Rise of the Chupacabras (2003) Poster

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Worse then bad!
goddesshecate66614 September 2006
This movie stinks. I could shoot a better movie with a group of friends, a portable video camera, fake blood, and no script. It is a waste of money to rent and a waste of time to watch. Paint peeling is more interesting. Not only are the actors unknown but they are bad at what they do. I couldn't finish watching it. I wanted to turn it off 3 minutes into the film but thought the monster would be awesome. Well, it wasn't so I turned the DVD off. The monster doesn't look anything like what is pictured on the cover. In fact it looks like a guy in a green scuba suit. The Halloween costumes at Party City are of better make and quality. How it got onto a stores shelves let alone manufactured I will never know.
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Leofwine_draca18 March 2022
A homemade, shot on video movie about a group of treasure seekers falling foul of the deadly and legendary chupacabra. There's no shortage of enthusiasm, but this is pretty dire stuff, with very wooden acting from the non-performers and occasional scenes of the characters being assailed by a lifesize CGI creature which are utterly laughable.
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I'm starting a sarcastic fan club for this movie
ZombieSquid24 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
OK OK, so this WAS one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Terrible and boring "acting", lame "special effects", crappy locations. I'm still not even sure what happened at the end. I think there was an old gypsy lady, who was really a chupacabra that had wings like a bat that was really the mocha vampire who lived in a cave with two statues of demons outside the entrance, and then there was a guy with a gun who was hypnotized, and then they wrestle and fall into a volcano. Seriously now. That was the ending. And the song that played over the end credits! It sounded like something a gloomy 17 year old goth kid recorded with a karaoke machine. Terrible. And for some reason, when the chupacabra jumps out of the darkness and onto the grass, it makes a sound like someone slapping to wooden planks together. The dialogue in this movie sounds like something a 6th grader would write for a school play. Boring, repetivie, and predictable. There is ONE attractive female in the entire cast, but she never even takes her clothes off! What a waste. You would think something this cheap and god-awful would at least further its trend of pandering to the horror market by giving us a little nudity. Sadly, no.
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This movie ruined my life!
modalauxiliary13 February 2004
There are certain events in life that, no matter how ready you think you are, you can never truly be prepared for. "Bloodthirst: Legend of the Chupacabras" was one of these events. Let me begin this review by saying that I love s****y movies. I LOVE them. Look at IMDB's list of worst horror movies ever. Scroll all the way to the bottom. I have seen at least half of these movies. "Final Stab"? Seen it. "Lost Voyage"? Seen it. "Sasquatch", starring washed up Roy Schneider wannabe Lance Henrickson? Seen it. While these movies were horrible, especially "Lost Voyage", which could only be described as "thumb in the eye horrible", none of them could have adequately prepared me for the cinematic abortion that was "Bloodthirst: Legend of the Chupacabras."

Let's start with the pros, shall we? Okay first of all, the cover art was designed by someone with at least a basic working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop.

That was fun. Now onto the negatives. The budget of this film, every single cent of it, undoubtedly went towards the Photoshop software used to create the cover art. I suppose my biggest beef with this film was the complete and utter lack of chupacabras/chupacabra-related deaths. Now, when I see a movie called "Bloodthirst: Legend of the Chupacabras", I have certain expectations. These expectations do not involve 5 random Mexicans walking around for two hours while nothing in particular happens. Naturally, I was quite disappointed when only one person was chupacabra'd, a scant 15 minutes into the film. While the "hastily opened soda can" sound effect did a lot to enhance the juggulating, I was still left sorely disappointed. Especially when the movie dragged on for an additional 2 hours. In which nothing happened. At all. And then the credits rolled. Credits! Do you understand what that means? It means that people- human beings- were involved in the creation of this atrocity. Sometimes I think about what my life would be like if I hadn't seen this movie, and for just a brief, fleeting second, I am happy. And then the world of reality comes crashing down on my head like a trainwreck. This movie ruined my life.

In conclusion, I've added a list of better ways to spend 2 hours/3 dollars:

-Stick thumb deep, deep into eye.

-Make better movie about chupacabras involving, and here's the twist- actual chupacabras!

-Engage in awkward, sweaty, groping session with British pop star Phil Collins

-Track down and brutally murder anyone involved in the creation of "Bloodthirst: Legend of the Chupacabras"

-Kill 200 bag ladies

-Drink yourself into a coma and die happily, knowing you'll never have to witness this heinous crime against humanity

-See "Lost Voyage." I'm not even joking.
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A decent if somewhat flawed shot-on-video creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder8 October 2022
Desperate to save their house, a man tries to find the money by joining a group of locals out hunting a legendary creature known as a chupacabra hunting villagers for food, but when he realizes they've gotten in over their heads try to find a way to escape the creatures' wrath.

Overall, this was a watchable at best shot-on-video creature feature. Among the better features here come mainly from the highly enjoyable second half where it stops dealing with random townspeople and starts in on the search to stop the creature. They're not grandly staged or overly impressive but it does finally get to the community out searching for the creatures and coming upon the vampire guards around the town attacking everyone. These are brief but quite fun as the actual on-screen action generated by the attacks in the countryside or the swarms of attacks in the underground caves that features a lot of impressive-by-association sequences with the vampires fighting and has a solid enough resolution on top of it all. These make this one cheesy enough to be worthwhile although there are some issues to be had with this one. The main problem is the central storyline where it's so chaotic and filled with so many different beats that there's a sense of randomness to the whole thing. Focusing on the issues going on with the residents of the town, including housing issues, unrequited lust, the reporter looking for the next big break and the strange creature attacks on the outskirts of everything, getting everything unraveled here takes up quite a lot of time on these storylines so it's somewhat disjointed. Going for the series of storylines here just leaves so little time for the creature to go out and do it's thing that it's almost a blessing since it doesn't have to show off the usual low-budget features with the shoddy effects, guerilla-style presentation and general tone which can be enough to lower this one.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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How did this movie get distribution?
bobdiddy14 February 2004
When I first started watching it, the production values didn't exactly throw me. I mean not all good movies have large budgets, but the story of this movie starts off okay and justs starts to degenerate into some weird mix of a number of different ideas. The movie might have been salvaged if only it settled for one of them.

Interesting concept, bad execution. If you're looking for a horrible movie for any reason this is you best bet. Otherwise... run!
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Chupacbras and bad acting
beckyking-5595330 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Low budget horror film fare . Bad acting lousy script dreadful film but with a great creature . The chupacbra . In Spanish it means "goat sucker" . This creature has even appeared in episodes of the T. V show grimm! DON'T say that your film has chupacabras in it when it hasn't !
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Watchable, but not good, flub at the 49:47 mark
unemployed_ed22 May 2022
I was watching the movie, and suddenly in the background of the scene at 49:47, there is some guy in white clothes walking around in the background of the shot.

It almost looks like he is walking to a cooler for a cold refreshing drink!
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NoDakTatum9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This shot-on-video mess somehow made it into national video rental chains almost decades ago, and I feel as cheated as many of its viewers probably did back then. Way too many characters in Sedona, Arizona get involved in a series of chupacabra attacks, which are really caused by what can only be surmised as alien vampires (plot summary done!). Half the picture, especially the climax, takes place in utter darkness, so I had no earthly idea what was happening. The performances are horrid, the special effects are laughable, the suspense is nonexistent, the casting is shocking, and the editing is terrible. Film maker Mumm should have stuck with the practical make-up effects, although there wasn't enough of that. Kudos for getting this made and distributed, but come on. One of the worst films you have never seen. Also known as "Rise of the Chupacabras" and "Blood of the Chupacabras," and followed by a sequel.
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It had potential, but...
noizyme6 August 2004
This was a waste of time. Unless you dig the myth of El Chupacabra, don't attempt this film. It's loaded with bad acting (by a cast who is all related to each other somehow) and worse directing. Basically, when there isn't any action going on in a scene, the director throws up scenes shot on the water or of the sky or whatever else doesn't have to seep into their (probably) nonexistent budget. Also I saw microphones for the actors in at least 2 shots.

The good stuff is that the movie is arranged well, with all of the scenes having a good flow to them. The indie feel is definitely present in the music, being that they're happy with a synthesized accordion used in many scenes. And, for this sort of film, there was no nudity to back them up in scenes when nothing was going on...which I actually LIKED because that showed that they could keep some story (about a mythical creature controlled by some gypsy/white witch) going.

::PLOT REVEALED:: All in all, don't rent this garbage. You'll get angry that the awesome-looking creature on the coverbox isn't in the film at all (in fact, the creatures are nothing more than vampire-zombies controlled by the gypsy woman to create the myth of El Chupacabra). Only for fans and curious people looking to further create El Chupacabra in their minds.
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I love this film!!!
boypan17 December 2004
I can't stop laughing from reading the other reviews posted here. Seriously folks, you need to write scripts or something else but write because the reviews make this movie worth seeing, again.

I rented this movie because I was told that Chupacabras were abnormally large goats that sucked the blood from Mexicans. I was completely sold just from see the word Chupacabras and then when I saw the picture on the DVD cover, I was in heaven.

I gathered my best friend and my boyfriend and we started to watch this movie about a journalist who's publisher husband won't give her any real stories at the paper they both own and operate. Then one day, news of a Chupacabras comes in and he decides to give her the story. I couldn't stop laughing. After that the story got worse and worse and worse. Until we had to stop watching. But I did promise myself I would return someday and give it another go. I couldn't finish Magnolia the first time, either. Or Chinatown. Or Mullholland Drive. All movies that I now own on DVD and love. Who knows? This movie may join their ranks somedays!!! Maybe not but who's to say? I think they should do a special extended edition of the film (like The Lord of The Rings editions) and include the reviews from here since they are really funny.

Long live indie film-making and filmmakers!!!
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BandSAboutMovies10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you read any reviews that came out on this movie's original release, they all decry the fact that the poster and cover art are so amazing and the actual monster is not. But you know, that's part of the charm in director and writer Jonathan Mumm's movie (he also edited and composed some of the music).

The town that this takes place in has near Andy Milligan level supernatural coincidences: there's a witch. There's an old vampire hunter. There's a singer. There's an old prospector! And yes, there's a chupacabra controlling possessed townsfolk from within a cave.

There are so many people in this town and let me tell you, I kind of love that the majority of this movie is people arguing over rent and trying to figure out how to survive in their downtrodden lives and then realizing, "Oh yeah. There's a monster that kills goats in a cave." That's how real life is. You know that there are so many evil creatures in the woods outside of town but you live in a capitalist society and the cogs of the military-industrial complex are greased in the blood of the working man.

In addition to all of those characters -- seriously, if you missed meeting new people in the new COVID era, get ready to meet so many people and then meet some more people -- this movie has a synth score that in no way tries to sound real. You may be too young to remember organ stores in the mall and the poor souls that worked there that had to non-stop play synth and organ ditties while we shopped around them. Who were these people buying these gigantic organs? Where was the budget to hire so many people to play them? Where did they all go?

I digress.

I love when people review this movie and say it has so much talking. Yes, it's a 1950s drive-in movie with no budget shot on video (with some 16mm from the first pass at making it) with rubber suits, early CGI and untrained actors. Revel in it. Soak it up. We should all be so lucky to live in a world that this movie exists and we do.
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Funny Movie
DWhitney8911 December 2004
I am sorry but this movie made me laugh. It was so stupid, it actually made me laugh! The acting was so bad, it was funny. My mom and I rented this film because we saw the video case and thought it looked good and scary. We should have known better.

Everyone in this movie was so ugly! It was a movie of ugly people except for the one waitress girl who was somewhat decent. The gypsy's hair changed. In one scene, it was white, in the next it was brown, and in the next it was white again. Oops, someone forgot their wig! And then that hilarious music in the news room with all the ugly people! LOL! And also, no one can forget that man in the sheep nightie and the barn boots. Wow, somebody has issues. And then at the beginning when it showed all of the farm animals and u can tell that people were making the noises! Also, there were so many people in this film, after a while, they all looked the same ~ UGLY! If you want a funny/stupid movie, this is a must. However, if u want something scary, STAY AWAY! A good scary movie is Dead End, rent it and like it. It was excellent!
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Don't let all these naysayers spoil your fun!
digvid17 June 2007
I know its fun to get on the internet and thoroughly trash low-budget no-name movies, but these are today's version of the old drive-in, grind-house films and believe it or not, a lot of people get a kick out of seeing movies like this. They provide a few scares and (normally) a good number of laughs (both intentional and unintentional). The charm of these movies is they don't play it campy, they don't wink at the audience, they play it straight. As syndicated horror host MR. LOBO says: "They're not bad movies, they're just misunderstood." Also I don't know what movie comment-writer "modalauxiliary" actually saw, but he complains BLOODTHIRST, LEGEND OF THE CHUPACABRAS is about five Mexicans wandering around while nothing much happens. Maybe that's a different Chupacabras movie, but one of the ironies of this one is that, even though it's about a Latin myth, there are no Latinos in the film at all!
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If ever there was proof that there is no God...
hedonis24 May 2004
I'll start with the good. Please note that the "good" doesn't actually have anything to do with the movie. The Chupacabra legend is a great idea, and like a few other reviewers, I'd hope that some day a good movie maker would utilize the legend of the Chupacabra good.

OK, that being said, everything in this movie made me want to rake my face with broken glass, just so that something fun would be going on while the movie played. First off, the acting is like something out of a high school media class project. I mean, adult film stars would watch this and say "whoa, does that suck!"

The editing is also horrible, whacking every "scare" scene so that they become confusing, FX-less messes. This movie is more badly slashed than the cast of a "Friday the 13th" movie.

Further adding to the confusion is the fact that within its running time of 85 minutes, we are introduced to so many characters, it's like we need a chart to keep track of them.

Then we get to the big ending, in which all the characters go to hunt this legendary beast, and somehow everyone ends up in a mine (that was on a treasure map). We don't learn what happens to most of the characters, and we find out that the Chupacabra is some sort of bad CG vampire thingy. That turns its victims into attack zombies...


Horrible- stay away from it.
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gyxqhtqk20 April 2022
This movie is so good, it's actually really bad that it makes it funny, i recommend watching it. It is in my top 10 favorite movies!! The bad acting a confusing plot line kept me entertained and laughing the entire time!
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