Knight Chills (Video 2001) Poster

(2001 Video)

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Not everything can be Lord Of The Rings
spankdoggybutt26 December 2006
You need to have the proper perspective when watching these types of films..they're crap..we know they're enjoy the crap. I thought this was a weak story, however there were some enjoyable characters and the plot is classic...loner loser geek gets revenge on all those who have harmed him...we have all fantasized about that kind of thing. I found this little jewel of cinematic pooh on a collection called "Night Chills" and trust me..this is one of the better films in that collection...I personally love crappy C and B grade movies because I'm sick of the Hollywood factory made movies that have the same stupid plot as the last 50 Hollywood movies I've seen
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if only it was a better attempt
japanfan_024 October 2007
My name is Japanfan and i've been gaming for 18 years.

(Hi Japanfan!) the plot of this movie is sound. the execution leaves SO much to be desired. The actual scenes of them gaming is done so well and captures all the feel of being a gamer, including the gamers who are jerks by nature, who drink too much, who toke too much, or are way too into the game. Unfortunately, this is the best part of the movie. The production value is sad, the acting of 90% of the cast is less than crap, and the dialog needs tons of work.

That being said, i actually did like it! a lot! I gave it a 5 because all the stuff that is bad really is so bad that it takes that much away from a positive ranking. Especially the last 4 lines of the movie.... the last 4 lines of the movie RUIN EVERYTHING!! (assuming you believed there was anything in the movie left to ruin)

If your a hard core table top gamer, you will at least enjoy the movie on some level. if you are not, this is probably not what you would enjoy.
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angelandthebeast20 March 2003
I am so disgusted that this kind of low-grade film would even be in stores to rent in the first place.

They should have a warning label on the cover: Warning, may cause you to want to poke your eyes out just to keep from having to see anymore of it!!

What a total piece of crap. The acting has got to be the worst part about this, although everything about it is very ameteur-ish, and stupid.

The dialogue all seemed to be made up on the spot. They obviously didn't even have a writer or a screenplay (or a director?), they just filmed a bunch of stupid scenes that don't even make sense and decided to put them together.

Try getting some actors that actually have talent and a script that wasn't made up on the spot, or better yet-- do everyone a favor and go back to your day job.

You must be a total fool to actually sit through this movie in it's entirety.

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moovie_expert25 September 2002
This horrible attempt of a "movie" was the worst piece of crap I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot of horrible B-movies). I am ashamed that I wasted any time on this at all. The worst thing about it was the acting--NOT ONE person cast in this movie has the right to call themselves an actor. It seemed as though they were reading from cue cards the entire time. You can tell they must have went up to people on the streets and said "Hey, want to be in a movie?"! From the laughable performance by the child playing Jack Jr. to the ridiculous writing, directing, plot, ridiculous attempt at special effects, etc..etc..etc.. The list goes on and on.
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bluebloodraven22 January 2003
I would advise not to waste any time or money on this "so-called" horror film.

The plot is just ridiculous and goes absolutely nowhere.

I realize that the budget for these kinds of low-grade films is tiny, but you could at least try.

Nothing in this film is up to expectation..... VERY poor acting, poor direction, silly attempt at special effects, and the story itself is nothing that would hold anyone's interest (even those interested in role playing games!)

For placing it in the horror genre, it sure isn't scary at all.

Whatever you do, do not waste your time or money on this one!!!!!
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iamthemovieman3021 November 2003
This movie deserves to be #1 on the 100 worst movies ever. Although words are inadequate to describe how bad this movie is: "wretched," "pitiful," and "embarrassingly horrible," all come to mind.

I can't imagine that the writer and director were serious when they made this. Either they must have been joking, or they made this from inside their room in the asylum. Actually, that would explain the lack of decent acting and props, too....

I used to like roleplaying when I was a kid, and even that couldn't get me to finish watching this movie. I got almost to the end, but I feared that if I watched the whole thing, my brain would explode, I would have to gouge out my eyes, or the universe would end... maybe all three.

Avoid this loser of a film at all costs....You've been warned!
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Do not watch this movie!!!!
JFerenczy21 June 2003
To say that this is a b-movie is an insult to every b-movie ever made. I had honestly thought I had seen the worst movies had to offer, until I saw Knight Chills I was wrong.

Technically it was a horror movie in the fact that as a role-player if I even look remotely like that I want to be killed. A half an hour was wasted on the stupid role-playing sessions, the deaths were cheesy and nonexistent, and the "twist" at the end just made you lament even more the hour and a half of your life lost.

There was no depth, I could spit and it would be deeper. Cardboard cut outs would have more character development and acting skills. I could write an outline in five minutes after being up for a week straight and drunk, film it in my backyard for $5 and it would be a better movie.

Final comment: Knight Chills cheaper than a lobotomy.
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Pretty good!
stanmillowand3 June 2008
It seems that opinions are quite divided on this movie. However, one thing I noticed was that those who didn't like it often did not understand certain elements. For instance, one reviewer criticizes the fact that the high school kids are closer to 30. If you pay attention to toe story you discover that the "students" are former students. The teacher, we discover, was told not to game with students. He further compounds his error by seeming quite incredulous that anyone over the age of 20 would role play (besides in the bedroom). As an avid role player and convention attendee I can attest to the fact that there are thousands of role players well into their 30's, 40's and 50's. While I cannot say this is an outstanding film, it is pretty good for a very low budget attempt at the game horror genre. All you have to do is watch the other films packaged with this and it's superior qualities are obvious. All you have to do is take it for what it was intended, a tongue in cheek poke at an old urban myth.
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Pretty good indie!
lauragilcomb4417 February 2010
Having worked in independent films for years, I'd like to think I can rate a movie with detachment and clarity. One thing I have noticed on IMDb is that "indies" get a lot of reviews that use words like "horrible," "a must miss," "sucks," "don't wast your time," and "worst movie ever." Really? Worst ever? First thing I discovered is that in more cases than you would believe these comments are written by friends or acquaintances of the film makers. For what ever reason, jealousy, envy, or even just kicks, they feel the need to write the worst tripe about the movie. They use false names, and as these small movies do not get a lot of votes or comments the vituperative remarks tip the balance against the film. Second are the snipers. They love to assassinate every movie they can. Don't you wonder why they rented or bought this movie in the first place? Do they not recognize the signs of a B movie? What were they expecting? There are two possible answers. They are stupid. They cannot tell the packaging of a low budget B movie from the latest Dreamworks DVD. If this is the case I pity them as they are just showing their lack of intelligence by purchasing the movie in the first place, and then telling everyone on IMDb how stupid they were. Or they may just like trashing movies. It's fun. Like beating up an elderly person. Not much chance of getting hit back.As mentioned above their comments lack style, insight, or even a modicum of actual film critique. Knight Chills and others like it deserve better. Those of you that care about independent film must learn to disregard the rantings of these vermin that seem to thrive on low budgets. Pity them. If you can't pity them kick them in the shins.
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samiam4evajuliannasmann21 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** For some reason I decided to pick up this film to rent and have totally and completely regretted it ever since!!!

This has got to be one of the most absolutely stupidest flicks of all time.

*** Possible Spoilers Ahead ***

First of all, a group of people play roleplaying games (I didn't realize that people who are in their 30's played roleplaying games, but I guess they are trying to act like teenagers for the film), then one of the losers kills themselves because they are in love with one of the other losers (ooh, very dramatic). Some of the roleplaying people start receiving roses from an unknown person. Finally a knight shows up on a horse, killing them.

This film just doesn't have any good parts to it at all.

The "actors" are all so stiff and fail to portray any character reality at all, so you don't really feel for them or care about the story at all.

The direction of the film keeps changing and you're left wondering "what was this film even supposed to be about?"

Whoever wrote this piece of crap needs to try a LOT harder if you want to entertain people.
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Since when did quality matter, anyways?
rguy482310 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You may be asking yourself "Wow, why did this guy give Knight Chills 8 out of 10? Has he seen the same film I have?" The answer is yes on both accounts.

I see a lot of people trashing this film and it puzzles me a bit. What were you all expecting? A stunning, high quality masterpiece? The best sleeper horror flick since Dead Next Door? A heart wrenching psycho drama with excellent plot and artistic perfection? Probably not. All B movie fans hope for one of two things out of a film: Genius or laughably lousy film making. And it is usually the latter that turns out to be the case. The beauty of this is that they both turn out to be profitable to the viewer. You either are enthralled with wonder or choking through laughter. It's all good.

What makes Knight Chills so re-watchable are the exact things I hear being used against it. The crappy acting. The deadly serious/ horribly executed gaming sequences. The muttered lines. The "twist ending". In essence, what makes a B flick bust still valuable.

I have seen this movie over 7 times. Every time I find a friend of mine who hasn't seen it I screen it again, just to show them how awfully hilarious it is (usually ending in my rewinding the ending sequence back a few times as I try to breathe through fits of laughter). Movies that you can watch repeatedly and still feel the same way about deserve a high ranking in my book, hands down.

If you want to pick on a lousy film, pick on That movie required millions of dollars and dozens of 'professionals' to do the same thing Knight Chills did and it isn't nearly as great. At least this film tried...
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a superior effort!
willygist27 September 2009
It's not often I am pleasantly surprised when I watch a low budget horror flick, but this time I was. Make no mistake, whenever you take a dip into the low budget pool you have to expect that you are not going to see a highly polished movie. That's just the reality of working with little or no money. But Knight Chills proves that you can still offer something for the jaded movie watcher. The acting is above average. The story line is somewhat simplistic, but most horror plots are anyway. The art direction is first rate and the gaming sequences are absolutely wonderful. They take me back to my old role playing days as I knew quite a few people were just like the characters in the movie. Top this off with lots of mood and atmosphere backed with a kick ass sound track and you have a superior effort from the low end of the budget scale.
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This Movie stinks to high heaven
fujimomma21 February 2003
I don't know if I'm more angry and disgusted with the filmmakers of this piece of stinky-cheese, or my local video store for carrying it for rent! This movie 'might' have been borderline okay with even a crappy TV cast and some dialog that didn't seem made up on the spot, but... probably not. Avoid this stink bomb of a "movie" at all costs... Hey -- get a director that knows what they are doing, take acting lessons and learn how to write a script BEFORE you try to make a movie. It might work out better for the audience in the end.

90 Minutes of my life I want back, NOW. Maybe I'm the fool for sitting through the whole thing!
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Embarrassing.....Just Embarrassing!
munchkin_ass_jones3 December 2004
KNIGHT CHILLS is quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. It's directed completely like a soap opera, with annoying "real-life" shots, deplorable acting, and a truly ridiculous story. It looks like it was shot over 20 years ago.

My advice: avoid at all costs!

Oh yeah, and for the record, I hardly ever give movies a bad rating, I'm not one of those 8-year-olds who goes around giving every movie I liked an A+, and every one I hate an F. It really is just that bad.

This I can honestly say is THE WORST LOWEST BUDGET movie I have EVER seen. Watch it so you can too experience the horrible job done by the low life idiots who made this piece of crap movie in their backyard.
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Unfortunately, no redeeming qualities
ThrownMuse14 February 2005
A group of 20-somethings have regular Role Playing Game gatherings at their former high school teacher's house. John, the geekiest of them all, gets picked-on by some of the other "gamers." He kills himself and the others find themselves being stalked by a knight on horseback. Yeah. This movie is quite possibly the worst film I've ever seen. I've always thought obsessive "gamers" (I cringe at that word!) were somewhat off, but this movie just makes them look incredibly stupid when playing their RPG. I can usually find some redeeming value in any movie, no matter how bad, but that is not the case with "Knight Chills." My Rating: 0/10.
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This is not a good movie
montelgraves17 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I used to like to play role playing games when I was young so I thought I might enjoy this independent film about a group of role players, but I was very disappointed. Even though it is an indie film it is very below the standards of anything I've ever seen before. First off I thought the gamers would be a little younger, usually people that old don't game do they? So that made it very unbelievable, but I tried to get past it. Then we come to the very lame and cheesy writing and acting, both of which are so bad you keep stopping and asking yourself "are they really that bad or are they trying to be extra cheesy to make this whole movie a joke?" Either way, you will find nothing good about this stupid silly little movie, I would not waste my time with this one if I were you.
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ditship28 August 2002
I am a HUGE fan of 'Knight Chills.' I actually own a copy of it. Katherine Hicks is a mad genius and I *hope* to see more work from her in the near future! The actor that really pulls this movie and makes it utterly BRILLIANT is the child playing 'Jack Jr.' who is without a doubt the funniest actor in the history of film. His close rival (Jack is a hard one to beat folks) is 'Laura Nixon' who had to be re-dubbed all throughout the movie causing unparalleled laughs out of me and any friend I can trick into watching this wonderfully bad movie. I'm not 100% sure how to describe this flick. When it's teetering on absolute monotony suddenly Jack Jr. or Laura Nixon will appear and make it once again HYSTERICALLY funny.

I'm eagerly awaiting "Figure in the Forest" in hopes of seeing little Jackson Kennedy shine again.
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Naught Chills
votok22 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Verily, this Ranketh Low and Wretched.

Not even fun for gamers - makes the old Mazes & Monsters (an early Tom Hanks made for TV bomb) seem like Lord of the Rings by comparison. Orcs could put on a more enjoyable production.

Senseless plot. Confused gamer crashes into a tree after playing a role-playing game. Host of the game loses his job and is harassed by the police and news-media as a direct result. Confused? I sure was.

Normally, people driving home late at night and having an accident would not lead authorities to attack the people/friends where the person was driving from unless there were Drugs & Alcohol involved and some sort of witnessed connection. Zero evidence of foul play, folks. Zero evidence of Logic, too.

When actual murders begin, police become clueless and merely ask a couple of questions of the already destroyed Game Host.

Whatever "action" occurs is just too murky even to make out. It's that badly shot.

To sum it all up - Terrible Dialog, Abysmal Line Delivery, Truly HORRIBLE lighting and filming, and Zero Acting ability from all involved. And a hopelessly amateur plot to top it all off. What a complete mess!
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Best role playing movie ever!
billings_wade8 December 2006
A role playing friend of mine clued me in to this movie. There are very few movies that have anything to do with role playing games, but those that do usually get it wrong. Even though this movie appears to be filmed on an extremely low budget, they at least get it right! What you have here appears to be a flick made by role players for role players. Yes, they didn't have much to work with, but what ever financial limitations they had, they made up for with heart. You can always tell if one of these low budget wonders was made half heartedly. They lack an indefinable something that comes across to the viewer. Knight Chills has that indefinable something that separates it from the rest of the pack. For those of you with an open mind and a sympathetic attitudes for poor indie film makers, you will appreciate this sincere effort. Buy it. Watch it. I intend on finding everything else these guys have done (if they have dome other movies!) because truly sincere indie movie making is a rare thing!
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Holy smokes! This movie was awful!
mike301822 August 2005
I had no idea that movies this bad were being made. The production quality--and I'm not being facetious--was comparable to a mid-80s porn movie. I've seen and enjoyed many B-movies, but this was absolutely atrocious. The story, acting, script, camera work, and sets, were among the worst I've ever suffered through. The worst of it, however, was the music. Holy crap! the music was so obnoxious, paying attention to the movie became impossible. This may very well be the worst movie ever made.

I'm curious to find out who is responsible for this film and how much was spent on production. This was not just a waste of time and money. It is an insult to the horror/sci-fi genre, and B-movies in general. To the people/group responsible for this movie: you should be ashamed.
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Finally a good role playing movie!
jerryroleplayer16 February 2005
I've been waiting for Hollywood to step up and make a good role playing movie. I'm not talking about that big budget fiasco called Dungeons and Dragons. I'm talking about a movie about role players. Other than the old Tom Hanks movie Mazes and Monsters, based on a novel by a well known romance writer, there hasn't been anything at all. It took a few independent film makers to finally give us a movie that features role players. It's obvious that they had a very limited budget. It's also obvious, from many of the other comments, that some people are so shallow, so inured by billion dollar Hollywood smoke and mirrors, that they cannot appreciate a fine effort such as this. Once you accept that independent producers often have to work with microscopic funds; that they cannot afford the luxury of long shooting schedules, a team of digital artists, or even the chance for pick up shots, then you will be able to look at films like this in a new light. Viewed in this light, Knight Chills is a fine little film. It has a wonderful "feel," an atmosphere that pulls everything together and stamps it with a distinctive style that is quite creepy. The role playing sessions are marvelous. They give us a fine example of the power of role player's collective imagination. The acting is above par and the camera work is quite good as well. All in all Knight Chills is a good role playing movie with a lot going for it. Ignore the jaded comments from self serving critics and go get this movie.
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Could this movie BE any dumber?
humorisinme3 September 2004
Doubtful. I was into role-playing when I was a kid, so I thought I might enjoy this little flick. Wow, was I in for a disappointment! Maybe they should have had the main characters a little younger, I don't think 30-year olds still play role-playing games do they? (Well, maybe in the bedroom, but that's an entirely different story altogether!) Maybe they could have acted the roles out better than these old people, they just didn't seem into it at all, understandably since they probably think role-playing games are for kids and are very cheesy.

Really, this was just such an unbelievably boring and stupid movie. My eight year old nephew with his camcorder could have made a better movie. Some of the lines are just so cheesy and the whole plot stinks of cheese. I mean, I know fantasy movies are unbelievable and could never happen in real life, but this one was just so over-the-top with stupidity. I could go on and on, but I won't.... I don't ever want to think about this movie again, I've wasted enough of my life on it!
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Appreciation of Effort and movie-making without GORE!
in-the-biz11 June 2002
I do not need to see the blood, the gore, the splatter. I am intrigued by the shadow, the sound of quiet, the suspense. If you want hack n' slash, watch a movie like the "swed" prefers. If you want to really see something different that doesn't rely on tons of corn syrup and food coloring, then enjoy Knight Chills. It was apparently made by thinkers - for thinkers. This is not your everyday gross out film. It is for those who have been misunderstood, those who feel persecuted - those who enjoy a good fantasy. Gore horror has its place - because KC does not rely on it - should not, and does not make it any less of a film. I liken it to the original 1965 "The Haunting" with its use of light and dark and suspense. As far as low-budget horror goes - this could be a classic.
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A kickin movie found in a ten pack!
tomsawyer19thc23 August 2004
I just bought a ten pack of low budget horror movies called Night Chills. I'm a huge horror fan and the box mentioned a couple of "today's big named stars" (You'll have to check it out for yourself to see how is in it!) were featured as well. I checked out those "they will be a star soon" flicks first, and found them very disappointing. In fact most of the movies in this ten pack are sub par at best. However, I was extremely impressed with the movie Knight Chills. It was, obviously, low budget like the rest, but it had nice production values that created a spooky dark atmosphere. The acting was better than that found in the "stars" films and the storyline was engaging. While I am not a role player, (that's what the movie is about) I still found the scenes dealing with the gamers to be beautifully done. I was able to feel the bond that brought such divergent characters together, and conversely, watch as this bond deteriorated sending one individual over the edge. A not to be missed little flick that I found in a cheap ten pack!
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View the movie, give it a chance
rjteaster8 June 2002
Everyone is entitled to their opinions. There are tons of blockbuster movies that suck !!!! I wouldn't waste a dime on some of them. Knight Chills is a great Independent Film. It doesn't even compare to such movies as Blair Witch Project, what's up with that. Knight Chills is better than that. Watch this movie, it is a good film. It has alot of potential in the gaming genre, and will be a hit!!!
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