"Leave It to Beaver" Beaver Won't Eat (TV Episode 1960) Poster

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Ick, Brussel sprouts. Beaver is right to hate the yucky vegetable
pensman4 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Beaver won't eat his Brussel sprouts at dinner so he tries spreading them around, and when that doesn't work, he pops them in his shirt pocket. Unfortunately, June catches him. June is insistent, Beaver will sit at the table until the sprouts are gone. Ward tries to argue Beaver's side but June is relentless. Beaver says he doesn't like Brussel Sprouts. Ward offers to punish Beaver by sending him to his room; but June wants Ward to talk to Beaver. Ward tries logic and fails; so June offers an ultimatum: eat the sprouts or you don't go the football game tomorrow. Ward believes June is being far too drastic.

Eddie stops by to pick up a book from Wally, and tells Beaver he has rights. Eddie figures that Ward and June will eventually break down, Beaver just has to stick to his guns. But June even tells Wally that she is serious; no eaten sprouts, no football game.

The next morning June is sticking to her guns, and is planning to call Mrs. Bronson to sit for Beaver. Ward tells June she better call her soon because Mrs. Bronson is a popular sitter, and if she isn't available then Beaver will have to come along to the game. Ward offers a possible compromise, if Beaver promises to eat the sprouts the next time sprouts are served then Beaver can come to the game. Beaver doesn't want to make a promise that he feels he can't keep. But Ward says he is sure that Beaver will live up to a promise. Problem solved.

Before going to the game, the family stops at a restaurant and when dinner is served, it comes with Brussel sprouts. The waitress offers to exchange the sprouts for carrots or peas, but June says Beaver promised. Other patrons are taking Beaver's side. Why is June bullying the sweet little boy? Even the manager of the restaurant comes over with an exchange. June is adamant, even in the face of growing antagonism Beaver ties to eat one and swallows it after Wally pats him on the back. After getting the first one down, Beaver finds the sprouts aren't that bad and he eats the all. Problem solved. Whew! When Beaver gets home, he apologizes for making such a fuss. Beaver says he knows that parents make kids do things for their kids own good; and Beaver promises he won't make the mistake of not listening again and won't disobey ever. Ward feels that will be a tough thing for Beaver to do; because, Ward admits, that even parents sometimes make mistakes. Beaver is really impressed that Ward can make such an admission; Beaver thinks that that is actually pretty neat.

The resolution in the restaurant is too pat. It would have just been politic to allow Beaver to exchange the sprouts for a different vegetable. Beaver could have met the promise by eating the sprouts the next time they were served at home. June could have stretched the point and still be held harmless. No doubt the writers had a different plan and were out to make parents happy with you don't know if you don't like something unless you at least try it. As a parent, I applaud that; but the kid in me still murmurs sellout.

In my youth, I objected to eating two things: Brussel sprouts (they had a bitter aftertaste I loathed) and pea soup (It made me gag). One evening we were served pea soup and I couldn't get it down. My mother became so enraged that she picked up the bowl and quite literally plopped it upside down on my head. There I was crying with soup pouring down all over me. To his day, I can't abide pea soup. I have learned to like Brussel sprouts; if they have a large bit of a bacon wrapped around them.

P.S. Science is on Beaver's side. " Brussels sprouts are bitter, and kids generally don't like bitter tastes. It's not their fault. Researchers say that an aversion to bitter and sour (generally a heightened gag reflex) is a survival instinct, since most toxins taste that way too." See, I was right all along on Brussel spouts.
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Of Brussel sprouts and high school louts
AlsExGal23 February 2024
That lout being, of course, Eddie Haskell.

The Cleaver family is planning a night out together - They are going out to dinner and then to a football game. The night before, Beaver refuses to eat his Brussel sprouts at dinner. Ward wants to cut him some slack, but June is firm. Apparently there is no green vegetable that Beaver will eat. Thus June makes an ultimatum - Either he eats his Brussel sprouts or he won't go with the rest of the clan on their night out. But Beaver won't back down and comply.

Of course, Eddie is around for his usual "advice". He says the parents will fold - that Beaver should hold out. In Eddie's case, from what you can glean from conversation from various episodes over the seasons, Eddie's parents fold because holding firm is just too much trouble. In this case, and in general with Ward and June, they fold because they don't want Beaver to miss out on the fun and they want to give him a second chance to make the right choice. They allow him to go if he'll promise he'll eat Brussel sprouts the next time he encounters them. But then guess what shows up on Beaver's plate when the family is out to dinner? Complications ensue.

There are several things I noticed. Apparently, this must be a NFL game that the Cleavers are going to as they mention The Packers, as in Green Bay Packers. They were popular - and winning - at the time. Also notice how the Cleavers are wondering what they'll get to go with the roast beef that they ordered. Was it typical to not get to pick your side orders at the time? My memories go back well into the 1960s and I don't remember not getting to specify every aspect of your restaurant food.

This episode was unusual with June being particularly determined and angry at Beaver, and Beaver being very stubborn considering he doesn't even know what a Brussel sprout tastes like! Also, Ward is particularly unwise here. When Beaver is offered the choice of promising to eat his Brussel sprouts the next time they show up on his plate, he is honest and says he's not sure he ever could eat them and hates to promise that he can. Ward tells Beaver that he knows he can keep such a promise. Never tell somebody else that you know that their limitations are not their limitations.
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Very humorous episode.
vitoscotti22 May 2021
Story has it all. Smart Alec Eddy at his best. June as her toughest. Ward as his most henpecked. Beaver as his most stubborn.

Classic showdown in the restaurant. Hal Smith pre-Otis Campbell as the restaurant manager. Busy body old lady puts her two cents in. Great start to season 4.
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Ward needs to get a grip and he needs to tell June to get a grip too !
ronnybee21123 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a rather ridiculous,annoying,and crummy episode. Mother June Cleaver acts like a petty and neurotic 'dinner-table dictator',and the usually-solid Father,Ward Cleaver,is strangely weak and 'out to lunch' in this episode. Instead of simply putting his foot down and nipping a small problem in the bud,Ward instead allows this small problem to fester and to get much larger than is even remotely reasonable.

Youngest son Beaver is served Brussel sprouts at dinner and he makes it very clear that he doesn't like them. Instead of just making him something else to eat as a vegetable,or telling Beaver it was OK to not eat them,June turns it into a 'tug-of-war','fight-to-the-finish' situation. Beaver is told to eat the Brussel sprouts,like them or not,or he cannot go to a sporting event that the family had planned. Beaver says he'd rather stay home than eat the Brussel sprouts. In any reasonable household,an offer to stay home from a fun sporting event instead of eating Brussel sprouts would put an end to expecting that person to eat Brussel sprouts. Beaver isn't just trying to be difficult,he really doesn't like the Brussel sprouts. A last-minute compromise is pushed on Beaver so he can still go to the planned event,and Beaver half-heartedly agrees,under pressure,to eat the Brussel sprouts the next time they are served. This was a bad idea,a bad deal,and it is completely unlikely for father Ward to go along with it. This agreement solves nothing,and it only kicks the can down the road until the next time Brussel sprouts are served. Kicking any problem down the road is something that Ward Cleaver never does,it is completely out of character for him.

The family then goes to eat at a nice restaurant on the way to (or from) the sporting event,and guess what vegetable is served...Brussel sprouts ! (Of course..) Beaver doesn't want to eat them,despite the hasty agreement that he was buffaloed into making earlier. The restaurant staff,and a lady customer dining at a nearby table,all take Beaver's side in the dispute. The restaurant staff then offer some alternatives to the Brussel sprouts,ie.corn,carrots,peas,etc.

This offer is completely reasonable and should be just fine if it was actually Beaver's diet and nutrition that Mother June was worried about. As long as Beaver is eating a vegetable,any reasonable mother would be satisfied. Not June Cleaver, because she isn't being reasonable,and Ward lacks the backbone to set her straight in this episode. This is really all about June getting her way,Beaver's thoughts and feelings be damned. It is not about June's concern for Beaver's diet or his health,at all. June just HAS to be obeyed,even if it is ridiculous and unreasonable. It was disgusting,the entire dynamic of the situation and Ward's odd lack of leadership. Making it worse was father Ward allowing this to go on to begin with and then not putting a stop to it at the restaurant. The icing on the cake was the episode ending which was far too cliché and too lame to believe. Beaver is pressed to 'just try' the Brussel sprouts. (which he has obviously been forced to do on countless previous occasions with bad results). You can probably guess by now what happens. Golly,gee-whiz,Beaver likes the Brussel sprouts,after-all!

What a lame episode,I wanted to scream. Make sure you don't have anything small around you,you might throw it at the tv! 3/10.
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The wrong way to solve a problem...
Hendry230 September 2018
This episode makes me laugh at the near-riot in the restaurant, but it also frustrates me to no end. First, I had to agree with Ward - a cold Brussel sprout is as appealing as a soggy sponge (ugh). As the other reviewer mentioned, June's approach to the problem was terrible, and to me very out of character for her.

As a person who'd been a Julia Child fan from her early days on PBS - what might have worked was a better food presentation. If June had invited Beaver into the kitchen instead of making him sit alone at the dinning room table, cut a couple (as in 2) now-cold sprouts in half, melted a good amount of butter in a saucepan (no microwaves yet), and heated the halved sprouts in the melted butter, and to make them taste better, melted cheese over them (Velveeta would have been even better). Then they'd be hot, and taste like butter and cheese, not cold hard nasty round things that tasted like day old cabbage.

Not sure why the writers made June so sour (no pun intended) about the whole issue, though I can understand why she said he needs to eat what's good for him, but as in most things in life, there's usually a better way to resolve a problem without forcing a kid to do something - that never works and those are the things that stay in a kid's head - until they are spoken of at the therapist's office, years later...
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This would never happen in real life...
a-alexander11923 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've hated Brussels Sprouts forever, and I'm approaching 70. If I had been the Beav I might as well have dropped my pants right in the restaurant and told Ward have at it. If this had been a real life situation, no way would any kid who hated sprouts do a complete 180 and woof them down. Nope, you either loved them or hated them.. no room for compromise. This episode is my least favorite, one of only a few since it's so unrealistic.
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Making A Mountain Out Of A Brussels Sprout
StrictlyConfidential23 November 2020
(*Wally quote*) - "Sure, Beaver, all you have to do is hold your breath and gulp them down."

If there's one kind of food that Beaver refuses to eat, that food is Brussels sprouts. (mmm-mmm good!)

In this episode of TV's "Leave It To Beaver" June Cleaver makes one of the biggest fusses that she's ever made in order to drive a point home. She, of course, involves Ward in her frenzied campaign to get Beaver to eat his Brussels sprouts.

(IMO) The whole ordeal at the restaurant is one of the most ridiculous moments that you could ever imagine possible.
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This is one of many episodes where I was glad June Cleaver wasn't my Mother
spodso4 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this again this morning on METV and concluded that June Cleaver should have never had sons; I'm not even really sure whether she should have had daughters. In this episode in particular what she does makes no sense. Everybody has different tastes in food, and some are very significant differences. When I was a kid, and that was in the 40's and 50's I was never "forced" to eat anything. I was encouraged to try but never told to eat anything. I remember that we had potatoes and gravy a lot but I didn't like it at the time. I ate bread and gravy. I definitely never liked beef liver and was never scolded for not eating it. Probably not unusual but interesting to me is that I ended up really liking potatoes and gravy as an adult; in fact I liked anything with gravy. And there was a cafeteria in South Texas where I worked as an adult that had beef liver on the menu which I liked also. June Cleaver just didn't understand and didn't consider the feelings and attitudes of young boys or teenage boys. In a word she seemed to be a dictator. The title of this series could have been Father Knows Best and Mother doesn't. I almost hoped that Beaver would throw up or start choking when he "gulped" the brussel sprout down his throat.
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Inappropriate behavior by Beaver's mom
yobuck212 June 2014
I was very disappointed by the behavior of Beaver's mom in this episode, "Beaver Won't Eat". Food should never be used as a reward or punishment. This was not a good message to share with the public. It would have been OK for her to encourage Beaver to eat, but she chose to force the issue by punishing him. I felt there should have been more of a firm stand by other cast members like Wally and Ward to show June the error of her ways. Then at least the appropriate message would be shared with all viewers. With Beaver liking the Brussels Sprouts at the end of the episode, many viewers may feel that June's behavior was appropriate. This result is far from the norm. Most children will not usually like a food that they are forced to eat, and most of them will feel hostility and resentment toward their parents. Totally unfair and inappropriate!
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Bad mom
gypsycat-0980824 November 2022
Why. Is June marking beaver Brussel sprouts June is just a bad mom come on.beaver stick to your damm guns. June has no right forcing you to eat the damm Brussel in the restrunt you can have got corn on place of brussel.sprouts I'm with beaver I don't like Brussel sprouts is like eating dirty socks. Ward going to punish him. I don't really blame beaver. Forcing some. One to eat Brussel sprouts is plain wrong. June must learn to be a better mom and not a tyrant and ward needs to stick up for his son. Ward is the man of the house not a whimp June needs to stop being a bu!ly. Its nice to see Otis as manager.
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