ENOUGH ABOUT LOCK STOCK (which in my opinion was a film full of mis cast actors.

Stickmen does not make you rethink your life! Stickmen does not make you want to start your own pool team! ( dirty dancing made me want to dance, Rocky made me want to box.)

What stickmen gives you is 1.5 hrs of laughs followed by tension, followed by romance followed by pool. It is full of kiwi humour and although a different genre to "brain dead" it clearly has the same down to earth non pompous attitude to laughter.

so lets get our heads out of our butts and laugh at Wayne, envy Jack and get our moms to smother Thomas in kisses. Who would have thought that so many class performances could have come from Shortland street.
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Now this is true Kiwi pool!
chad_crackel7 April 2001
A must see! Those Kiwi's really know how to make a movie. Wellington was an excellent place to shoot this movie. Great pubs, people, and entertainment. The "downtrough" had to be one of the most memorable parts of the movie, how embarrassing would that be if that happened to you. Check it out, you'll be impressed.
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Don't even bother it's uncreative and unoriginal formulated garbage.
shaun genius10 September 2001
Writer Nick Ward thought to himself wow i want to make a movie. So he obviously sat down and watched Lock Stock and two smoking barrels, Pulp Fiction and Reservior Dogs and went yeah i can make a movie like that.The end product was Stickmen- so formulated on narrative and characters of this genre you'd think he had a Ph.d in maths. The worst thing about this is that he based it around a pool competition which seems highly unimaginative and predictable through out the film. The characters are unlikable and the actors think they are doing live theatre with all of there overacting. The dialogue is to say the least- lame. The thing that disturbed me most about this film is that it got funded by the New Zealand film Commission over many other feature films that cold of been made. Do yourself a favour and watch a Guy Richie or Tarantino film instead.
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Good Kiwi fun
cru217 November 2003
A very enjoyable movie, probably aimed more at those with a Kiwi/Oz style sense of humor. It may even go over the heads of anyone who has a limited grasp of Kiwi/Oz modern-day culture. So those viewers who find no pleasure in this movie should not try to dissuade those who haven't seen it from checking it out. A bit of blokey fun for those who enjoy a laugh with their mates. Check it out. 9/10
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An overall good film
dancerguy3 June 2004
This is a film to see. While not very deep it has some great scenes, if only for their visual aspect. A great little story about three men looking to make their mark in the world of stick-ball. However, they get caught up in the world of the mob. Action, sex, and pool; what more could you ask for. It is well put together and gives two hours of entertainment. Don't miss out on your chance to watch this film. It may not be very profound, but quality acting and a good director make this a fun film to watch. They may want to look for a new writer, but this production crew has some great ideas. Look for more good movies to be coming out of these people. I will be watching all of them. You should too.
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A superbly funny, sexy and sometimes dark story.
johnd-1813 October 2001
This film has to be one of the all time best from us Kiwi's. It has managed to wrap comic material with menace and poolhall excitement in a great entertainment package. I hope it does enormously well on the international stage - it deserves to.
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At last a truly great kiwi movie!
bwallwork23 January 2001
Within moments of the start of this film I saw I was going to love it. The characters are fantastic, the cinematography is brilliant, and the plot? Gripping. It's great to see a New Zealand-made film at last that isn't stifled by this countries PC element. It is simply a great story, well directed and well acted. I hope it is a sign that kiwi cinema is taking a turn for the better.
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Nothing special
=G=29 July 2003
"Stickmen" tells a story about three New Zealand buddies who shoot pool and become involved in an underground tournament. The question the film asks is: Will they win? (duh) Probably the most outstanding thing about this flick is the absence of anything outstanding. Strictly one for the guys, this flick is a good natured romp with some heavies, some babes, and our trio of heros who don't do much other than wisecrack and shoot pool. As one of the characters puts it; happiness is a cue in one hand, beer in the other, and his "mates"...oh, yeah, and his girl. In a film about pool you might expect some great trick shots but "Stickmen" manages to muster only a single massé shot. Very ordinary stuff for men only. (C)
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Highly recommended
russ-4010 February 2001
Stickmen is a very funny film about three NZ lads who spend their nights at a run down pool hall, drink to get very drunk, and have varying degrees of success with the women they encounter. One of the main characters and the star pool player, Jack, has a running gag of never remembering the names of the women he is sleeping with even after he has known them for a week. There is also the token stupid but funny character who plays pool WITH his appartment and wakes up the next day to exclaim that his place was trashed by someone the previous night and somehow he has scratches on his pool cue. PS if you are a catholic priest you may or may not find humour in one of his scenes. (If you aren't a catholic priest you will find it very funny).

Through their friendship with the owner of the pool hall they find themselves in an underground pool tournament, run by a sinister barber (yes I mean that), where the stakes rise as the film goes on.

I usually go to NZ films because I figure, someone has to! In our few successes we are known for such films as "The Piano" and "Once Were Warriors", which are powerful dramas that do the art-house theatres around the world. Stickmen is not an art-house drama. It is a rollicking good film with lots of humour, some violence, some Simone Kessell nudity, and a few tricks to watch out for (including the guy in the pink shirt).

This is highly recommended.
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sometimes cliched, sometimes sexist but always enjoyable.
jezzacla20 February 2002
Rather than the Lockstock comparisons (con-tricks in a seedy pub-world of nicknames and an eccentric Mr. Big villain), I was more worried about this film becoming a kiwi take on Doug Lihman's "Swingers" - this worry compounded by the match-cutting of a pool ball been potted and a couple reaching orgasm in the opening minutes of the film.

The visual flashiness and misogynistic small-talk soon subsides and the film becomes a rather sweet sport-film (underdogs in the tournament of their lives, betrayal, self-doubt, physical incapacity before 'big game' etc.). The acting certainly helps, as does the novelty of each pool team representing a deliberately cartoonish tribal-stereotype (similar to the fun of the various 'gangs' in Walter Hill's "The Warriors").

The makers show they are a clever bunch making a competent mass market film that veers the right side of indulging rather than insulting the viewer's intelligence. (I especially liked the underplayed fact that if the stickmen win the final it will give the pub-landlord money to do up their seedy watering-hole and turn it into the sort of flashy pub they hate!)

60 out of 82.
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A masterpiece....
p.burgers8 December 2001
Once again, Kiwis prove they can do anything....and do it well. This film is SLICK! Great production, great acting, great writing, action, sex, tension, love, personal growth, winning, losing and learning.

All in all a movie that kept me glued to the screen and talking about it afterwards.

The characters come across as real, the locations are spot on(Kiwis will confirm this), the talk, the walk and the feel of the film are the sort of thing that you just don't get from top Hollywood studios....yet theres nothing lost in production here.

I'm a Kiwi so I'm biased but hell...get this movie out, watch it and judge for yourself....I reckon its great! ;)
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