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the unkindest cut
movieman_kev12 March 2009
The gang is on the lookout for a cursed scalpel that can cut through anything and is rumored to have belonged to Jack the Ripper. Their search leads them to a critically lauded doctor whose success rate is 100%, but this so-called 'miracle worker' has to take the life of someone before it can heal another.

This series continues to escalate in it's quality with this episode. The cursed item was interesting, the story was involving and the whole third act was great (even a tad ironic) Writer Marc Scott Zicree did a pretty good job on this one. While still not among the most memorable episodes, it can definitely hold it's own.

My Grade: B+
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The doctor is in
allexand2 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The hunt for a cursed scalpel takes the Curious Goods gang to a doctor who is considered a miracle worker due to the fact that he cures any patient that he operates on. However, the scalpel he uses places a high price on such miracle cures...

"Doctor Jack" is a good episode with high entertainment value. The storyline is interesting, the villain gives a good performance, there are some neat plot twists, we get treated to an interesting side plot and Micki actually gets to save the day for once. There are a few big problems that prevent me from rating this episode higher, though.

The biggest problem of all is the implausibility of Jack's surgery. In a scuffle with the evil doctor, he falls down an elevator shaft. Afterwards it's revealed that he needs major surgery to live. It seems ludicrous that he would need an operation for this. I'm no doctor, but usually when people suffer a major fall they end up with broken bones. Jack would have probably ended up in a full body cast but surgery is a bit of a stretch. The irony is that this gives way to a inventive plot twist where the doctor is later forced to save his life his life with the cursed scalpel. I found this to be an inspired bit of writing despite the flawed chain of events that lead up to it.

Another major triumph in the writing is that they made what would seem like a rather boring antique (how much damage can you really do with a tiny scalpel anyway?) rather exciting. This is no mere scalpel as it effortlessly cuts through metal and slices through human tissue like warm butter. It was a nice touch that kept things interesting.

We're also treated to an interesting side plot in the form of a woman who is seeking vengeance on the doctor for murdering her daughter. We get to see for once that other people actually care about the victims of the cursed antiques other than Micki, Ryan, and Jack. She provides a good diversion and even gives Micki and Ryan chances to escape sticky situations. The one thing that bothered me is that when the doctor is given an opportunity to kill her, he doesn't.

The ending is well done as Micki gets the upper hand on the doctor and is given her first opportunity to be the hero. I felt this was desperately needed as, up to this point, she had been mostly a damsel in distress. This also showed that her character was finally growing. The spoiled rich girl who whined about getting married and pronounced Ryan's name with a pretentious French accent (Dal-yawn instead of Dal-yun) in the pilot episode would have never had the strength to do this.

"Doctor Jack" is definitely worth seeing despite a horrible plot device. The writers really take some chances with the original formula and it pays off.
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The Scalpel and the Ripper
claudio_carvalho20 March 2024
A street vendor has his throat sliced by a man with a scalpel, and he escapes cutting steel bars with the object. On the next morning, Jack, Ryan and Micki read the article on the newspaper and Jack finds on the manifest that an ancient scalpel that belonged to Jack the Ripper was sold by Lewis to a man named James Bronson. They head to Bronson's blade shop, and Jack convinces Bronson to tell them who bought the scalpel. The new owner is Dr. Vincent Howlett, an average student of medicine that has turned into a star surgeon with his miraculous surgeries. Now he is hired by the Ravenbrook Hospital, where one of his former professors, Dr. Patricia Price, is the head of the surgery department. She has a beef with Howlett, but the hospital needs him to recover its reputation. Meanwhile, Jack, Ryan and Micki go to the hospital where a woman named Jean Flappen accuses Dr. Howlett of killing her daughter. She wants to shoot him, but Ryan avoids the murder. Now the trio will search for Dr. Howlett, but he needs to kill someone first with the scalpel to operate then.

"Doctor Jack" is a good episode of "Friday the 13th: The Series", with a story based on Jack the Ripper. The plot point is the dilemma of Micki and Ryan regarding Jack's accident in the elevator's shaft. Should they trust Dr. Vincent Howlett to perform the surgery of not? My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil: "Doutor Jack" ("Doctor Jack")
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Surprisingly Clever Episode
Gislef2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's a certain amount of inevitability about it. Of course, they can't let one of the trio survive because of a cursed antique. So the scalpel loses it's "charge" and Howlett has to operate on Jack with the unpowered scalpel (I think). And Howlett has to die, so conveniently, he falls on the scalpel.

But Marc Scott Zicree's plot is still a neat bit of clockwork suspense. Howlett has to save Jack to preserve his reputation, but he wants Jack dead. And the scalpel has lost its "charge", so Howlett has to save Jack with his own skills on the operating table rather than using the magic scalpel. We also get some nice characterization of Ryan, who talks about how Jack was like a father to him. And even Robey isn't too bad as she bemoans Jack's potential death.

There's still some sloppy continuity work. Like the plate on Howlett's door saying his first name initial is M, even though everyone calls him Vincent. Which is a shame, because the Easter Egg of Howlett's and his superior's name combining to make "Vincent Price" is cute. Also, they talk about how the scalpel has to be recharged. But later Gorman cuts through everything in his path. Was it "charged" when he saved Jack, or not?

It's also an antique that make sense. It's s a scalpel, in the hands of a doctor. Which makes more sense and is easily to incorporate into the story than a Cupid's statue belonging to a loser, or a cursed tea cup that restores youth. There's a simple connection between doctor and scalpel, which previous antiques have lacked. For instance, tea cup and rock star, or college janitor and Cupid's statue. Huh?

And Cliff Gorman as Dr. Howlett isn't bad. It looks like he's only been in minor roles before and after this episode. Pity he didn't get more work, or at least play a killer on this show one or more times. They brought back Denis Forest, Colm Feore, Nigel Bennett, and Colin Fox, but we never got Gorman again. That's a shame. And some of the suspense comes from Gorman's Howlett realizing that he has to save Jack to preserve his reputation. If he just lets Jack die, most of his problems would be gone. So Howlett has to be a sadistic killer... but also smart enough to work out that he can't be a sadistic killer in that particular situation. It's a nice dichotomy that Gorman portrays well. Gorman's Howlett also makes a nice change from the leering losers we've mostly had so far.

So overall, a nice suspenseful episode. Yes, Howlett's final fate is pretty predictable, thanks to some long establishing shots of crash machines. But even then, we get Jean as a survivor of sorts of the cursed antiques, which gives the story a certain dimensionality that previous episodes have lacked. we've never seen the fallout from people dying because of the antiques before. You also have Price, who ends up relying on a cursed antique to save her hospital. Even though she doesn't know it.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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Decent episode.
The_King_of_Cool16 September 2017
Episode 7: Doctor Jack- ***

A cursed scalpel that belonged to Jack the Ripper falls into the hands of an evil doctor, which by taking a life using the scalpel allows him to save a life in the operating room to gain fame. This episode gets off to a solid start, but begins to run out of steam. It does however feature some good atmosphere at times. Even though a good episode there was potential for more.
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