13th Child (2002) Poster


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jerseycat1026 October 2002
If you are thinking of seeing this movie, I would think again. Living in Southern New Jersey, the Legend of the Jersey Devil really hits home. So when we heard of this movie, there was no doubt we were going to see it. So we paid $7.75 each at the local multiplex, and settled in. I was originally expected Blair Witch Project type filmography, but the video was actually better than I thought it would be. The movie on the other hand was absolutely dreadful! Not only was their a non-existent plot, but the author completely changed the legend of the Jersey Devil! No Mother Leeds? There were so many obvious errors in the movie, it was really an amateur production. The theatre booed loudly at the end. I heard no less than 10 people comment that it was the worst movie ever. I couldn't help but agree.
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Not very scary
mjkraft31 October 2002
I figured that I'd see this since I live in the Pine Barrens and I thought the Jersey Devil would make a good story, but was disappointed.

Besides them making up their own version of the Jersey Devil legend, the movie had other bad points. The acting of most of the people in the movie wasn't very good. The special effects were bad even for a B movie. Also parts of the movie that were supposed to be scary ended up being laughable because of the lousy acting and sound effects.

Most of this could be forgiven as this was a B movie, except the plot made no sense what-so-ever. I talked to some other audience members as we left the theater to see if it was just me who was confused, but they were just as confused as I was.

Currently this is only playing in South Jersey, but I'd wait for it to come to video when it gets near you.
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Nothing To Do With Anything in the Title
tkaapps8 September 2004
Started out with some promise with documentary style of the Curse of the 13th Child and/or the Jersey Devil, but after that starting with the pot smoking hunter it reminded me of a 1974 style , made for TV monster movie. A lot of blurry images of the monster and a camera man's eye view of the victims. This stinker had absolutely nothing to do with the Jersey Devil or the 13th Child (whatever that is). The low budget Devil's choppers had one look to it. A close-up, corn syrup sticking , hard plastic stiff, opening of the jaws. Cheap. The only decent part of this bomb was Cliff Robertson aka Mr. Shroud. He did look like Bela Lugosi in White Zombie. I think Cliff was just having some fun and had the high powered friends to get this onto the shelves and get a writer's credit.
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why cant cryptozoologists get any decent movies?
wc33753616 February 2004
seriously?! with the exception of "the mothman prophecies" there has never been one single decently entertaining cryptozoologicaly based movie ever made, and this film is a perfect example of bad cryptozoological movies. First of all the writer/s had little respect for the actual ledgend of the jersey devil, but thats the least of the movies problems, the actors (except for the old dude who was controlling the devil, the only decent proformance in the entire movie) were awful, the dialog sounds like it was written by some directors cousin who thinks he knows a thing or two about hollywood screenplays, i dont want to sound like a bitter militant movie buff but i do want people to give the field of cryptozoology the respect it deserves, and if it keeps getting bad movies made about it like this the public will be far less likely to accept it in the field of mainstream science (i know the odds of that actualy happening are slim.......but still) hopefuly hollywoods thinning creativity will turn out a decent cryptozoologily themed movie in the future, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
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What a Waste of Time!!!
huggy_bear11 October 2003
Bad acting was only one reason this movie sucks ass. What a complete waste of time to watch this dreadful piece of sh*t!! Who would have thought that "Benson" would stoop so low as to "act" in a crappy movie like this. And Christopher Atkins needs to go back to the Blue Lagoon. He sucked as well. Oh, and how many times did we actually get to see this Jersey Devil? Hell, he made probably about three appearances in the whole damn movie. Good thing though, it was totally comical when you did get to see him. And Michelle Maryk, she was absolutely awful. Her enthusiasm just overwhelmed me throughout this nightmare. She looked and acted just like what she drove around in, a dull, pale old VW Bug!! Avoid this one at all costs.
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Something awful this way comes...
tenebraed10 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After the unexpected success of the Blair Witch project, many young and aspiring (albeit untalented) directors grabbed their camcorders and began filming whatever they could, in order to capitalize on the country's newfound respect for amateur film. While most thankfully fizzled out, a few made it to the big screen. The 13th Child, based on the popular myth of the Jersey Devil, was going to be a major hit and launch it's creators into stardom...but it didn't. While I have the utmost respect for anyone who has the drive to make their visions a reality, this is an abomination.

First of all, while called "The 13th Child", it completely ignores the story of Mother Leeds and the mysterious visitor who may have fathered her unholy offspring; instead, the jersey devil is now an Indian who shape-shifted into the creature by accident. The main story, if I can remember correctly, involved an investigation into several mysterious deaths that led to a strange old coot living in the woods, who may hold some answers. I don't know that for certain, because my subconscious has tried to block most of it out. What I can recall is that the effects are terrible, the acting sucks, and there's no real story at all. The title, come to think of it, does work on one level-it must have cost thirteen bucks to make, with thirteen people, in thirteen days, and with thirteen pages of pointless script. I want my money back. This flick gets an F.
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FiendishDramaturgy2 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Poor Robert Guillaume. Whose sister did he anger to end up in this stinker? This was AWFUL! I should have known, when I saw Christopher Atkins listed in the credits. Remember him? Richard from the Blue Lagoon with Brooke Shields all those years ago?

This was so slow, boring, uneventful, and just plain ignorant. The story was nonexistent and the execution was worse.

They took something with potential like The Jersey Devil and did ... nothing with it. They could have done so much more with this. The cinematography makes you want to hurl, the dialog belongs in a ... no. This dialog belongs nowhere. It was demeaning to the audience to have to listen to it. And the acting. There are no words.

This was pure emotionless, uninspired drivel, from the script to the delivery. I can not express how bad this movie was. The words fail me, so I will allow the rating to do it for me.

It rates a 0.0/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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Inside the Mind of an apparent "Child" film-maker......
rbrb28 June 2004
This movie gives the impression it was made by a child it is so bad. The story is nonsense, the acting amateur, the direction pathetic, the script atrocious, and quite frankly it merits a 1 out of 10 and that is being generous. Someone from the Attorney-Generals Office is sent to investigate a murder in woods where a devil is meant to reside blah blah blah..... We have sub plot upon ludicrous sub-plot with a failed effort to make the film look like something out of Blair Witch with bits of Alien, plus trashy gobbledegook thrown in..... total rubbish.
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Quite possibly the world's worst movie
LAINEYORN28 October 2002
I was duped into believing this was a historical movie of the Jersey Devil. There was not one drop of history to this movie. It was all made up and poorly done at that. The acting was horrific, and I cannot believe "Benson" would have given it the time of day after reading the script. There wasn't one joke that was funny and the Jersey Devil himself looked like he was made out of wood. People walked out after the first five minutes of the movie, and those who stayed laughed throughout the rest at how bad it was. I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt and tortured myself to watch the whole thing, but it never got any better. Thumbs down to who ever funded this movie.
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truerock7410 March 2011
This may not be the worst movie I have ever seen, but it's in the bottom ten. The writing was dreadful -- most of the movie is structured to keep the plot a secret from the audience -- and the acting was amateurish (with the exception of co-writer Cliff Robertson, who almost managed to make his words sound semi-plausible). What can I say about Michelle Maryk's acting that hasn't already been said? To say she was "wooden" would be understating the case. She sounded as if she were a non-English speaker taught the script phonetically with no particular idea what any of the words meant. "Benson" (Guillaume) makes an appearance (and he's not as terrible as many of the actors, but is bad enough).

All in all, I have to say that there are many movies I would recommend as B-grade horror films before this one . . . in fact, I would recommend a test pattern before I would this movie.
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...and nary a single hockey player!
joker-42 September 2003
Living in New Jersey one becomes familiar with the legend of the Jersey Devil, it's a shame that the creative team behind this picture didn't brush up on that legend. The film has the fun stylings of those campy drive-in horror films, but aside from that, suffers from painfully long/slow scenes coupled with downright derivative imagery. THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, ALIENS, 12 MONKEYS, and even the EXORCIST all exist in this film. The film, for a low budget feature, actually shows decent production but the acting, script, and story all suffer so. Here's hoping a "Volume 2" isn't in the works.
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I thought this was a great movie!
madnoodle30 October 2002
Interesting use of time jumps in telling the story. My favorite though, was when Riley had his final showdown with the devil. It absolutely sent chills down my spine. This is by far the best local independent horror release to date. My hat's off to everyone involved in this wonderful film!
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Really not all that bad.
emperor_bender2 September 2008
Being one who was born and raised in South Jersey and near the Pine Barrens, I just had to see this movie. I read all the negative comments and ratings and braced myself for the worst. However, I was not all that disappointed.

OK, so I gave this movie a HUGE benefit of the doubt, being a huge fan of South Jersey folklore and of the Jersey Devil, and also a fan of horror movies. But I still did enjoy it for the most part. It was good and bad.

The Good: Cliff Robertson gave a great performance as Mr. Shroud, the mysterious Native American descendant. Christopher Atkins was also good as Ron, the park ranger and Gano Grills was good as Mitch, his partner. Robert Guillaume was excellent as Riley, the former cop.

Aside from the acting, the basic story was great. And what made it better was that it was really filmed in New Jersey, particularly in Batsto village/park. But they did a good job of making it into Shroudsberg Manor. Also, I personally laughed at the Piney Hunter. I thought he was the funniest person.

Although they changed the Jersey Devil legend, they did a good job in keeping with South Jersey history. They put the Lenni Lenape as the Natives there, which is true.

The Bad: Michelle Maryk was downright awful as Kathryn, the D.A. assistant sent to investigate. Leslie-Anne Down was good but...why such high billing? She was only in the movie for a minute or 2. Seems like the good actors were given the small roles. Michelle Maryk got WAY too much screen time, I see why they gave her such a low billing, I wouldn't advertise her myself.

The effects were not so great, and the camera-work was a bit shaky at times. The editing was awful, and the text on screen was badly put together. The time changes were confusing, but I actually sort of did get them. And they changed the legend, but I understand why.

Over all: Not a movie for everyone. Mainly one for South Jersey locals.

If you go to watch: Put it in your mind that this will be pretty bad and that the legend was changed, it will be easier to sit through then.

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Worst Horror Film Ever
jkmaher9 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoilers* This movie is so bad its funny. I'm from New Jersey and it is absolutely nothing like how they portray it. There are not inbred hillbillies running around the place. Two of the funniest things I've ever seen are in this movie. Number one, when those two teenagers are about to do it, and the girl says "I've got somethin' to show you." And the guy starts breathing like friggin Darth Vader and goes "What is it, baby? Is it something sexy?" and number two, when the Jersey Devil, Bruno, stabs Ron and his partner (I forget her name) shoots at Bruno but the gun has no sparks or smoke or anything coming out of it, there is just a gun and an exploding sound. I rewound those two parts like 100 times and it got funnier every time. Bad horror, good comedy.
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return it quickly
saber-821 December 2003
If you were lucky enough to rent this stinker at Hollywood Video, where it is a new release, be sure to get it back ASAP for the dollar credit for early returns. That way it won't be a total loss. BTW what is with all the Jersey Devil stuff? I didn't see a single hockey player!
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Uneven, but ultimately enjoyable.
maeander17 December 2004
After a slow start, "13th Child" proves itself an interesting monster in the woods film. With a larger budget, this could have been an exceptional picture. Still, there is enough here to make a nice "B" horror film.

The four solid veteran actors (Cliff Robertson, Robert Guillaume, Lesley-Anne Down and Peter Jason) are so good that they simply walk away with the film. Their presence screams for more screen time. Strangely enough, none of them appear on screen at the same time.

Had there been more gore and nudity, it probably would have been a better "good" bad movie. Had they simply locked Robertson, Guillaume, Down and Jason in a room with a monster outside trying to get in; they would have made a better picture for less money.

It's not the best, but it's not the worst.
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Good monster suit, lame movie
BakuryuuTyranno29 December 2010
The monster costume interested me in the film, but said movie's content was dull. The 13th Child is another one of those movies about characters investigate a mystery the audience already knows the outcome of.

It takes place in the small community near Pine Barrens which doesn't feel like a community at all. At one point we see inside a hospital, but essentially the movie could be taking place in the middle of nowhere. Occasionally, citizens who have little relevance to the plot appear and only rarely will these scenes have any payoff.

Essentially, we're following three cops who investigate a murder and some creepy man living in a huge mansion. This keeps getting interrupted by "present day" scenes of an older cop detained in a mental facility. Again,since we already know the result of the mystery, this holds no suspense.
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"B" movie . Wait for it on Sci-Fi channel.
trogganbuck29 October 2002
This is a total B movie. Very low budget. Not worth the $7.50 I paid to get in. This is not true at all to the real Jersey Devil legends !!!!

Wait for this one to come to Sci-Fi network !!!
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The Jersey Devil???
ortsac1 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Was this movie about the Jersey Devil? I think not… Were any of the incidents in the movie related to the folklore that's been told for over 200 years? Again, I think not!

I've read every conceivable book, article and documentary that I could find of old JD and this movie doesn't dabble with any of it. There is no documentation anywhere that the Jersey Devil killed people. In the movie however, JD enjoys a blood fest.

With all this being said though… Accept the picture as if it has nothing to do with the Jersey Devil. It's still not very good. The story line is weak with not much thought in the direction. The first few minutes of the film grabbed your attention with a little history about JD. Once the story began it slowly went downward and into a climactic crash landing at the end. It was a horrible ending to say the least.

I have seen worse… I can say something good about this film… I did enjoy the deleted scenes; one scene in particular was deleted for not being politically correct. When Kathryn gets lost in the Pine Barrens and comes across the Snake Man. She suddenly burst out in anger and despair; "Does anybody around here speak English? Did I take a wrong turn somewhere? Am I in Albania?!"

The underscore was well done and Theo Eastwind's cut "7500" is a cool tune.

"Mankind is so unkind." So am I in giving this film a three star rating.

All The Best! ORTSAC
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Stupid, fake, boring, and weird, yet a title no Jersey Devil fan should be without seeing.
Leatherface331 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
****spoilers****"13th Child" was really a terrible movie. The acting was bad, the script was worse, and it was one of the least scary horror movies I've ever seen. However, this is still a movie that any Jersey Devil fan would be pleased by. I am a New Jersean, and I have heard all the folklore surrounding the Jersey Devil, and was excited to see this movie. I was partially pleased by it, in the sense that this was a Jersey Devil horror movie, and there was a pretty clever twist. For any average Joe person, I can see why this movie would seem awful. There were parts that were stupid, and there were incredibly boring parts. But, as I said before, Jersey Devil fans will be pleased nontheless. Also, my final and biggest criticism would have to be the way in which the Jersey Devil was portrayed. I have always pictured the Jersey Devil as being vicious and volatile, almost like a velociraptor. In this, the Jersey Devil is a lumbering guy in a costume, with mechanical jaws that move up and down. I think that a more suitable look would be perhaps a computer generated devil. I really think a big-budget Hollywood Jersey Devil movie should be made, just because this independent movie didn't have the money to create the look that I think many people have thought of the Jersey Devil as. Also, the corpses and blood in the movie were incredibly fake. Even more fake that movies made in the 60s and 70s. So, if you're into NJ folklore, and have heard the legend of the Jersey Devil, check it out. It was crappy, boring, and stupid, and the Jersey Devil was a guy in a costume, but a pleaser for fans of the Devil. As for me, I give it a 4 out of 10. ..
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Bad movie is being kind
black_wolf_19704 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Devil in this movie looks like a rip off of Alien, the acting is so bad, it looked like they just wanted to leave, cant blame them. The movie says it is the legend be hind the the Jersey Devil it gives you a really bad idea of what the movie is about. What you get is a shapeshifiting pair of cured brother's 200 years old who go around killing people, the reason if never given, OK so they were cursed for killing a Shaman's son, but not why they are killing now, or why they are stuck in the area that are. The movies starts out good then goes off into the outterlimits. There is only a few moments when anything doing with the legend is even touched on. I know I am a bit biased on the horror, monster movie genre as I like all kinds and types but of all I have seen this must be close to the top of my 10 worst movies I have seen. Saw you time and your money and avoid this movie.
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If only i'd read the comments!
kayspam22 January 2005
I'm from the Pine Barrens region of New Jersey and have an interest in the Jersey Devil legends. When I heard this movie was coming out I was rather excited.. local folklore making it to the "Big Screen". We were expecting a bunch of snow this weekend so the spousal unit and i ran to the video store to rent some movies.. we saw this one in and decided to rent it... If only i'd read the comments here first. It was TERRIBLE! OK.. I can understand the well-known legend being copyrighted and so they went to an alternative version.. but SO far-fetched? Guns that shoot without ANY indication of discharge or recoil? Awkward camera angles which were supposed to give a feeling of suspense rather causing motion sickness. Blood remaining vividly crimson after over 24 hours aging time? Deer heads stuck on hooks and then miraculously losing the hole? And here let's toss in a sex scene with NO ties to the plot just to make sure we have at least one token female breast to please the masses. We did actually take the time and view the commentary and when Ms. Maryk commented on the incredible effects that went into making the monster I did have to laugh out loud. The creature wasn't so bad when viewed as a silhouette but the closeup scenes?! Yick.. and i don't mean because it was gory. i meant because it was so poorly done.

One small plus in the entire experience. The actor who played Ron's partner.. I believe his character's name was Mitch.. Did a very credible job.
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Second comment with a little update!
Movie Nuttball16 September 2003
As you know, I am a big believer Cryptozoology (a study in animals that are not known to science) and in the Jersey Devil. The 13th Child: The Legend of the Jersey Devil is a different film. I really didn't know if I liked it or not but up to the point when Cliff Robertson makes his appearance it really changes things around! I could care less about the brief nudity & sex scene. The music was pretty good and scary! Go to the official web site and listen to it! I just wanted to say that I liked Peter Jason in the film. He performed well and Cliff Robertson was really, really good and spooky looking to with his beard and long hair! You get a good look at the monster and was it just Me or what? When the demon walked and the camera showed the hoof of the beast it was nearly identical to the scene in Legend when Darkness comes through the mirror and also the creature's mouth opened like the Aliens from the Alien saga! Sure, the story isn't of the real Jersey Devil legend as they ignored it and made up their own but it sure beats the ultra stinker The Last Broadcast and major disappointment that is Wendigo! If you are a Jersey Devil fan and believer like I am and want to see a film that is the closest to Jersey Devil then see the movie!
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Horrible contemporary horror
walk_wild77725 January 2004
"The 13th Child". A movie that proclaims to be about the legend of The Jersey Devil, a fascinating and fairly unsettling legend in the North East of the United States, but basically makes a whole bunch of crap up about a bunch Indian curses and the love of snakes and spiders and all things icky that have nothing to do with the real legend of the Jersey Devil.

The movie then starts with a nonsensical, seconds long opening scene of some guy running through the woods with a flashlight getting blood on his hands. We then get a "20 years later" text to take us away from this pointless nonsense that was shot with a hand held video camera that looked badder than bad.

We have an incredibly unbelievable and stupid sequence in a mental institution where Robert Guilliaume is shuffling around on a cane, watching a show about the jersey devil, all the while really cheap and corny music plays in the background, the kind of fare you'd hear on late night cable access horror host shows. not to mention the whole thing is shot on cheap, cheesy looking video not unlike "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank".

We're then taken back in time 3 days (this movie already can't decide where it wants to take place) to the town's Attorney General's office. The first thing I notice about this part of the movie is that this small town New Jersey's Attorney General is a soft spoken British woman. Just like you'd expect. We're introduced to our heroine, some blond girl that couldn't out act a stump and isn't even hot to make up for it

The movie continues to jump around from flashback to flashback until the viewer is lost in time and space. We have a topless scene for no reason, and to sum it up, things happen, people get killed by an incredibly stupid and fake looking devil monster and we learn nothing about anything, and nothing is solved or resolved.

Oh, and there is a black guy named Eminem. I swear. My final thought was, how did Robert Guillaume end up in this stinker? For some odd reason, "Benson" was my favorite show as a child. And because of this, Robert's always had a special place in my heart. No one deserves to be in movies like this. Mr. Guillaume, if you ever read this, and I doubt it, your still the man... even if you were in this movie.
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Just sad.
ChsJunior1970219 October 2003
This was not what I expected it to be. The movie didn't seem all interested in the actual Jersey Devil Legend. This movie was sad on many different levels. The plot line seemed as if it was written over a weekend. The some scenes did not need to be in the movie. No real mystery to the plot at all. This movie falls into the regular common horror/monster genre. This movie is has nothing to offer expect the predictable teens getting naked and the occasional mystery. At times the movies seems like it is just reading from a how to book on horror movies. I wouldn't recommend this movie at all. Its not worth wasting your time over.
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