(TV Series)


Neil Ross: Overlord, Wolfgang 'Tank' Schmidt, Bandit


  • [Commander Courage, after being zoned and captured as he planned, is brought before Overlord] 

    Overlord : Do your Zone Riders know where you are, Commander?

    Dirk Courage : [being zoned, he cannot lie]  No.

    Overlord : Foolish of you... tell me, what is it that moves a man like you? Why do you keep fighting against fate?

    Dirk Courage : As long as one Zone Rider is left, it is not over.

  • Overlord : [to Commander Courage, who is zoned]  I am going to win this time! Do you believe this, Courage?

    Dirk Courage : No.

  • [Commander Couarge prepares for flight] 

    Wolfgang 'Tank' Schmidt : I do not understand why you cannot tell us what this mission is, Commander?

    Dirk Courage : I'm sorry, Tank. Top secret. All I can tell you that I'll be flying over New York.

    Katerina Anastasia : Commander!

    Dirk Courage : I know what I'm doing, Kat.

    [after receiving clearance to take off, Commander Courage flies to New York. As he nearly reaches his destination, he contacts M.C.C] 

    Dirk Courage : Courage to McFarland. Everything's going according to plan, General.

    General McFarland : Roger, Commander. Are you sure you wanna go through with this, Dirk?

    Dirk Courage : It's not a matter if 'I want', Steve. I have to.

    [the jet goes down through the fog and lands at Central Park. In the few moments that Commander Couarge still has control over his brain, he takes out a knife and cuts his suit, to make it look like it was accidently damaged. With this done, he becomes Zoned. He exits the cockpit and starts wandering aimlessly in the streets of New York, like the other Zoners] 

  • [as Commander Courage's jet enters the Zone of New York, security alarm is activated at Overlord's headquarters. He contacts Reaper] 

    Overlord : A plane has crash-landed in Central Park. Investigate!

    Reaper : Right away, Overlord!

    [At M.C.C] 

    Katerina Anastasia : I am concerned about this secret mission.

    Benjamin Davis 'Ben' Franklin : Don't worry. Whatever happens, Commander Courage can handle it. He is not afraid of anything!

    Katerina Anastasia : Da... except being Zoned.

    [at New York, while Commander Courage wanders aimlessly, Reaper reaches the plane] 

    Reaper : [contacts Overlord]  Reaper to Overlord. No one in the jet. I'm checking the flight log recorder.

    [Reaper plays the plane log recorder. Voice comes out of it "Commander Courage, clear for take-off". Reaper recoils in surprise] 

    Reaper : Overlord! The jet belongs to Dirk Courage!

    [hearing this, Overlord gathers the Black Widows] 

    Overlord : Dirk Courage has crash-landed in Central Park. I want EVERYONE looking for him

    [Duchess and Razorback smile viciously to each other] 

    Overlord : He will be armed and dangerous, but... find him!

    [on huge commercial screens in New York appears the image of Commander Courage. The Zoners stand and watch, while Overlord's voice sounds via loudspeakers:] 

    Overlord : Attention all Zoners! Find this man and bring him to me! Attention all Zoners!

    [Commander Courage glances for a moment at his image on the near screen, but in his Zoned state - it means nothing to him. He keeps wandering in the streets] 

  • General McFarland : I'm sorry to have to tell you that Commander Courage's plane has crash-landed in New York.

    [Max and Ned look at each other, then walk to the exit] 

    Dr. Harold Lawrence : Where're you going?

    Wolfgang 'Tank' Schmidt : [angrily]  I'm surprised you have to ask, Doctor. To find Commander Courage, of course!

    General McFarland : I can't let you do that!

    Ned Tucker : And if we decide to do it anyway, General?

    General McFarland : I can order you to stay here!

    Katerina Anastasia : You would not be doing this without a very good reason, General. And we deserve to know what it is!

    General McFarland : [exchanges looks with Dr. Lawrence]  Yes, there is a good reason - and I guess you do deserve to know what it is.

  • Dr. Harold Lawrence : [showing the computer chip]  This is the new IM7 bio-molecular computer interface.

    Wolfgang 'Tank' Schmidt : [impatiently]  Very interesting, but what has this got to do with the Commander?

    General McFarland : Commander Courage has entered the New York Zone in an imitation suit in order to be Zoned and captured by Overlord!

    Wolfgang 'Tank' Schmidt , Max Jones : What?

    [Dr. Lawrence turns on computer monitor. The map of New York is shown on the screen, with strange symbol moving] 

    Dr. Harold Lawrence : A chip like this is implanted just behind his ear. At the proper time, it will order him, in Overlord's voice, to destroy the New York generator.

    General McFarland : With that generator out, the UN forces can move into the area.

    Dr. Harold Lawrence : Precisely!

    General McFarland : We've been tracking him since he intentionally crash-landed his jet. Sooner or later, Overlord will find him and take him to his headquarters. And when he does - we'll trigger the biochip.

  • [roaming in the street, at last Rawmeat finds Commander Courage] 

    Rawmeat : It's him!

    [Rawmeat rushes toward Commander Courage and pushes him to the ground. As he falls, the implant malfunctions. At M.C.C., the signal disappears from the screen] 

    Dr. Harold Lawrence : Eh... something's gone wrong! The implant has stopped transmitting.

    [hearing this, the Zone Riders gape in horror] 

    General McFarland : Something happened to it... or to Dirk.

    [at New York, after she failed to find Commander Courage, Duchess contacts Overlord] 

    Duchess Dire : No sign of Courage so far, Overlord.

    Overlord : We must find him! Once I have his suit, I can device a mean to render all of them useless.

    Rawmeat : [contacts Overlord]  I got 'im. He's Zoned. I'm bringin' him in!

  • [the Zone Riders land the Eagle outside the New York Zone, mount their motorcycles and enter the Zone in search for Commander Courage. Meanwhile, on the way to Overlord's headquarters, Rawmeat stops to "have fun": he throws sticks and order Commander Courage to fetch them - which he complies, being zoned. Bandit approaches them] 

    Bandit : [angrily]  What has been keeping you? Overlord is waiting for him!

    Rawmeat : [laughs nastily]  We was just havin' little fun, me and him.

    Bandit : Take him to headquarters! Immediately!

    Rawmeat : Oh, too bad. We was having such a good time, he-he!

    [while Bandit and Rawmeat take Commander Courage to Overlord's headquarters, Katerina spots them. She aims her gun, but stops at the last moment] 

    Katerina Anastasia : I cannot fire... I might hit Dirk! Katernia to Zone Riders: I have found him.

    Max Jones : Roger, Kat. We're on our way.

  • [Rawmeat and Duchess bring Commander Courage to Overlord] 

    Overlord : [grabs Commander Courage's collar]  So, I win at last, eh, Commander? I never really expected it to end this way...

    Rawmeat : [sneers]  Ah, he makes a great dog! You should see him fetch...

    Overlord : [shouts at Rawmeat]  Silence! This man will be treated with respect!

    [Rawmeat, astonished to hear this, looks at Duchess but says nothing] 

    Overlord : He was a brave enemy, but his defeat was sure to come. I want everyone on full alert! The Zone Riders will come looking for him.

  • Overlord : [takes off Commander Courage's helmet]  Do your Zone Riders know where you are, Commander?

    Dirk Courage : [being zoned, he cannot lie]  No.

    Overlord : Foolish of you... tell me, what is it that moves a man like you? Why do you keep fighting against fate?

    Dirk Courage : As long as one Zone Rider is left, it is not over yet.

    Overlord : [shakes his head]  Wrong, Commander Courage. It is over now! Give me your suit!

    [Commander Courage complies, takes off his suit, remaining in regular clothes] 

  • [the Zone Riders make plan for rescue] 

    Ned Tucker : [looking at the monitor of his motorcycle]  It looks like this tunnel will take us directly under Overlord's headquarters.

    [Hiro and Ben start their motorcycles] 

    Hiro Taka : We will draw the guards' attention, while you find the way in.

    Benjamin Davis 'Ben' Franklin : And the way out!

    [Hiro and Ben drive away. Meanwhile, Overlord gives Commander Courage's suit to a Zoner] 

    Overlord : Take this to the lab. I want it analyzed completely. I am going to win this war, Courage! Do you believe that?

    Dirk Courage : No.

    [the Zoner starts analyzing the suit at the lab. Overlord contacts him] 

    Overlord : What have you determined?

    Zoner : Composition appears to be various synthetics. There is no initial indication of special properties.

    Overlord : Keep testing! We know there at least has to be Neutron-90 in it.

  • [while Hiro and Ben distract the Black Widows, the other Zone Riders sneak via underground tunnel into the building where Commander Courage is held prisoner] 

    Max Jones : Alright, Kat and I will take the stairs. Tank and Ned will go up the outside.

    Ned Tucker : Aye, remind me to do you a favor some time, mate!

    Wolfgang 'Tank' Schmidt : [opens the window, looking at the Zone generator]  We could blow the generator right now, but then they'd know we are here.

    [Ned attaches grapnel to his gun and shoots upwards. The grapnel is caught at the roof. After securing the rope around his waist, Ned starts climbing the wall. Tank follows him. Meanwhile, as Max and Katerina climb the stairs, one Zoner opens fire at them] 

    Max Jones : Maybe we should have taken the elevator...

    [Max shoots at the Zoner and hits him. Once the way is clear, he and Katerina continue climbing] 

  • [Max surprises four Zoners at the hallway. he leans leisurely on the wall] 

    Max Jones : Hey, guys! I'm new in town. Where is the excitment?

    [as the Zoners rush toward Max, Katerina steps out of the elevator behind them. She shoots and creats layer of ice on the floor, and the Zoners slip on it. Meanwhile, at the lab, Overlord finally finds out that the protection suit is fake] 

    Overlord : [furiously]  This is no 10-DEX suit, but some kind of trick! Courage will pay for this!

    [Max and Katerina reach the floor where Commander Courage is held] 

    Katerina Anastasia : [points the door]  Hurry! The Commander must be in here.

    [a surveillance camera above the door turns to their direction] 

    Max Jones : I think they know we are here.

    Katerina Anastasia : So it appears.

    [Max shoots and destroys the camera, then kicks the door open. They pass through] 

  • [as Ned and Tank are halfway to the window, Katerina opens a door and sees Commander Courage, zoned, sitting in the room] 

    Katerina Anastasia : Dirk!

    [Caught in emotion, Katerina rushes to Commander Courage, abandoning caution. She gently caresses his cheek] 

    Katerina Anastasia : Oh, Dirk...

    [Overlord enters, pistol drawn. Katerina turns around, but too late. Overlord shoots her and she collapses. As Overlord prepares to shoot again, a shot knocks the pistol from his hand] 

    Overlord : What?

    [Overlord turns and sees Max standing at the doorway, shooting at him. Overlord drops on the floor, grabs his gun and returns fire. Katerina stands and helps Commander Courage get on his feet] 

    Katerina Anastasia : [to Commander Courage]  Quickly, we must get out of here!

    [while Max and Overlord exchange fire, Katerina and Commander Courage start to advance toward the door. Overlord notices them] 

    Overlord : No!

    [Overlord shoots three times at Katerina and Commander Courage. Quickly, Katerina drops Commander Courage on the floor lest he would get hit. One of the shots hit her, and she collapses again, crying in agony. As Commander Courage's body hits the floor, the tiny biochip on his neck starts transmitting again. At M.C.C., General McFarland and Dr. Lawrence see that the signal on the screen is back] 

    Dr. Harold Lawrence : It's Dirk! He's back online, and in Overlord's headquarters!

    General McFarland : Quick, trigger the command!

    [Ned and Tank nearly reached the window. Max and Overlord shoot at each other. Then, M.C.C. transmits a command in Overlord's voice to Commander Courage's implant] 

    Overlord : [the command in Overlord's is heard by Commander Courage via the transmitter]  Destroy the Zone generator! Let no one stand in your way!

    [Commander Courage, in his Zoned state, must obey any command given by Overlord, and he complies. He takes a pistol from unconscious Katerina's ankle-holster, and shoots at Overlord. The shot hits metal, spraying scraps into Overlord's face, and he collapses. Commander Courage stands and walks to the window] 

    Dirk Courage : [mumbles while stepping toward the window]  Must destroy... generator...

    [reaching the window, Commander Courage carefully aims the pistol toward the generator] 

  • [after exchanging more fire with Max, Overlord escapes from the room. Max approaches Katerina] 

    Katerina Anastasia : [choked with tears]  M-max, Dirk is...

    [Ned and Tank enter the room via the window, supporting Commander Courage] 

    Ned Tucker : Greetings, mates!

    Katerina Anastasia : Thank goodness, he is alright!

    Max Jones : [approaches the window]  And he'll be a lot better after we blow up that generator.

    [Reaper and several Zoners storm in, shooting. The Zone Riders take cover] 

    Wolfgang 'Tank' Schmidt : Ah, now how do we get out?

See also

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