Engine Trouble (2002) Poster

(I) (2002)

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Plan 9 from Belgium.
bioscoopzaal17 November 2002
Very rarely does a film come along that's so bad it's good. Most bad (big budget) films simply are tedious, lame and boring, and no matter how hard you try, they simply can't be enjoyed. I'm not going to name names here, but I'm sure we've all seen our share of big budget crap. The strange thing about (bad) low budget films is, that the film-makers put a lot more enthusiasm into their films and try to make up for the lack of budget. So no matter if the film turns out to be garbage, the audience can still laugh at the enormous amount of bad dialogue, continuity errors and campy performances.

"Engine Trouble" fits right into that mold. It was produced in Belgium for about 25 dollars, and it really shows. But besides from simply being crap, "Engine Trouble" actually manages to be quite entertaining. Not entertaining in a "Back to the Future" kind of way, but more in a "Plan 9 From Outer Space" kind of way. Obviously, dialogue and acting are extremely over the top, the production values are depressingly cheap and the plot has been done a million times before. But somehow this didn't really matter. I was surprised how much I enjoyed this film. As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard during a movie, even though the humor was entirely unintentional. I guess it was sheer disbelief that cracked me up. I mean, can a film really be this bad?

So, if like me you are a fan of trash-cinema, Ed Wood and Troma, you certainly are going to enjoy this puppy. Just make sure you don't watch it alone! Ask your buddies to come over, have a few drinks and enjoy. However, if bad movies are not your bag, you might want to stay away. After all, no matter which way you turn it, "Engine Trouble" still is unadulterated crap!
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Really, Really bad, but I will give it a 2 since one is reserved for even worse films.
sstetsko20 June 2014
Unimaginative and flat characters and concept, terrible acting but not so much as to be good, no plot (but it's a slasher flick right, so oh well), but worst of all, one of the most terribly done killers in the history of horror films. I mean really, the hunchback of Notre Dame who sways side to side like a drunken monkey, and who occasionally does a flip for no other reason apparently that that he can. Plus he has a cheesy sickle that was intended to be cool but looks like some kid threw it together in an afternoon metal shop class. There are also the most ridiculous scenes where the villain taunts the victim... you know, those sorts of scenes where you have to ask "how did no one see him". And the acting... let's get back to the acting... accents that are all over the place, cheesy monologues, utter emotional/moral inconsistency, the list goes on. Still, will I say it is the worst movie ever? No. The first few minutes I thought it might be a decent 80s flick tribute, and in a way it still is. It has a bit of a campy retro feel. It has an okay setting and bad, but not the worst, effects (for the few there are). I would never recommend it, but I would buy it for $1... not more... just $1.
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Yes, it's bad but I've seen worse!
Maciste_Brother29 March 2005
JUNIOR, aka ENGINE TROUBLE, is one bad movie. It looks like members of a film crew pulled their tiny resources together and made this micro movie during a break of the other bigger budgeted film and shot this one in a few days. There's no story and there's almost no semblance of any pre-production: everything was shot in one area and the cast is populated by 5 or 6 actors, all of whom are awful and show very little experience in acting or anything else.

A lot of people say that horror is better imagined than showed. Well, they haven't seen the moment when the unseen killer is on top of the roof of the car and torments the woman inside. In this case, even though the "filmmakers" might say they wanted to create horror in people's mind with this tedious scene, I 'm more inclined to believe that they shot it this way because it was cheap. It's a fine line between astute direction and penny-pinching film-making.

The really funny thing about it is that it's an exploitation film wannabe that doesn't really exploit anything.

But as bad as JUNIOR is, and it is bad, I've seen much worse than this. Like SHREDDER.
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Great cover art, unspeakably bad movie
xtop30001 February 2004
The cover art for 'Junior' is everything enticing about the slasher genre these days: what will this particular slasher look like? The look is everything; the gimmick that completes the vision driving the illogical hack and slash of teenage fodder. 'Junior' seems to have spent everything in pursuit of a great looking outfit, equal parts Road Warrior and Leia's bounty hunter outfit in Revenge of the Jedi. The plot reads like tissue paper and, if you too happen to make the mistake of putting this movie on your television, you'll see that that's really a generous criticism. When the first shot comes up, scored by the kind of music usually found in Puppet Master movies, you know you're in trouble. When the first scene has ostensibly nothing to do with the actual film, you'll be hoping it's a film within a film or a dream. Sadly, this film wanders around, thinks gibbering psychos pounding on cars on a sunny 2 in the afternoon constitutes horror and is shot on the same stock as a 1980's porno. I couldn't even live with myself 45 minutes into the movie, the first time you see Junior and he cartwheels off the top of a car. I had to turn it off. Sometimes it's better to leave the video store with nothing at all.
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Good fun...Bad reputation
Coventry2 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps I'm a little biased because I live in Belgium myself (and this movie was entirely financed here) but I honestly don't think that "Engine Trouble" is half as awful as all my fellow commentators claim it is. Sure, the story is something you've already seen a thousand times before and, yes, the dialogues are so poorly written they make your ears ache, but then still there are really decent elements to enjoy, like a fair amount of tension and a couple of raw shock effects. Especially the first hour is surprisingly entertaining as the screenplay blends simple suspense with some cheerful horror-clichés. Two beautiful (lesbian?) girls go on a road trip and their rusty car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. One girl mysteriously disappears when she leaves to get help and the other finds herself stalked by a horribly deformed killer. The second half of the film is overlong and mainly boring, also because the plot becomes too déjà-vu and repetitive. It goes without saying that the 'monster' is only an underdeveloped being and it are, in fact, his guardians who are the real maniacs. The low-budget production aspects are fairly well camouflaged by using simple tricks, like deserted filming locations, monotonous camera-work and vaguely shot scenery. The make-up on the killer is very cool, though, and he carries around a gleaming sharp sickle! "Engine Trouble" isn't as gross as it looks, especially not since producer James Desert is mostly known for his downright sick movies like "Rabid Grannies" and "Lucker – the Necrophagous". Gorehounds will mostly likely cheer for the nauseating decapitation sequence, though! The acting performances are overall very bad, but that's hardly an obstacle anymore if you're used to seeing trash-horror flicks like this. "Engine Trouble" is fun to watch and definitely worth a rental whenever you feel like seeing a simplistic slasher.
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Terrifically Terrible
virtual_purple7 March 2004
Wow, not often does such a bad movie find its way to the rental store. Thankfully, we purposely rent this kind of rubbish so that appreciate Hollywood's B-movies even more. This movie however was a king among trash. Honestly, I'm surprised Dean Cain wasn't in it (sorry Dean, but you've been going downhill since Superman).

Regardless we had a great time watching this (its was titled Junior here in Canada). It was hilarious, the terrible dialogue (ex "What do we know about cars? We are both textile manufacturers!) and the miserable special effects coupled with one of the most overused plots imaginable make for a knee-slapping good time. This is the kind of movie that makes me wonder why I am not writing/directing movies because I could surely do a better job or at least couldn't do any worse.
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now.. thats what i call a movie!!!
cocoshell3 February 2004
Just rented this fine Belgian film last night from "Blockbuster" and i refuse to return it back to them ;)... I love low budget movies especially masterpieces like this one. so here it goes... 2 " belgian" girls go out for a week of work free with a borrowed Jaguar from the 80's, gossip free vacation,then get stuck up in the middle of nowhere which is apparently two blocks away from their starting point. There they are introduced to the perfect family made of Junior ( also reffered to as "The Beast" or "The creature" ), his loving dad Robert and the maid ( old, always complaing b***h ). One of the girl friends ends with her head being chopped off by Junior's favorite toy, his sickle. Speaking of his "toy", dont let the cover of the DVD ( distributed in U.S. by ever great Artisan---oh thank you guys!!! ) fool you. Junior is NOT using the coal mining showel but the sickle given to him by the only person who ever felt for Creature's condition, his concerning dad. Since Robert is so full of care for his son he wants to make him a special birthday present - his mom, in shape of the surving girl. What follows is a brilliant display of fine acting, led by Bob Dougherty ( Robert ) who has a few memorable lines, especially explaining his son's doomed condition. The one we will surely never forget is when he gets irritated by one of the girls screams in the basement ( Junior's playground) : "Shut your trap"...."Shuuuuut up"...."I said shuuuut up"..."SHUT THE F******* UP". Oh, I can't leave out memorable lines as : "go on boy", "finish her boy", "that's a good boy", "my boy"!!!. Pay extra attention to how much emotion Bob brings into his scenes. Members of the Accademy surely missed on him two years ago, otherwise he would have an Oscar statue on his shelf already. Well let's hope we get to see more of him in the future so the voters won't be able to keep their eyes closed anymore. Another gleaming point is Cecilia Bergqvist whose name is printed on the Blockbuster's cover, right next to the film title ( Junior, Cecilia Bergqvist 2002. ), just like a star she surely is. Too bad the majority of us never heard of her before. Her acting brings that overwhelming feeling of happiness to each scene she is in. When she finally accepts the role of creature's mom her talent shines in all of it's magnificent light. Unfotunately she dies at the end...by Robert's hand who has taken his "boy"'s place after Cecilia tricked him and killed him. Actually I felt kinda bad for him, he just wanted to play. There's nothing wrong with that, right? All boys play, just with diff. toys :). So in short BUY the movie...u wont regret it
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Stop, drop, and roll.
nogodnomasters20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens with a woman looking like she is preparing to go out, but instead hangs herself. After the opening credits, which are done in red so we know it will be a good movie, 2 women decide to go on a holiday. Their car breaks down. This is the first car I have seen overheat because they were trying to start it. Phones have dead batteries (they work later) and they can't read a map. One of them decides to go back to the service station for help while the other remains with the car...because they don't want anybody to steal it? European title is "Engine Trouble" or "Damned Forest." But since "Junior" did so well in 1994, they opted for it in the US.

A mechanic fixes the car with duct tape. Rebecca (Cecilia Bergqvist) drives back to the station but there is no Sandra (Marlene Simons). The sounds from within the gas station suggest that there is the proverbial man-creature locked up. Not much to figure out from here. All you have to do is to connect the creature to the suicide woman, have him get loose, give him a signature murder weapon or default chainsaw, add a gratuitous shower scene and you got yourself a hit slasher film. But NOOOOOO! Apparently in Belgium they have a different idea on how to make a Slasher film, there is no shower scene! Otherwise pretty much what to expect from a slasher.

F-bomb, good sound track, no sex, no nudity, chained up women.
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This Is Just Atrocious
iamdelisa12 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Now I am not one for slasher flicks and this one lacked that. I get the plot, it's pretty self explanatory. Two woman decide to take what appears to be a road trip through the countryside only to end up with a abused, gas mask wearing, weapon wielding, orange jump suit wearing,tortured soul on a mission to inflict pain onto others because he was abused as a child/man. The movie was more comical than scary and it was hard to actually get scared when I couldn't stop laughing. Oh did I mention that he is a acrobatic killer? Yeah I guess I left that part out but you would've figured it out once you see him do a one handed cartwheel off the front of the car while still holding his weapon in his hand, such a talent. This looks like it was filmed in a poor part of England, very poor. I couldn't take the killers character seriously as he grabs one of the woman by their hair out of the car, brings them up to the roof of the car, slices her head off, you see the head roll down the windshield, where is the blood you ask? Well it came trailing down behind it after a few seconds, really? Overall this film is a result of bad parenting and child abuse, the killer clearly was saddened to be locked up in a dungeon by his douche bag father and finally escaped his grasp only to come back home and get scolded by his father, the film is just awful but if you need a good laugh, please feel free to watch this movie!
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Cheap serial killer jaunt
Leofwine_draca1 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
ENGINE TROUBLE is a very low budget Belgian serial killer thriller that plays out like WRONG TURN. The budget is so low that nothing happens for most of the running time, leaving the viewer stuck with a couple of uninteresting female characters whose journey goes awry when their car breaks down. Eventually they're chased by the usual psycho killer. The director might like De Palma but this is your typical indie, with diluted thrills and a real lack of expertise.
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Must be seen by bad movie fans!
doctorsmoothlove26 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Many years ago, I purchased a DVD set at Wal-Mart that had 8 Artisan films on it. Lionsgate had put out a DVD collection of them for the bargain bin after its acquisition of Artisan. I'm just now getting to them. Shame on me! I could have been watching and telling friends about the truly bad film "Junior" or "Engine Trouble." Get your popcorn ready for bad movie night!

This is one of those amazing bad movies in which nearly every aspect of it is incompetent, misguided, weird, technically insufficient, offensive, or cliched all at once. You should go out of your way to see if you're a fan of truly awful movies. Even the poster is incredible in how it makes you think you're about to watch a sequel/ripoff of "My Bloody Valentine."

Let's start with the observation that the main actresses speak with some vaguely Western European accent yet the vehicle they drive has the steering wheel on the left-hand side. The gas station attendant speaks with an American accent. The entire movie seems to have been shot in only 4 locations that are close to each other.

The villain in this wannabe slasher film is a handicapped young man whose father keeps him locked up as some sort of pet. Dad lets Junior out sometimes to harass the patrons of the gas station who are always beautiful young women on their way to an abandoned military outpost? There's no beach or any reason for anyone to go there. Dad also sabotages their vehicles so they can't escape...even though there is a highway near the base.

When Junior attacks the main character, he beats on her car for a good ten minutes for the longest, funniest "jump scare" ever. He also eventually does a back flip off the top of the car. Seeing people drive by on the highway behind the car highlights how laughable this is. Couldn't they have at least filmed at dusk? I suppose that would make the grainy image even harder to see. Many scenes lack any sort of sound effect making your long for another crazy thing to happen.

The dad captures the heroine and chains her up in a wedding dress? What?!? The rest of the film is a weird interchange between the dad and the heroine (pretended to be Junior's dead mother) about how each of them has scarified for Junior's welfare or loves him. Seriously, this lasts at least twenty minutes. It is as if the director used this part of the script to work through personal issues he was having with family instead of talking to a therapist. I don't think you could write something that misguided on purpose.

The film is actually pretty offensive to those with real disabilities. It never bothers to detail what exactly is wrong with Junior. He's just the way he is. His outfit and hook hand are supposed to make him scary. He's about as scary as your try-hard neighbor is on Halloween. For masochists who love bad films, this one is a must-see.
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Cheap, Slow & Disturbing...But a bit of potential
tarzan6119 October 2005
Well...let's see. A lesbian couple have engine trouble and end up being stalked by a crazy retard named Junior (well...I guess he's got a real name, ah whatever). There's plenty bad and a bit good about this movie.

What sucks:

1) Slow pace. We have a bit too much of this scene where one girl's alone and her car's shaking. It's supposed to be suspenseful, and it does make ya wonder. But then it loses its monentum by going on too long.

2) Apparently, they're supposed to be in Europe since the money is Euros, and they seem to have some kind of accent. But the gas station workers are clearly American. WTF?! And the girls go in and out of their accents. And the car ain't European, the steering wheel's on the right side. WHERE ARE THEY?!?! 3) Junior's daddy's acting wanes in some spots. He goes a bit over the top.

4) Junior doesn't look quite as inhuman as the cover suggests.

5) It's from 2002, but the quality seems aged, like 80s or something. I guess that's not really bad, but it suggests cheap budget.

6) Ending kinda sucks.

What rocks: 1) Cool setting. Plenty of outta the way areas with abandoned buildings in the background. Def. adds to it.

2) Junior's weapon of choice is this cool blade. Some kidna scythe.

3) Once the girl gets taken to Junior's humble abode, things get a little more interesting. It's all crazy and disturbing and crap.

It's alright for some mediocre horror. If ya like slashers, it'll give ya some fun. But it ain't no classic.
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Cruddy horror road trip that leads to a dead end
Woodyanders28 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Stop me if you've heard this one before: Two young women who embark on a road trip find themselves in considerable jeopardy from a vicious mentally challenged mutant killer and his equally ferocious father after their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Director Marc Ickx, who also co-wrote the hackneyed and uninspired script with Liam Bradley, relates the derivative and grindingly predictable meandering narrative at a painfully sluggish pace, hurts the viewer's ears with plenty of rusty tin-eared dialogue (sample line: "Is this the road trip from hell or what?"), and, worst of all, fails to generate any much-needed suspense or creepy atmosphere. The cruddy dubbing, an excruciatingly drawn-out and uneventful first forty minutes, and the fact that the main character of Rebecca comes across as an insufferably shrill, whiny, and thoroughly unappealing bitch certainly doesn't help matters any. The acting virtually without exception is pretty bad, although Bob Dougherty tries hard as the psycho's angry pop and Marcel Romeijn makes for a fairly grotesque subhuman fiend. Things perk up a tad in the second half, with some nice'n'nasty gore and a reasonably cool geekoid wackjob, but that's still not enough to compensate for the general tedium, hopelessly shopworn and threadbare screenplay, and crippling dearth of originality. A real clunker.
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Wow, I've seen some bad films before, but......
Katatonia20 August 2003
This movie is utterly horrible. I cannot think of one good point to write about. The plot sounded like maybe it would be in the style of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" or "Slauhghterhouse", or maybe even a bad Troma movie like "Mother's Day". Those films and even their worst imitators over the years are vastly superior to "Junior".

The character played by Junior is entirely laughable, he jumps around like a monkey with a black muzzle over his face making him appear to be a deranged Vulture.

The "scary scenes" in the movie are hardly scary, not even remotely creepy. In one scene we have a girl sitting in a car hearing noises pounding on the top of her car. This scene goes on forever and becomes tedious in the worst way. I found myself bored 10 minutes into viewing Junior, and I kept hoping maybe it would get better. But no, it actually got worse up to the very end!

Apparently Junior is a foreign film, and I usually love foreign low-budget horror movies. This is just another garbage title distributed in the states by Artisan, and they are masters of that art form. The cover to the DVD/Video in the video store might sound pleasing, but it's anything but enjoyable.
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If I could give it 0 or negative..
dainamariebradley6 August 2021
I certainly would. What is this?? Looks like an old Dark Shadows ripoff at first, then just gets lame. The outdoor settings were intriguing, the little I could stand to watch. The actors were awful, I'm sorry to say. Couldn't watch it for long. Maybe it gets better but I had to find something else.
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Beware: There are many ironic twists in this movie and you will feel very surprised!
chrismulkeyisgod20 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts off with what sounds to be a very fun "sounding" trip. I was expecting the movie to be about the adventures that were experienced on the trip, but instead the movie was much much more complicated than even that! There is a gas station (of horrors, one could easily say!) where seemingly helpful people are not so helpful after all...and as it so turns out. There are not very many characters in the movie, but those that are in the movie are very well developed. Their actions and motivations make sense, and are realistic within the context of the environment and within the parallel themes that run throughout the movie. Film. Being in a wheelchair myself, I found myself dualistically empathizing with the title character and feeling sort of put-off by his behavior. Some of the things he did (such as bouncing on the roof of the car for 20 minutes) didn't seem very thoughtful. It was this event, after all, that lead up to him being set on fire by proxy via an exploding car. These elements, along with Freudian themes of motherhood and time travel, only complicated my viewing experience. The ending, needless to say, was ironic. Everyone is exposed for being the true person that they are and one is left to wonder what horrors have yet to unfold at the unhelpful gas station. My favorite character was the old lady, especially if I am to submit to the notions bestowed unto her by the old man, if you catch my drift!
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rattlemebones90811 July 2004
this movie is full on unadulterated crap. never before have i witnessed such misery lows of a movie. me and my brother saw this movie on the shelf in blockbuster, and checked it out. got out to the car and discovered we had another movie. unfortunately, we took the wrong one back. what we ended up with was this pitiful excuse for anything. movies just don't get any worse. all the way from the beginning it was crap. the acrobatics of the villain didn't help either. too funny. the hysterics of the woman honking on her car horn while the car is shaking was just too much. a definite must see ( if you want to die laughing that is). this thing says i gotta write 10 lines, but this movie cannot fill 10 lines. a true travesty to the film community.
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Low-budget, high quality !
kumaro41215 November 2002
"Engine Trouble" is a low-budget horror-movie, but the results are good, very good ! It's the first movie of producer James Desert that has been filmed for cinema. The movie tells the story of the young and beautiful Rebecca, who goes on vacation with her girlfriend Sandra. On their trip, they got engine trouble with the car and Sandra disappears after searching for some help. From that moment, the nightmare starts for Rebecca because a disgusting creature is following her with bad intentions ... Rebecca is played by Cecilia Bergqvist, an actress discovered by producer James Desert and Marlene Simons plays Sandra. The father of the creature has been played by Bob Dougherty. The story is easy to follow and there are also a few scenes that are hilarious. But watching the movie is not boring and when you know that the director Marc Ickx and the producer James Desert had a very small budget, you even can be very surprised by the excellent result...
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Michael_Elliott13 March 2008
Engine Trouble (2002)

1/2 (out of 4)

Typical straight to DVD flick about two females who go out where they shouldn't be an are eventually stalked by a maniac. You can call the film whatever you want but this is without a doubt one of the worst horror films I've ever seen and trust me I've seen a whole lot. The film has the budget of around five bucks but the director doesn't even try to appease horror fans. The one gore effect is so incredibly bad that you'll be rolling your eyes. I understand with a low budget you can have good effects but if memory serves me it doesn't take a special effect for some hot woman to remove her cloths.
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