"Supernatural" Bugs (TV Episode 2005) Poster

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Nothing could have been worse than the finale.
hoofan-2888627 November 2020
This was a decent episode. It used to be one of my least favorites, but after watching the finale, it took Bugs's spot as one of the worst episodes. It wasn't amazing, but still a good episode.
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Not as bad as I remembered
kiockalan3 December 2020
There were some solid comedy moments in this episode. The big bad is really cringe and the CGI is awful but after having stared into the abyss... This episode isn't that bad.
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Solid episode
hrsuits2 June 2021
I actually really like this episode. I don't know why it gets so much hate. My only complaint is this: spiders are not bugs, they are arachnids! That drives me nuts every single time I watch this episode.
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Not the best episode, but at least there were no Party City wigs
SpunkyFunkSpaghetti26 November 2020
Compared to the Season 15 finale, "Bugs" is the cream of the crop.
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Kind of lame, but in a good way.
mm-3929 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Kind of lame, but in a good way. Bugs pays homage to cheeses horror classics like Kingdom of the Spiders. There is a mix of 80's horror lighting, classic rock and Dean's humor. "You are a liar!" "Well the truth is" "Anyone who starts a sentence the truth is! Is a liar!" scene is a classic. Then Sam shows a difference between the two brothers tactics. Some times Dean's right the other times Sam is. Well there is the personal side stories of the character development between the two brothers. Bug's then goes full throttle into the Kingdom of the Spiders mode, with an accent curse. Lame like Kingdom of the Spiders, but in a cheesy way. Not the best episode, but entertaining. 7 out of 10 stars.
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Not that bad
shwetafabm21 May 2020
An ok ep, the "fight" sequence was terrible and made no sense tho
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I love this episode
syje-0752327 November 2020
You could see the character development. Sam and Dean had already grown so much. No characters were blurry and ignored. They really stuck with the characterizations we were initially given. All around, a great ep. Also no wigs, so that's a plus.
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Not the Best Episode
katierose29516 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is not the best "Supernatural" episode. But, it still has some cute moments. It gives us some more insight into Sam and John's relationship. Sam continues to be bitter about being -what Dean calls- the "Blonde chick from the Munsters" of the Winchester clan. He's never quite been able to fit-in with John's expectations of him. Plus, the episode shows the hurt and worry that Dean continues to hold on to regarding Sam's "abandoning" him to go to Stanford. He's always afraid that Sam might leave again and that Dean will be all alone. Still, the rest of the episode is sort of lackluster. Not very scary or interesting. Really, if you're in a hurry, you can probably skip this episode and not miss much story wise.

This episode revolves around bugs attacking a new housing development, called Oasis Plains. Construction is delayed when beetles kill a construction worker. It looks like mad-cow disease, and Sam & Dean are instantly suspicious that something supernatural is afoot. Pretending to be interested in buying a house for their poor, aging father they meet the housing project's head-honcho, who is also the first resident of Oasis Plains. Sam feels a connection to the guy's 16 year old son, Matt, who is a collector of bugs and often clashes with his father. When a realtor is killed by Spiders in her steam shower, Sam & Dean begin to suspect that there "Willard" type figure is controlling the bugs and their first suspect is Matt.

Turns out Matt's an innocent by-stander to the bug attack, though. It's really a Native American curse working to punish people living on the land. The new housing development is right on top of the land that the Native American's were driven off of. Sam & Dean interview a college professor and a old Native American guy who tells them the legend. They the boys head off to evacuate Matt and his family. The father doesn't believe them, though, and the bugs attack too quickly for them to get out. They have to defend the house from the bugs, holding them off until dawn. Afterwards, the father promises to close down the housing development. Sam, seeing Matt and his dad getting closer, tells Dean that he wants to find John to mend fences. Dean promises that they will.

There are some good parts with this episode. I really like the way Sam identifies with Matt. His advice to the kid to just get through the next 2 years and then escape to college, really confuses and hurts Dean. Dean is so wrapped in following John's orders that he really doesn't understand Sam's resistance. Plus, Dean has been standing between John and Sam in their fights for so long that he can see how they're BOTH sort of wrong. When Sam is annoyed that John never told him that he was proud or him, or thinking of him while he was away, Dean just quietly remarks that "The phones work both ways, Sam." He also explains that John does care about Sam and checked on Sam all the time when he was at college. Of course, I'm willing to take bets that anytime John secretly visited Sam at Stanford, it was at Dean's prodding. Honestly, I'd be surprised if anymore than a week of two went by without Dean checking in and making sure Sammy was okay. But, still, it's a cute moment. Also, I like the realtors trying to sell Sam & Dean the house, first assuming that they are a couple and then that they need the house for their "elderly" father. Dean's smirk when he calls Sam "honey" makes me smile. Finally, Dean in the steam shower is just too adorable. First of all HE'S adorable, so that helps, but it's also just a cute little glimpse of his life. He really appreciates little things, because he has such a spartan life-style. The shower is "Awesome!" to him, because he spends most of his life in the Impala or in cheap hotels.

There are some problems with this episode. First of all, I'm going to assume that a long time passed while they were in the attic, hiding from the bugs. But it's edited to seem like there were only about 4 minutes between midnight and dawn. Also, the bugs are sort of fake-y and not particularly scary. Not a lot of supernatural events actually occur. It's mostly Sam & Dean talking to Matt about bugs and investigating Native American burial grounds. Honestly, it can get a little dull in places.

My favorite part of the episode: Sam and Dean arguing about John. Sam is bitter because he wanted to play soccer rather than go bow-hunting. Dean's baffled, "But, bow-hunting's an important skill." Just cracks me up. He just doesn't get it. On a side note, in season three's "Bad Day at Black Rock," we learn that Sam really did get to play soccer, which is a cute touch.
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I enjoyed this....Why are people so bugged out?
annagenna22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So i finally watched this after years of not bothering because it was so slated and even mocked by the show itself. it was harmless fun.. its great to see the actor who will play samamdrial so young (ha ha), it reminded me of some classic X Files, the one with the roaches and the whole bee sting mythology. If you love a bit of cheese you'll enjoy this. it just harmless fun
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Why bugs?
wolfordcheyenne21 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the weakest episode of the season. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good. The episode's premise is what makes it so bad. Who thought killer bugs caused by a Native American curse was a good idea? :(
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Stupidity does not equal Quality.
snwbatz3 June 2022
In all honesty Bugs is not as bad as it's reputation but it's still pretty bad. I don't think that the idea of killer bugs is a bad idea. But unfortunately the episode does little to nothing with it. Most of the episode is pretty boring because the brothers just walk around and talk about how weird the killings are. Which is pretty normal for an episode but when that's all your episode is that can make for a pretty hard watch. The last 5 minutes are laughable because we're supposed to believe that they were fighting off bugs for like 8 hours. When I'm reality it's more like 5 minutes. The episode could be a guilty pleasure if it just had more going on. But the stupidity of it all and the lack of movement destroys this episode.
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such a great cinematic piece
arctizii23 November 2020
I don't remember what was it about either, for me it could be a full hour of black screen and I would rate it 10/10 anyway because it'd be a hundred times better than even a single minute of Carry On.
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Nice story but ending is bad!
boki-712551 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As i say story is nice and actors are nice. Editing is solid/bad but for 2004-2003 when this episode is filmed its good for that year... But ending... Let's say that Sam&Dean call Larry in 23:00 at the latest because everyone in family are wake up and full of energy. Then in 5 min. there is dawn? If it's that late, people would be in bed for a long time/ exhausted, "in pajamas" But as i say nice story bad ending...
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Premise was great, story was terrible
knightf39 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You have to realize this was the first season of the show, and they really hadn't figured out what they were doing. 2005 was a different time with simpler CGI and effects compared to now (2022).

But this episode had zero meaningful development. Waving a single can of flaming spray around while tens of thousands of bugs poured through was as useless as attempting to even make the CGI look like it was doing something (they didn't). They time warped from midnight to sunrise (6am around equinox) in the space of 2 minutes even though they were constantly swarmed by bugs. Sorry, but they're all dead - just like the ratings of this episode, it really was the worst one in the first season.
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I did my best to like this episode but I can't :(
rimailbox18 May 2020
Holla, I have tried to rewatching this episode, from all Supernatural episodes this is the worst rating that I gave. Six! I can't give more. I am sorry and unfortunately, I can't explain how many parts that made me uncomfortable, and the ending! It was the main trouble to this episode of course the ending. What?
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Bugsy Malone
injury-6544718 July 2020
A pretty stupid episode I guess. I can understand why it's low rated, but it's still worth a watch.

The highlight for me was Sam & Dean being mistaken for a gay couple. Sexy!
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carlottasophiebaukus16 December 2020
I mean, the CGI is a little outdated and the story is kinda stupid, but I still somewhat enjoyed this episode. At least did not cause me to question my existence and I did not believe that hell exists after this episode.

P.S. if you made it to 15x19 watch this Episode instead, it will make more sense than the actual finale <3
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It's disgusting but funny.
cristinaangelica22 November 2020
I hate bugs, spiders, bees and everything that has wings and multiple eyes so is expected that I didn't like this episode BUT is so funny the fact that the bees were real and not real at the same time. You got to sting Jared and Jensen for the sake of acting just to have to add the bees with cgi just because they didn't show in the camera. THAT'S HILARIOUS. Only for that the deserve 10/10.
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Perhaps the writers had their 8-year-olds write this episode!
sarang-mahajan24 August 2009
The storyline for this episode is weak and not worked well upon. Sam and Dean, thanks to the writers who have depended on co-incidental rather than an intelligent mystery-solving story, get lucky throughout the story and use none of their daemon-hunting skills that the show is all about. The way the two get from one step to another on their way to unveil the mystery is totally uninteresting. Replace Sam and Dean with me and my accountant brother and still the episode would be believable. What's more, no imagination has been put in creating the evil spirit here. It's not just unoriginal but badly adapted from whichever of the numerous sources it has been taken from.

All in all, just an episode to fill the spot.
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hehe what a lovely fun episode
btyaz27 November 2020
Especially loved the cgi bees that definitely weren't *real bees* that didn't show up well enough on camera that they had to cgi new ones anyways
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Native American curse
zombiehigh1828 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Thank God the writers apologized later for the bad writing of this episode. The brothers investigate a series of deaths in a new neighborhood cause by Bugs only to discover that the neighborhood is on a cursed land.

This episode has some upsides but definitely some down ones. On the Upside we know some things about the brothers and their background:

1- Dean watches Oprah.

2- Sam argues Dean about how they make money but Dean is baffled and doesn't see anything wrong about hustling people only thinks it's fun.

3- People always think the brother are a couple and Dean takes it lightly with some humor.

4- Dean so embracing his life, so dedicated to his family that he "take his family over normal any day".

5- Sam relating to Matt, comparing his relationship with his father to his. And we know that John and Sam always had issues cause Sam never liked that life unlike Dean who was perfect to their father. (It annoys me that Sam always relates to people who are the black sheep of the family always wants to get away though he knows that he is not normal and he never really fit in like he said in the "Skin" episode.) Sam says to Matt that in 2 years he will break free from his father when he goes to college but Dean is annoyed saying "The kid should stick with his family" which shows that Dean is still angry that Sam left him behind to go to college and is worried that might happen again.

6- Dean stops and enjoys the small things like the free food and the steam shower, things he doesn't get every day.

7- The scene where Dean tells Sam that their father always used to check on Sam and make sure that he is okay while Sam was in college, was nice and the look on Sam's face when he realized that was good. (But I really doubt that Dean was really talking about their father rather than himself. I think Dean was the one who used to watch out on Sam like he always did since forever. I think that Dean was thinking very high of his father that he was ready to lie for him).

8- The last scene when Sam said that he wants to find John and apologize to him and Dean says that they will find him and Sam will apologize then within 5 minutes they will fight again. (Dean has been standing between them all his life trying to calm them down trying to make them listen to each other. Sam and John are much alike, both hot-headed, unlike what we though from the beginning that Dean was more like his father).

On the downside the episode has some flaws:

1- That Travis guy is really slow. I mean how long does it take him to get some rope on a construction site?

2- The Realtor, Wasn't she supposed to freak out when a spider walked on her face? All she had to do is shoo it!

3- The writers really failed at the end, the sun came up very quickly and the bugs just went away, that just doesn't seem right.

My vote is 5 out of 10.
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WOW really good
laurengarcia-856105 December 2020
LOve this episode this really was the best I love the bee attack it was to scary! Loved it more then the final on the series too
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Cute episode
Jennyt279322 November 2020
It didn't leave me any lasting trauma and was a nude throwback episode. Compared to the finale, this garners a 10/10
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"Bugs" has bugs.
hotphoenix855 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was not a fan of this episode. Aside from the unnecessary filler drama which seemed extremely out of place, the episode also was filled with clichés, bad graphics, and plot holes.

The main characters failed to solve anything at the end of the episode, which infuriatingly ended when time suddenly went from midnight to sunrise in the course of 5 minutes.

The characters were dull, bland and cookie cutter. Strict dad, relatable youth, wise old professor, bland bland bland. The acting was decent, I think that the actors did the best that they could with the roles but there's only so much you can do to save a supernatural thriller that refuses to thrill, instead it was like watching two guys work out their daddy issues with a bad B movie plot happening on the side.

I have decided that this show is not for me after watching this episode, as I strongly believe that 5th grader could write a more cohesive story.
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lenoreadler199121 November 2020
Best episode of s1. Bugs have always been a great concept and an amazing case. 10/10. Amazing acting.
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