"The Mandalorian" Chapter 20: The Foundling (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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where is this leading?
edwardcjmelia22 March 2023
The first two seasons of the show were amazing. However, this season seems a little lacklustre. Yes, it's developing the Star Wars world and yes, it is adding more lore, but in terms of stakes, plot and emotion there is seemingly nothing. The episodes have been overall enjoyable but I just don't see where they're going. This season could have been so interesting with a mandalorian civil war or a season long story about Din discovering his identity as either a true mandalorian or a new unorthodox mandalorian and fathering Grogu whilst Bo struggles with regaining power on Mandalor. But no, nothing seems to be happening so far and there's only 4 episodes left!
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Grogu backstory and a 20 minute mission
GentlemanGeorge22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The Founding" is a solid if short installment that is at minimum an improvement over the previous episodes. The screenplay and action is somewhat pedestrian but represents a return to a more cohesive method of storytelling.

The opening scene of the covert training on the beach was OK, but seems a clunky setup for the impending adventure. Paz Visla admits that "the raptor" has taken members of the covert before, yet they still train on the beach where they are easy pickings and seem laughably unaware of its approach before it carries off one of the foundlings. Then, they pursue with jetpacks which run out of fuel for the first time EVER.

Lucky for everyone, Bo Katan takes up the chase in her ship and locates the lair, returning to the covert to help plan a rescue. The lack of haste is hard to swallow considering that raptors - no matter the universe - EAT their prey immediately or bring it to their young to devour IMMEDIATELY. By the time the rescue team makes it to the nest, the kid should be raptor poop. The mandos have to scale the cliffs with their grapplers, yet they all lug crazy amounts of heavy weapons and equipment WHICH THEY NEVER USE. Paz Visla looks ridiculous trying to make a death-defying climb with a huge heavy infantry "machine gun" complete with feeder belt and magazine box.

One lingering criticism is the exposition that repeatedly takes place to explain the action. It is explained THREE TIMES that jetpacks cannot be used near the nest because the raptor would hear them. Duh. This doesn't need to be explained even ONCE. Exposition makes Bo Katan look like she thinks the members of the covert are stupid and makes the audience feel like the screenwriters think the audience is stupid. This was also a problem in episode 1. Stop all the exposition.

I predict the continuing inclusion of Grogu will end up being a net negative for the series. IMHO, the Grogu arc should have ended in season 2. Now Grogu is training to be a mandalorian instead of a jedi. This seems silly on its face. Grogu's species is small and physically weak. It is reasonable to assume they evolved a unique affinity for the Force as a means of survival. The idea of this tiny being running around in tiny mandalorian armor and a helmet with ears is patently ridiculous. My guess (hope) is this isn't actually going to happen, but the fact that the mandalorians all think this is no big deal is a bit of an eye-roller. Remember, the acrobatic Yoda vs Dooku battle in "Revenge Of The Sith" did not result in cheers but uproarious LAUGHTER from audiences.

The flashback of Grogu's escape from the Jedi temple after the fall of Coruscant in the wake of Order 66 was fun. It is tempting to insert Jedi into Mandalorian stories as fan-service and a cheat in place of writing solid adventures for the title character. This scene however, was brief and efficient with a minimum of dialog as flashbacks should be. It revealed just enough to fill in a gap that audiences have been wondering about for three years.

I subscribed to Disney+ three years ago ONLY to watch The Mandalorian. Seasons 1 and 2 were expertly written, masterfully paced, and dramatically compelling. Season 3 seems somewhat less so for myriad reasons. I believe the showrunners are trying to expand The Mandalorian into every corner of the Star Wars universe with callbacks and references to as many other productions as possible. This is a mistake. Fan-service is not a suitable replacement for compelling drama. So far, there is no character in season 3 with the pathos of characters like Kuiil or IG-11. Their stories were entertaining and their deaths had emotional impact. I can honesty say I wouldn't care if any character in season 3 died. Season 3 seems like it's aimed towards the 8-12 year old demo. It seems less sophisticated with much simpler storylines. The producers of The Mandalorian should be remided that twelve-year-olds don't buy streaming subscriptions.
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Grogu's Flashback Saved this Episode
Adam-0926522 March 2023
To be fair, Carl Weathers did a decent enough job directing this episode. Although i feel the writing to be somewhat vague in areas. The beginning was a bit of a downslope for me, it felt like the series had finally reached it's limit and was just spitballing ideas onto screen.

The Mandalorians just don't seem as badass as they used to, now it's looking more like a Power Ranger club with "This is the way" losing it's unique touch, now more of a "Nothing else to say so i'll say the famous words" but maybe that's just me.

The main story of this episode was miniscule to say the least, some would say a filler but inbetween we suddenly got a flashback segment from Grogu (Possibly PTSD based from the execution of Order 66) and i have to tell you i never wanted the flashback to end. I felt intrigued again, i actually smiled. Maybe this could be part of a story we will see more of, who knows.
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More lore, development and excitement!
and_mikkelsen22 March 2023
After last weeks shift in focus we are back with an episode where our main trio takes center stage! While still feeling like set-up it was an enjoyable episode nonetheless!

I liked Grogus development in the episode, as well as the flashback! It was great too learn more of how he escaped order 66, plus it doesn't hurt too se Jedi's fighting clones! Especially when one of them is played by the guy who portrayed Jar Jar Binks!

I love how we can tell what Grogu is feeling just by looking at his facial expressions, rather than having other characters tell you how he feels! He is becoming more and more his own character!

The main plot, while feeling like a side-quest, was still exciting and worked as a developmemt for Bo Khatan! The episode also ends with a tease that Bo Khatan will play a major role later on!

In some ways it is still a little unclear excactly where this is going, but since these last few episodes where mostly set-up, i hope the next episodes will bring more clarity and pay-off!
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"This is the way" is the new "May the force be with you"
Ji23 March 2023
As I am watching, it is becoming more clear to me that this sentence is going to be as important for Mandalorian's as Jedi's "May the force be with you".

The Lore of the Mandalorians is becoming more interesting and I am looking forward to seeing what myths will be revealed next. The character development is good. The layers are also getting revealed.

The story told us that this is preparation for something bigger yet to come. The arch of the story is still being built. Even new "Foundlings" characters are interesting.

If the show can keep its momentum like this, I will not be surprised if "This is the way" will be more well-known.
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I need to see more prequel-era flashbacks
jackkoellmann18 April 2023
Grogu's flashback reminded me that he lived to see the demise of the old republic. I think they did a really good job with the special effects in this scene, and it was a really cool reminder that The Mandalorian could be a way for Disney to revisit that iconic era of Star Wars cannon. Although, it's also possible that this was just a one-off, and that that period of Grogu's life has even fewer storytelling potential. Either way, it was so great to be basically taken back to Revenge of the Sith, and I hope that Disney producers continue to retell those "Star Wars stories" in ways that both glorify and rectify the sequels. 9 stars for the flashback sequence, 0 stars for the rest of the episode (which I stopped paying attention to when I started this review... It didn't seem like I was missing much).
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Bringing justice to a person
Well i can't say too much without spoiling something, but this episode brings justice to the actor who plays Jar Jar Bings, which had only problems because of his role, the fans backlash pushed him in a state of depression for many years, but, in this episode he can finally show the people he can be a very good actor, in mean he steals the episode and i trully want to thank to the creators for giving this chance to him, this mistakes was always like a dark spot on the Star Wars face, i wanted to see this for so many years, just like the rest of fandom,i know some harsh fans say Star Wars is dead but for me things like this and episodes like this one are remembering me why i like Star Wars and Mandalorian so much and for me is alive and kicking and i hope it will never end,because something better than this it doesn't exist anymore.
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Hear Me Out
Wingzzz24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After a long post-season 2 hiatus I was really excited for this show to be back, after all I hold the first two seasons as some of the best Star Wars material we've ever gotten.

So what's going on with this season? Even if you like it you simply can't deny it's much lesser than the first 2. We're halfway through and it feels entirely aimless. It's as if the momentum of the show has been suspended in carbonite. The writing is lackluster and barebones this season, and it's really feeling like a Saturday morning cartoon for 5 year olds. This episode is a prime example of that. We have a very short episode here that doesn't really give us much outside of the very predictable, illogical plot and some admittedly awesome backstory for Grogu. I hate the lack of natural, informed dialogue in this show. Why isn't Din asking Bo why she's had a major change of heart in joining the Covert, for example. That could be brought up in conversation to help cue us in on the state of the characters. The fact that the War Party is making a camp is incredibly dumb considering how much they were stressing time being of the essence, but if they're gonna do that can't they at least have them have all sit around the fire & have an interesting conversation? Also, the Mandalorians are being depicted as lackluster warriors the way they show so much ineptitude against the grisly foes that continue to attack them. The second half of this season is gonna have to be STRONG, that's all I'll say.
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Meesa like this one
Trey_Trebuchet23 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers

I'm just a little surprised we're already halfway through the season. I still think the first two episodes should have been cut down to the premiere.

This was good though. The flashbacks to Order 66 was actually quite interesting. Why is Grogu being saved and not other younglings? What's his big purpose? Or are there other younglings that were rescued? Even some of Grogu's race? Poor little guy. I feel bad for him either way. And I can't WAIT to see him in that full Mandalorian get-up one day.

What we have here outside of that is... another Star Wars rescue mission. I've counted how many of those there are. 30+ at this point counting the movies and all of the shows I've seen (currently behind on Bad Batch and Resistance). I think it was certainly really well shot and quite exciting, but I'm kind of hoping the stakes raise soon.

This is Not a pointless episode though. I'm sure the flashbacks are important, and Din now seems to have gained more trust amongst his fellow Mandalorians.

I'm also really glad Bo-Katan is a main character now. If you ask me, she is kind of outshining Din quite a bit so far this season. I'm most excited for her arc!

Which is great and all, but I'm really anxious to see something happen to The Mandalorian himself the remainder of the season. I'm sure it'll come.

This is NOT a season where "nothing happens" though. Din got captured, redeemed of his sins, gained trust with his acquaintances... Bo has also been redeemed, rescued people, just got a new, crucial piece of armor... Grogu is training to be a Mandalorian and dealing with a troubled past...The entire third episode was it's own little story and quite a bit ended up happening there. I don't know, I don't love this season so far, but I'm hopeful! It's much better than some may be saying.

Production is awesome as usual, and I'm glad we got to see Katee Sackoff's beautiful face again.
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Overly Optimistic Rescue Mission
paullewisborman22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Is this really the best storyline they could come up with? Ok spoiler alert but this episode is so daft I'm not spoiling anything for you.

A mandalorian teenager is taken off by a giant flying dinosaur thing, right in front of the rest of the community as they're practicing their fighting on a beach.

Three mandalorians fly after it with their jet packs until their fuel runs out. Luckily Bo Katan is following in her spaceship and tracks the beast to its lair. So does she rescue it? No, that would be far too simple. Instead they figure they've got to sneak up on this thing, so no jet packs, they're gonna climb the mountain it lives on to surprise it!

And they're gonna park the spaceship a ways away too so it can't hear them coming. Don't know about you, but I'm thinking this kid was dead meat the moment he was first taken by this giant flying thing, time is something they don't have.

This climb preceded by their long trek in silence would take hours, so what's this monster doing with the kid all this time, playing hopscotch? It's going to be picking over the his bones by the time this bunch of idiots have even reached the foot of the mountain.

Of course the kid's not dead and I can't even be bothered to explain why because there is no reason why, it's just a load of nonsense.
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The taming of Bo-Kaatan
XweAponX23 March 2023
And a very impressive action packed 30 minute episode.

This has been my complaint since the beginning of the series, episodes are just too short, and there are not enough of them.

Until we got an episode like this.

And it is not only Bo Kaatan that is being tamed, it is also Grogu. I don't know if I ever liked that character, and I question whether or not, she is actually turning a new leaf, we will just have to see. She is not exactly the angel version of Starbuck... but she does have some good qualities, but is she still craving what she craved when we first met her?

And... What magic does the armorer have that she can induce memories long forgotten from Grogu?

And the question is when exactly did these memories happen...

It is interesting that we have two episodes in a row that involve things that happened on Coruscant.

One of them in the present, one of them in the past.

But we also have an interesting thing to be solved by the Mandalorian covert members.

Remember, this covert, or the original covert was destroyed... so what is impressive? Here is how quickly the Armorer has assembled a new one. And it gives Mando a home at least for a while.

We know that these events occurred shortly after the ending of the return of the Jedi... and there is 30 years of history in there, culminating at the ending of the final Star Wars movie. During which time some titanic events occurred.

The main point of these Star Wars television shows is not to show us the titanic events, but the everyday lives of the people that we maybe only caught a glimpse of.

And this episode gives us a basic day in the life of the Mandalorians.

They deal with a threat and they pick up three new foundlings...

And Bo Kaatan finally admits to something that she had seen, that apparently is being shrugged off. Perhaps she does not feel that she will be believed... but that is what happens when you are the only one to have seen it...
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Series is stumbling
thavash25 March 2023
After a brilliant 2 seasons , this show is stumbling. The last 2 episodes in particular were just filler and we're almost halfway through the season with no idea of what the main story arc is, who the villian is, this is just poor.

The writing is just average and there's nothing memorable of this season so far.

Of course it looks great but that's it.

I remember that Boba Fett was heavily panned when it released, however the last few episodes of that show were awesome and saved that show. After episodes 3 and 4 here, we actually need something similar to save Season 3 of the Mandalorian.

There's a danger here that if this continues it will turn people away from the franchise.
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I dont think they have any plans for this season
garabedian12323 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Another filler episode...and its not even good! First of all..Im sick of watching Grogru. He does nothing. Hes boring to watch. He is just a doll being held by a person wearing a greenscreen suit...And its too obvious.

But most of the episode is chasing a dinosaur...yes..another one. Lets train in the area where these giant beasts keep showing up. So this is the third time star wars has done this trope where someone is in immediate danger and they chase after them, but then stop, take a break, go back, take another break, then 2 days later finally try to save the kid. Well i hate to break it to you..but he is dead..long since dead...But no..hey look he is still alive. How? Yeah i guess that dinosaur was just keeping him in its mouth for 2 whole days while it flies around the nest. Why the hell would it do that. Why would it not feed its starving babies for 2 days.

Why would kat chase down the dinosaur only to return without trying to save him.

This is just like when the pilot from the last move leaves the ship being attacked to go find help. He gets lost, wastes way way too much time..and yet still manages to get back before the ship is destroyed. It really stretches your imagination. Like oh no we are about to die in like 5 mintues...2 weeks later..oh good you are back just in time to save us.

The last 5 minutes and the inbetween shots of the forge were pretty great.
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The haters can call it filler but they are VERY wrong!!
prjct27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have been reviewing by season but I read some of the reviews for this episode and had to write something in response.

This begins with Mandolorians training on the beach. Din pits Grogu against a young Vizla boy. First off, the boy shows a lot of integrity despite his arrogant attitude, by choosing a form of combat that makes Grogu's small size an advantage instead of a weakness. So while he has the typical Vizla attitude he shows that he is at least honorable. Din imparts a little wisdom on the boy too, with a short speech basically telling the boy not to judge what he doesn't understand. Also Paz, the boy's father repeats part of Mandos speech later.

Bo-Katan and Grogu have a really sweet moment when the youngling seems nervous about the combat. I love that she has taken to calling Din Grogu's dad, and the comparison she makes between Din and her father shows that she has some affection towards him. (I'm not necessarily saying anything romantic yet but it could happen) Grogu wins after Din encourages him to use the force to fight. The dejected Vizla boy skulks and is snatched up by a dragon. The Mandalorians follow but run out of jetpack fuel before Bo-Katan comes screaming past in the "Gauntlet".

She returns to the conclave to announce that she knows where the nest is and she gathers a party that includes Paz and Din, giving her authority in "Watch" community for the first time since she was a teen.

Grogu stays with the Armourer, which worried me as I do not trust her at all, but my worries came to nothing as she forged him a mudhorn insignia to wear on his chain mail and imparting some of her wisdom.

As she speaks of personal growth and forges Grogu follows in his "fathers" footsteps and has a flashback of the Clone Wars Era. Just like Din did back in S1E3.

Grogu remembers Order 66 and a jedi guard dying to protect him from the Clones assaulting the temple. He is put in an elevator to be sent to Master Kelleran, who I knew nothing about before this episode.

I made a joke to a buddy who complained that it wasn't a known character who came to the rescue, that it could have been Jar-Jar. I found out the next day that Master Kelleran is known from a Star Wars themed, kids, game show, and is none other than Ahmed Best, the actor who played one of the most infamous characters in Star Wars history, Jar-Jar Binks. I knew I recognized him... Anyway Master Kelleran fights his way off of Coruscant and escapes with Grogu in a Naboo ship like the one Anikin and Padme used in Attack of the Clones. I'm hoping to see more of this story in future episodes, and I love that Ahmed gets to play someone useful instead of the idiot who handed the galaxy to a madman. Yes I know the Darth Jar-Jar theory and I love it but it's not cannon so drop it.

One other thing to add is how cool it was that the escape scene included the mountain peak from the episode before.

After the bombad Jedi makes the escape with little Grogu the flashback ends and the Armourer gives the current Grogu a way-to-large pendent to attach to his chain mail.

Bo-Katan and party land at the base of the dragons lair. Fearing the dragon will hear the jet packs they climb with grappling hooks until nightfall. They sit around a campfire and are given food. Bo-Katan asks Din about eating while a member of "the Children of the Watch". Din tells her that they eat alone. Paz then tells her that as the leader she can eat by the fire. Showing her respect for the first time, even if it was just him reciting the code.

The group grapples up to the nest the next morning. I do have a few problems with this scene as the "raptor", I'm still calling it a dragon, would here them coming if they used their jetpacks but didn't notice them at all in the half a day they spent climbing, sleeping, and starting a fire below it's nest. Based on their climb I'd say that an AT-AT climbing the mountain would have surprised this dragon.

Once in the nest Din spots heat and Paz rushes in to save his son. Three baby dragons pop out of the nest and attack Paz as their mother comes out of the sky. She vomits the Vizla boy out of a storage stomach to feed the young dragons. How he had been breathing the last few hours I don't know. Perhaps his helmet is really good at compressing air, perhaps her storage is ment to keep prey alive. Either are viable, I just don't know why she decided that was a good time to barf the kid up, but that's what she did. Paz rushes at the opening jaw to try to grab him, only to be snatched by the dragon. As she catches Paz in her mouth she grabs the kid with her foot and takes off, with the Mandalorians in hot pursuit.

Bo-Katan is the first to the dragon but is knocked out of the sky by a wing, loosing a piece of shoulder armor in the process before regaining control and rejoining the chase.

Epic scene, I won't go through point by point but Paz, Bo-Katan, and Din all prove why they are Mandolorians. Din causes the dragon to crash into the water and saves the young Vizla as a dino-turtle from the first episode of the season raises up to eat the dragon. Paz Vizla shows obvious gratitude for his sons salvation.

They arrive at the conclave where the Armourer praises Bo-Katan for her leadership. Then Bo-Katan presents 3 new foundlings, the dragon babies.

The Armourer brings Bo Bo-Katan to her forge to replace the missing shoulder armor and ask if she wants a night owl. Bo-Katan asks for a mythosaur instead then reveals that she saw one while rescuing Din on Mandolore. The Armourer does seem to believe it's real but the episode ends while the pair each saying, "This is the way!"

This has been Bo-Katans big season and she has earned it! While I don't completely trust her I like her! The Armourer I won't trust until she's dead. Paz shows some good character in this episode and I have hopes for him. I'm hoping that either Din or Bo-Katan take over the Watch and mellow it a bit but we will see. Overall it had its flaws but it was a great episode and so important to real SW fans!
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Great episode, but way too short
Dannyboi9422 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter 20 - The Foundling is a great episode, but it's way too short. We get to see a little more Mandalorian training, and Grogu showing off his skills, along with the visual and puppet team, because wow, the things they can do with that character now is mind-blowing.

Seeing Grogu's past was the highlight, but I believe this should have taken the entire episode and not just 5 minuets. And it was good to see Ahmed again, and playing a Jedi of all things. The whole Order 66 scene was really good, but it seemed rushed to get to the point.

The entire Mandalorian plot of finding that dragon-like creature was interesting, and there were several stunning cinematography moments. Well done to Carl Weathers on directing this episode, it was beautifully shot. Bo-Katan is becoming one of my favourite characters in the series, I just hope she doesn't stab anyone in the back. But she did tell the Forger about the Mythosaur, so who knows.

Overall this is a great episode, but it was just too short. Shorter length episodes did not do wonders for the Kenobi show, and fits animation better. They should have taken their time, expanded the story a little bit more. I feel kinda cheated having to wait a week for a 20 minuet episode.
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Fantastic episode
ingra8822 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
'The foundling' is a episode of two things, honour and control!

The honour on two fronts, first Grogu gets his mudhorn sigil baby breast plate signifying his first piece armour of becoming a Mandalorian foundling!

Secondly Bo-Katan gets the honour to lead a mission to save a foundling snatched by a raptor indigenous to the planet. Also this can be the first signs of her control by gaining the "children of the watches" trust!

This episode is very important as it tells us who saves Grogu from the Jedi temple, and it turns out to be Jar Jar Binks! Only joking, well kind of, the actor who played Jar Jar Binks, Ahmed Best plays the Jedi Master Kelleran Beq. Who escapes with Grogu!

We find this out in a PTSD scene when Grogu remembers his past as he watches the Armourer bashing away at a piece of Beskar, creating sparks!

But how did the empire get hold of Grogu later?

As the Mandalorian mission lead by Bo-Katan in search of the young foundling, reaches the cliff top where they plan their attack and grab the kid!

Great effects but different to tell who was who in the aerial battle as the action was very fast paced and the characters were small to visually see!

But still they came out victorious and saved the kid!

Interesting point.on return they took three baby raptors from the nest on the cliff as foundlings so they can tame them, learn to ride them may be a foreshadowing riding the Mythosaur?

One question is maybe Bo-Katan knows who the Armourer is, because of all the people not even Din Djarin, she tells her privately that she has seen the Mythosaur! Why her? But the Armourer does not believe here!

Great episode directed by Karl Weathers, done a good job again!

Summary: Fast paced action, fantastic!!
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They should've ended the series with the Season 2 finale.
strawhatcrew-2077025 March 2023
Seasons 1 and 2 of The Mandalorian brought my love for Star Wars back. Season 2 felt like a fireworks show, with each chapter getting better and better with a grand finale. I don't know what happened after, but from the start of The Book of Boba Fett to Kenobi to Season 3 of The Mandalorian, the quality, the writing, and the greatness of the first 2 Seasons of The Mandalorian have gone away. I was so hyped for the Mandalorian lore in this season, but it's been portrayed terribly. These cosplay Mandalorian extras with spray painted Boba Fett helmets and armor make the Mandalorians look like imbeciles. I was hoping that the Mandalorians would be similar to Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel, the True Mandalorians from the Open Seasons comic books, Gar Saxon, Pre Vizsla, etc. Real Mandalorian warriors who were smart, intimidating, leaders, and actually knew how to use their gear and surroundings. These Mandalorians are like a bunch of inept and incompetent Power Rangers. They remind me of that terrible biker gang from The Book of Boba Fett. So far, Season 3 has felt like something off of the Disney Channel. Grogu does something cute, the Mandalorians fight another creature, Din Djarin plays sidekick to Bo Katan, rinse and repeat. Halfway through, and there's no direction at all. It's just making the decision to bring Grogu back right away look worse and worse. It's getting to the point where they should've finished the series with the Season 2 finale. It was perfection, and now it's being stained. I'm really hoping that it gets better with these last 4 episodes.
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Brilliant episode
hsegurancatrabalho22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers

It was beautiful to see Ahmed Best as a jedi, he really deserves this.

The episode was awesome and gave us more information how Grogu was saved, i hope we see more including Ahmed Best bad ass jedi.

Loved how Bo Katan is slowly learning about Mando's creed, it seem's she is starting to respect their way, she even told about the Mythosaur to the armorer, something i did not expect so soon but i liked it.

I also liked that the beef between Paz Vizla and Mando is over.

Loved to see Coruscant again, it is always a treat, lets hope we se some more.

I think this build up will give us an awesome finale.

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Feels like a season premiere, but a better version of The Apostate
tristan_1922 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Foundling feels like the beginning of the real story of Season 3. Din, Grogu and Bo are at the covert and we see the training of the foundlings. Ragnar gets taken and the crew has to get him back.

It lays the foundation and we get to see a glimpse of what a united front might accomplish working together. I believe if done right, we could witness the team against a higher enemy or conflict at the end of the season. I don't know about Bo Katan though. She might turn heel and try to claim Mandalore for power. So the fight might drift that way (or it could be Elia's boss, whoever that person is).

We get a little flashback about how Grogu escaped the Jedi temple. This constitutes my favorite scene of the episode. Night Coruscant is back and we get scenes reminiscing of the Prequel trilogy and even The Clone Wars. I would have liked to explore that a little bit more, but we take what we can get. And maybe we'll see more soon.

So far so good, but there's only 4 episodes left and I feel like we just started. I hope the pacing is all good and the end doesn't feel too rushed or too uneventful. It's all about finding the balance. I have a feeling S3 might be a transitional season more than a season that would stand on its own.

Grogu's journey is interesting enough in this episode, but there's not much progression, as must of the focus is spent on a rescue mission. But I like that this side of the story provided some more layers for Paz.
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What a joy
lenny9622 March 2023
I'll just make it short. This is absolute class in character building and I just want to say a thank you to the creators. I found ep1 and ep2 to be good but lacking of creating plot lines, this makes more than up for it. Let's see where this season is going! What a time to be a Star Wars fan.

This episode truly brings home some emotions from part 1-3 while also expanding the current storyline to such lengths, that I really just want to know where this is going next.

Even with a major logical plothole (how long does it take to feed ya kids, and this is no spoiler) this is still a 10/10 for me. Please do give me more.
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This isn't a show mainly aimed at children you say?
jakobrignell24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If anything, that is exactly what this episode shows. Short, begins with the most jumbled "training" segment I've ever seen of Mandalorians blasting/wrestling/whatever all over the place, and you jump from scene to scene in light's speed without actually learning anything.

As usual everything LOOKS really good (the dino babies were a bit goofy I suppose), but in terms of story telling, the show is well back to its roots of feeling like a Saturday morning cartoon in live-action format. It's quick, flashy and nothing has consequences! There's inherently nothing wrong with that and obviously it's something that people enjoy, but I just don't. This show could've been so much more!
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4 episodes in, still season hasnt started?!
xjonkuch22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I dont like this episode. The mandalorians' costumes look still super cheap and goofy, with all these foundling children even more so. Just doesnt look high quality/real! Also still cant get over the fact they have to wear the helmet at all times. It gets especially ridiculous in this episode. To think they looked at Boba Fett in the original trilogy, and came up with this lore... The »this is the way« line is also cringe as ever!

The baby yoda backstory is just cheap fanservice as it seems so far and not interesting to watch for the action itself. Probably this thing will get extended upon in the future as we dont know yet what happened to the jedi who saved grogu from the order 66. That means the focus will continue to shift away from the main plotline that is pretty weak anyway this season... Overall a filler episode where the mandalorians have to hunt some dragon that kidnapped a mandalorian kid in order to save him from being eaten.

  • if that mandalorian guy says that this dragon escapes from them every time because he flies too far for the amount of fuel their jetpacks have, why do they hunt him every time with their jetpacks to come to the same realization?

  • why did the dragon wait so long to feed the kid to her(?) children?

  • why do they fly to the dragons home only to then first make a break and sleep a night directly underneath the dragons nest when they have to assume the kid is being eaten this very moment?

  • in case they actually wanted to attack the dragon in the morning for some reason, why wouldnt they just stay in home and fly there in the morning? I assume its a 20min flight with the spaceship.

  • if you'd now make the point that they needed to check out the area surrounding the dragons nest to know where the dragon is and everything, as you might expect from these highly trained elite super soldiers, then why did no one of them notice the dragon coming home? Nobody secured the area while they climbed up that hill.

  • not even talking about the fact that it seems to be a common thing to happen that this dragon captures some mandalorian children and eats them; but they wont do anything about it, like not having children running around outside.

Ofc if they did all that we wouldnt have this episode, but that would probably not be the worst thing. As the only effort of this episode is to make the main characters we are supposed to root for, look very dumb. The show would be better anyway without the children of the watch.

The major points of this episode are that Grogu becomes a foundling of the children of the watch and that the Mandalorians now have dragon babies, probably to tame and ride them in the future. Also Bo Katan, it seems wants to be part of the cult now.

I liked some of the Baby Yoda scenes tho. He is just entertaining and mega cute! And the premise of dragon riding mandalorians is exciting.

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The Best episode of Mandalorian third season
ffcherubini27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love baby yoda in this episode, he uses the forces that he learn with luke in the second season. And also is very impresive that bo-katan joined the creed because everyone was thinking that bo-katan was going to destroy the creed but no. Also the mandalorians of the creed was a good aditional to the episode. The only thing that made me angry was the duration of the episode, ONLY 30 MINUTES. The chapter 19 was 59 minutes long and was one of the worst episode of the mandalorian but... for me the best episode of mandalorian third season is so short. I very happy with this episode but the duration destroy it.
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Tears of joy, twice in an episode, in a show's third season. Thank you Carl Weathers.
Emmett-Portal-B-PhD24 March 2023
This episode is 100% action driven, and there's still plenty of drama baked in. I love how storytelling with minimal dialogue and relatively unknown characters can cause me to wait with baited breath to see the outcome of a short television episode.

Directing and cinematography is spot on. Carl Weathers directorial debut for Mandalorian was definitely a home run.

The lore continues to grow and we continue to see what is possible in the new Star Wars universe.

My only complaints are that some of the extras over acted and some cgi landscapes were a bit wonky in places. Nothing that caused me to loose my suspension of disbelief or press the fast forward (skip forward) button.
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Perfect sidequesting
platon_mp23 March 2023
As a man who comes tired from work and want to relax eating my lunch this episode gives me what i need. A perfect orchestrated action with a bit of character development. Even if the material is not something mindblowing i get the feel that its been made with love and care. Watching this show makes me feel warm and cozy.

I dont have something to add so i ll waste my time saying that i have no idea of the star wars universe...so i just watch it like any other movie and so far the Mandalorian seems to be the type of show that evolves around small missions and sidequests, showing the star wars universe. Small moments like those rock crabs or the paintings at the end make me feel immersed in the series, following every step of the protagonist because i know he lives at an intersting world.
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