Doppelherz (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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Evan Anderson17 August 2003
The first time I tried to watch this film my friends were being freaked out by it and didn't understand it. They made me stop it. Once I got another chance I put it in my DVD player and watched all twenty-six minutes of it. I was in awe. Even though the film is said to have no explanation I understood it. That's pretty funny. There is no sense of traditional storytelling here. The first track on the c.d. plays in a loop as marilyn manson says several different things over and over again in voice over. There is no pattern to it. Listen to the things he says. Some are funny and others are thought provoking. At least one helps explain the plot I saw. "I'm not really tall dark and handsome" was the line. Also everything that is not him sitting in his chair is a flashback and what he puts on his face is an adhesive used in stage makeup called liquid latex. Figure out the rest for yourself or come up with an entirely different interpretation. I would like to see Marilyn do another film. After this one (even though it was more than enough) I crave more! I guess I'll just have to wait until his next c.d.
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Indugent is a prefect word for this.
Ankhenaten9119 September 2006
I am HUGE Manson fan. I have been to concerts I have all of the albums etc. but this movie is just awful! How can one summerize someone just filming weird stuff in the Hollywood hills with some band members and a couple of adult models? This is meant to be a work of art and I can appreciate anyone trying to create but why in the heck does someone so incredibly brilliant as Manson feel the need to do something so low brow? I just expect more from him and maybe that is the issue I had here..... I just wanted something worth watching and thinking about. It isn't this.

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one line summary
pancake_repairman11 November 2006
I haven't liked any of the singles off his last 3 albums or listened to any of them beyond those tracks, but when I recently heard about this short film I had to check it out and I think it's really awesome although utterly devoid of meaning. It's a work of dark monochrome atmosphere, dimly lit with lots of fast-cut editing and fades to black in and out, but it comes across as extremely professional and purposeful rather than sloppy and random. The shades of gray seem as radiant as any full use of the light spectrum ever has. I'm probably too ignorant to say if it's original, but i've never seen anything like it before. I luv how just insanely effed up it is. Not that there's any reprehensible acts depicted, it's just really weird and abstract.
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treescanbegreen14 April 2009
I am a former fan of Marilyn Manson. I bought The Golden Age Of Grotesque for one reason, and that reason was to see this film. Man was I disappointed.

When I first watched it I thought it was the coolest thing ever, edgy, disturbing and experimental. The second time I watched it (at the time still a fan) I couldn't help but laugh. It is nothing but crap, just another way for Mr. Warner to make money.

I now have a message for Manson fans. Open your eyes, please. Marilyn Manson is not 'weird' or 'cool' or 'alternative'. He is a money hungry egoist.
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amazing! well worth seeing!
vampire_embryo25 June 2003
the bonus film 'doppelherz' is what you get with marilyn manson's new album 'golden age of grotesque', and it is brilliant. if you are a fan, and havent seen this already, then do so, because it is amazing! dita von teese stars in this, along with the naked twins 'joined' with theyre backs. 10/10!
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j-HaHAha20 August 2003
I have watched this film numerous times now and I love it. It's pure expressionism! It almost acts as a brainwashing video-the constant repeating of Thaeter and the barrage of phrases. An Absinthe stained piece of filmed art caked in Mortician's White. He spouts words that really have meaning to only two people-him and Lily, his cat-but some of his slow-guns shoot me and provoke thought. He has a wonderful eye for imagery and his creativity seems to have no bounds. I really wish he would do more for US than just his amusement.
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thought it was genius . . .
monchichi4712 February 2007
i thought this short film was wildly experimental, it pushed the limits of thought and almost bordered on philosophical at times. while viewers would want to have a VERY open mind to enjoy this film, but i feel that whether or not you are a fan of Manson's, if you are into deep thoughts and finding the dark parts of your own mind, you will get something out of it. content ranges from the obscure/ridiculous to the wonderfully insightful. my favorite parts were the political/social commentary he makes, he definitely says things that most of us have thought but are afraid to say ourselves. best to watch this one at least once while you are sober to fully appreciate the messages.
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Perfect; Visually and mentally stunning.
Klaus_Eaves30 May 2003
Doppelherz is a DVD include with Marilyn Manson's Golden Age of Grotesque album. A short independent film directed by Marilyn Manson with appearances from his band, siamese twins, and Dita Von Teese.

Starting off very eerily, Marilyn Manson speaks over "Theater," the first and vocal-less track on the album. At first listen, it seems just as if he's talking endlessly; however, if you listen to what is being said, a story will soon unfold in your mind. Truly amazing.

What you see if equally amazing. I won't spoil anything for any of you who haven't seen it, but just remember that you'll watch it hundreds of times just to see anything that you might have missed.

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Jack the Ripper188826 June 2003
I have been a *HUGE* fan of Marilyn Manson for quite some time now, have all of his CDs, and most recently, with his latest album "The Golden Age of Grotesque" (which was a kick-ass album) had a bonus DVD short-film included with it.

DOPPELHERZ is a horrific, thought-provoking independent film. It runs at about a half hour or something and it is really only worth watching once or twice, but it is a very interesting work. Manson, throughout, repeats phrases over and over again to the tune of his intro song, 'Thaeter'. Some of the most thought-provoking lines spoken are "Do you think animals believe in God?" and "I am a VCR funeral of dead memory waste".

All in all, this short is weird as hell, but if it's Manson, it's cool. DOPPELHERZ: 5/5.
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Sheer genius!
Bloodopera12 January 2005
yep, manson delivers again with this powerful and strong movie. i love this piece of art (yet i don't know what art is, i call this art) the way he explains things and opens his mind like this is something you don't see everyday. everything about this mov is perfect, the music, the repeated sentences, the play by his band members, everything fits!.

i tought this was a great addition to the great Golden Age album, he just lays his cards out on the table about a lot of thing, especially relationships and the people that surround him, me, you, the "fans", his lovers, groupies..

this, the CD, and the video-clip for (s)aint. are some of his best work. the CD opens him up, doppelherz lets us see more of manson but at the same time gives him and opportunity to speak about stuff, and saint just shows boredom, such a powerful video.. i could really feel the boredom and the idea that everything is done and all is finished, brill..

my fav sentence out of the vid would be "I am a VCR of dead funeral waste, you can see it in my face" and the way he repeats it sends shivers down my spine!! BRILL BRILL!!
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Well well well..
filmfreak-512 December 2003
This in indeed an odd compilation of pictures and rants, impossible to find heads and tails in - however, it is very appealing somehow.

To me it was merely a study in examining myself and my boundaries and limits - and while this may sound like nonsense to you, it will make sense if you watch it.

Throughout the film, for instance, the same sentences are being repeated over and over again to a point where you actually hear the sentences in your head after they've stopped..."Do animals believe in god", and so on...

It works all in all...however, I cannot help getting a little notion that Manson (and trust me, I'm a HUGE fan!) is trying to copy what Trent Reznor and NIN did with "Broken", only taking it into a context of his own......many things are weird simply for the sake of BEING weird and that's a shame - however, I still recommend it, but if you're only into easy-to-understand-sunday-evening-with-the-family stuff, you should really stay away from this one! ...oh yeah, and Aria Giovanni?! WOW! HOT!!!! Dita Von Teese? NIIIICE... unfortunately Manson already took her! :-(((
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"...just another proof of his incredible talent, versatility, and above all, willingness to create!"
Misanthr0pe24 August 2003
On this short film, Marilyn Manson seems to have tried to show, to put in images, words, and sounds, some of the things that go on in his mind.. In my opinion, he didn't do it to exactly SHOW people who he is, or what his beliefs are.. He's way beyond that, and the ones who didn't get it before, sure won't get it now! I guess he just wanted to try out the amazing world of film-making and use it to express himself, just like he has been doing with painting. That is just another proof of his incredible talent, versatility, and above all, willingness to create! Not to "create art" in the most common sense of the expression, but to create himself THROUGH his art!

Some may find DoppelHerz a non-sense, confusing and meaningless effort from MM to show off. I consider it exactly what the film itself claims to be: The beginning of a new era for the amazing and unique man that we all know as Marilyn Manson. It all makes sense (in a very particular kind of way) when seen from a certain point of view and that's what is being given to us through Doppelherz: an insight of what goes on Marilyn Manson's head right now..

Hopefully he will continue to give his unique and precious contribute to society, by stating his sharp and well guided points of view over all matters as he has done all his life. I can only congratulate him for the amazing life he has led and regret the fact I don't know him personally.

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m3lv1n524 July 2005
Halo all you boys and girls.....I have the "lyrics" for this "song"/video. If you want them, e-mail me and I will e-mail them to ya. The video contains all the current band members (Mr. Manson, PoGo, Tim Skold, Ginger Fish, & John 5). John 5 is no longer in Manson, but he's in the video. He's doing his own thing and helping other people with their music. Manson is a very creative band. Anyways, this video is kinda interesting in the fact that Manson helped direct it. He did a lot of the writing. Very interesting. Check it out. It's on the bonus disc of The Golden Age Of Grotesque album. I don't think this has helped much, but check it out and you will see for yourself.

I think there is a sample of the video available somewhere on the net, you might want to try Launch.Com or something like that. I saw it somewhere a while back (when it came out), but I don't remember where.
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Strange, yet entertaining
nogoodname_872 June 2003
A bonus DVD that came with a limited amount of copies of "The Golden Age of Grotesque". Doppelherz, is a trip into the mind of Marilyn Manson. Supposedly based on dreams of his, this short film contains eerie music with narrative comments by Manson such as "Do animals believe in God?", as well as two naked siamese twins. Worth a look at if you are a Manson fan, if not, you may want to stay away from this one.
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Uninspired, generic abstract filmmaking
nailhead29 June 2003
I am a fan of Marilyn Manson; his music touches me, his autobiography related to me on various levels, and his artwork is erotically horrific. When I heard of Doppleherz, I felt I would be in store for yet another delightfully delerious dose of Marilyn's artistic endeavors. How wrong was I?

The film is nauseatingly repetitive, obviously on purpose, and wreaks of imitation. I felt as if I were watching a failed attempt at recreating the bizarre atmosphere of abstract German filmmaking and after fifteen minutes or so, I realized that was exactly what I was watching. As talented as Marilyn Manson (aka Brian Warner) is, this 30+ minute short film is pure uninspired, generic abstract filmmaking.

Honestly I feel that were the background music looped throughout the entire film not the opening track to the companion album, The Golden Age of Grotesque, and every line in the film a lyric from said album, this film may have packed more of a punch. Sadly, the only punch I felt was in the stomach as I quite literally found my self vomiting after watching half the film.

Marilyn Manson is a talented musician, an entertaining writer, and a gifted artist. The moral of the story is to stick to doing what you do best, and leave all else to those who know how to handle the craft.
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odd.... evil....grotesque.......annoying.
jnor11 July 2003
repetition isnt something i can tolerate. though this film is intellgent(though at the same time completely non-senseical) it is overdone. it provokes the mind and is truly disturbing but its utterly boring as well. knowing the artist manson is this is a disappointment. i have seen it twice and i want to watch it leaves you .....empty.perhaps that was what he was aiming for.
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