Dublin Crust (2023) Poster


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Irish humour and story telling at its best
nfpdjzxvy6 September 2023
Well this movie brought me back to when music was real, gigs were alive and the 90s Ireland had fun and laughter in its veins! Absolutely loved the humour, the emotion and the cast. Felt elated as I was leaving the cinema. Will definitely be watching again and again. Characters and storylines are so real, you feel for each and every one. Even if you don't like punk music this film is still one to watch. Although you might leave with their hit replaying in your head! Massively proud that it's full Irish, cast and crew. Hope it goes across the water to show to share this masterpiece with the world.
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fun idea, weak execution
M85ALIVE1 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Dublin Crust definitely has a great idea somewhat, in the sense of a band that gets back together and finds new life in themselves, a sense of excitement. The big problem is it's not set up, launched or paid off well at all, and that's down to quite a few issues in the storytelling.

Firstly, in the setup we see the main character rob a shop, get arrested and go to jail for a few years, and it has pretty much no need to be there, nor does the drug issue, it really has no bearing on the plot. It is mentioned near the end of the film as a potential escalation to the band touring, but we don't experience any of that, so, again, no need to be there, wasted screen time.

When the film is in the second act, it fails to launch, in the sense it is missing some major context, there are no stakes driving the plot. If the band fail to start their band, play a gig and tour, they don't lose anything, nothing of any consequence comes to pass, they end up where they already were. The reason that isn't good is because the characters can essentially just keep trying at getting the band going to get what they want. It's not gonna hurt to try again and again, no price to pay for trying again, so there's no threat, no tension.

This story needed the main character really suffer in some way related to something that really was personal to their core and played a part in the plot, like if his passion is drumming and play in a punk band, what if he was outed by the Dublin scene and called a fake to Punk underground, gets in an accident, hits his head and can't keep rhythm no matter how much he practices, gets kicked out of his band.

His true calling in life has been destroyed, and it's been destroyed by something beyond his control, and things get worse and worse from there, something happens beyond his control and he cant pick up his sticks with his left hand, I'm just spitballing, but he is not going to stop and he is going to be in this band a tour the country/world as a brilliant drummer somehow...now I'm interested...see the difference? Things like that, where someones most core fear in life ever comes to pass and escalates, that is how you grab a viewer and make them care. The character being homeless and having cancer, they are awful things but they don't bear anything on the plot, the latter does feel awful and does stop their goal, it does have subtle hints to it with his coughing every now and again and that was nice, it could work, it just coming so late, it was hard to feel its impact, see it effect him physically and mentally, emotionally through the film and test his resolve to get what he wants.

The whole film felt like it had a plot, it ended and I didn't feel it was saying anything meaningful to really impact me, plot for the sake of a plot and not serving a meaningful story, which is a shame, because the punk movement grew out of so much feeling, rebelling against the system and things like that. After I watched this, I thought, what did all that plot serve? Make me experience? Playing in a band is fun? There's nothing meaningful that the plot is serving. Good writers outline, great writers figure out their objectives, what they want the viewer to meaningfully experience, then they explore the best events to serve that experience, so that the plot is impactful and memorable.
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Not to be missed!
scassidyholt16 December 2022
Dublin Crust is the perfect example of proper Irish film. From the get-go you become completely immersed in the world of Bonehead and his band. You very easily connect with each character, yet they all individually hold their own. You absolutely do not need to be a fan of punk to love this film, although you might become an avid listener afterwards! Prepare to have plenty of laughs and shed plenty of tears on this feel good ride with Bone, Eddie, Terrence, Andy and the gang and have an epic concert in between! An also added bonus of exceptional comedic relief from actor Paul Fitzgerald's "Mickey" will have your face sore from laughter! With lots of original songs played by this talented cast, clever jokes and spectacular makeup, hair and costumes you'll be left begging for more! Also with Irish stars such as Joe Rooney, Baz Black, Louise McCann, Gerry Cannon and many more, the audience is left in safe hands. Dublin Crust is a film not to be missed and will soon be a staple watch in every home!
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Excellent Independent Film
sorchareal4 September 2023
Witty, original and heartfelt, Dublin Crust is a tour-de-force of Irish independent filmmaking. You don't need to be a fan of punk music to enjoy this raucous yet emotional story of a group of loveable misfits. It is very well acted with a solid script that combines drama with comedy. I really liked the soundtrack as well- it has a really Rock'n'Roll roll feel. It stars some familiar faces from Irish TV and film as well as some strong performances from some talented newcomers. Clearly a labour of love, it's well worth a trip to the cinema to see it on the big screen. Highly entertaining & enjoyable.
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northwalesstokie21 March 2024
Poor acting, not funny, drags along. Those other reviews are not real surely. Watched it all in the hope it would get better. My wife even fell Asleep. Compared to the commitments but that's like Chalk and cheese. That is a class film and this is like a bunch of mates got together with a half script idea and made it up as they went along. It's 2 hours I won't get bad. Are you Getting my drift here. It's about as punk as a lettuce, about as funny as piles and about as entertaining as rishi sunak. Actually watching a scene that looks like a primary school Play but I've seen better primary school plays.
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A refreshing new Irish film
bobbysayshi4 September 2023
The Irish film and TV industry has been a weird limbo for the last decade. The runaway success that was Love/Hate was a blessing and a curse - the former for showing that Ireland could deliver quality entertainment outside of the twee 'Oireland' stereotypes that Americans eat up, but the latter for exchanging one stereotype for another. It seems as though every other film or show in Ireland has been a derivative gritty drama about crime, drugs, gangsters, with anything different having to rely on outside funding (Derry Girls, Normal People). But necessity is the mother of invention and while Screen Ireland and RTE are checked out, independent filmmakers are not.

Dublin Crust is a dramedy about Bonehead, a drummer-turned-convict getting released from prison, having turned over a new leaf and wanting to reach out to his former band members to do one last reunion gig. They're all too happy to oblige - since singer Eddie has just been fired from a soul sucking retail job, bassist Terrence has a restraining order against him by his ex, and guitarist Andy is reduced to selling cars for a horrifically embarrassing boss (played to perfection by William Morgan). What follows is a charming tale that avoids the worst clichés of band movies and redemption stories, and the familiar tropes we see are used knowing why they work.

The film is anchored by a gripping lead performance from Baz Black, who also wrote and directed, confirming what a triple threat he is. Given his tattooed face and torso, he's frequently typecast as generic thugs and villains, but directs himself against type here in a softer, more comedic and at times heart-breaking turn. He gives both a fine performance and the heart a film like this needs. Also lending authenticity to the proceedings is his background as a drummer - the film is loosely inspired by his time in a punk band back in the day. Likewise, his real-life bandmates Eddie Nil and Andrew Byrne play essentially fictionalised versions of themselves. Joe Rooney was not part of the real band but is an experienced bass player too.

In fact, Eddie Nil had never acted before, and yet plays his significant role so effortlessly and naturalistically you would think his experience was equal to that of his singing. Andy Byrne also is a newcomer to acting and is just as natural, playing the thankless straight man role when paired with William Morgan's Jeremy. Other solid performances abound, with Leanne Bickerdike bringing the screen to life whenever she appears as Bonehead's lively friend and emotional support Tracy, and Louise McCann's subtle yet effective work as Terrence's ex Tania - some of whose scenes may be a bit disconnected from the main plot but with such a gifted actress performing them, it's a minor quibble. If you've seen her guest spot in the series KIN and the short film Vultures, you know she's a star in the making.

The actor who comes close to walking away with the film is Paul Fitzgerald as Mickey Finn, in a magnificent parody of the 'Dublin Skanger' trope; far from begging for drug money, he's a charmingly effective roadie and the only thing he steals is the show. The actor is from Limerick but disappears into the Dublin accent so well that it's quite a start hearing his natural voice in interviews. Rob McCarthy also brings a lot of subtle charisma as the band's shady but endearing manager Gerry, who could have used more screen time, as could Colleen Keogh's captivating work as the not-so-posh executive Lizzy - a Gerry/Lizzy led sequel perhaps? The film is also full of One Scene Wonders like Mike Timms playing a wonderfully pompous judge, Zeff Lawless as a campy radio DJ, Barry John Kinsella as Bonehead's former partner/scumbag in crime and legendary Irish character actor Aidan O'Sullivan as the most perfect choice to play a priest.

While it was a low-budget shoot and there are a couple of obvious tells in things such as crowd scenes, the result is that you're just left impressed by the innovation and creativity used to make the movie look larger than life, and just like Danny Boyle's low budget breakthrough Trainspotting, you come away from the film seeing a writer/director showing off his potential and being excited about what he'll do next. And you'll surely find yourself searching up Crust's "All That's Gold" to play on repeat for a while.
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Never get the time back.
jyhnygfd1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The opening scene was the only good thing about this movie.

We were unfortunate enough to have went to the cinema to watch this which meant we paid for it rather than wait and watch it on a streaming service.

The comedy value of a van parking in front of the getaway car yeah that was good.

The rest however was rubbish.

The acting was worse than a primary school play.

I'd rather have sat in the house and listened to the dog lick his paws.

If your a punk Do not watch this it isn't going to give you that "day in the day" feeling

How anyone has come on here and giving this movie 10/10 is beyond me.

How has it got to number 2 in most watched on Amazon ? I think it's just from people listening to the hype but I hope they switched it off and watched something else ANYTHING else but this, more wooden than Pinocchio acting.
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Absolutely Brilliant....don't be surprised if you get the urge to join a Punk band!
louschia19 December 2022
Entertaining, engaging and emotional - this film captures the audience straight away from the opening scene! Each character is bursting with charisma and authenticity, instantly drawing the audience in and making us feel a part of the Dublin Crust comeback journey.

Get ready for a rollercoaster of excitement with this feel good film that captures the heart and creativity of Dublin, with plenty of laughs along the way. As the title said don't be surprised if you find yourself with thoughts of quitting your day job and wanting to join a punk band, as you will spend most of the movie rocking out to the outstanding live music performances throughout the film! Dublin Crust is a must watch, so make it your business to go and see it!
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When will it end!?
Toji_Fushiguro18 March 2024
I had the displeasure of seeing this movie in the cinema, and nothing hurts me more than having to pay to see a REALLY bad movie. I mean I suppose from the trailer, and all the false hype, you shouldn't be expecting much anyway. I should've walked out, but I wanted to see how much worse it could get.

The opening was very good, very funny. And that's about the only compliment I will give. Because from that point on in the movie, everything from the acting to the directing to the writing is just plain awful to watch. Don't get me wrong, there are some talented actors in there, but the fact that they looked at this script and somehow saw something amazing in there is questionable at best. Baz Black has been better than this performance, as has Louise McCann (who was completely wasted in this by the way), then you have people in there who have never acted before and it immediately shows. And don't even get me started on why in the name of Christ the wonderful Joe Rooney thought this movie was a good idea!

The idea is one that has been used in different formats the world over, and it is a good one. Guy gets out of prison, tries to get his old band back together... blah, blah, blah. And it all happens pretty damn quick, without any real conflict at all. Random things just HAPPEN, and half the time they either make no sense or have no importance to the overall movie - most of it isn't even connected. Which brings me to my next point.

It seems to be a particular current trend in Ireland for actors, especially struggling ones, to write/direct/star in their own movie as a chance to better put themselves out there in the limelight, at a chance of some semblance of local "fame". The only issue with this is that most of these actors do not understand, or so it seems, the simple fundamental basics of writing an actual script. And so, they skip over most of what's important, and in return you're left with a movie like this one where nothing of importance actually happens, no one evolves and nothing moves forward. This movie feels like a first draft and if it's not, then it's just plain old bad writing.

Somehow Dublin Crust has managed to worm its way onto streaming services like Prime Video, which is a feat in itself for the director to have achieved. But unfortunately, this movie will be forgotten about quicker than the last thing you ate for breakfast. Anyone who gives this movie higher than 5 stars either has no clue what the hell a good movie is, or how to write one for that matter, or they all know how bad it is and would just prefer to kiss some asses instead (another current trend in Ireland). But just be honest. It was a good idea that could've been a great movie, but it wasn't, so touch up the writing and move onto the next one. Don't provide false hope and attention because you're too cowardly to tell the truth. It's truly pathetic.

Also, cudos to the director on a really great and clever advertising campaign. If he doesn't make another movie as a filmmaker, then he definitely needs to go into advertising.
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A movie you won't want to miss!
Amelia-697417 September 2023
If you haven't already seen Dublin Crust you are seriously missing out!!! The film perfectly draws the line between being heartbreaking and heart warming at the exact same time. Be prepared to laugh, cry, smile, sing along and wish you were in a band !!!

The music is incredible and unbelievably catchy, even for someone who barely knew what punk was, it'll make you want to get to know !

The chemistry between the band and all the characters draws you into their world and the nuances between them are perfectly displayed to be so real and relatable and make you want to see more and more

It really is an unbelievable display of what can be done with independent film making and an inspiration to anyone.

It's feel good, it's energetic, it's emotional, it's endearing, it's vibrant, it's powerful, its witty, it's clever, it's fun and it's bound to become a cult classic !!! Would recommend to anyone to go and see it- you won't regret it!
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Great modern Irish film
lynzb61622 February 2024
Really enjoyed Dublin Crust. Funny, witty, made with heart. Irish films are the best, made with a certain feel. Great use of humour, catchy tunes and a great cast.

Nothing short of entertaining. You don't have to be a fan of punk to enjoy it! Characters are relatable, shows more than just a punk band getting back together. Story line runs seamlessly throughout.

Definitely not a one time film, easily could watch over and over again. A really great contribution to Ireland independent films and one that should be remembered for years to come!

Well done to Baz and crew for a great performance..
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Rowdy, Raw, and Real
templedarkbooks11 September 2023
Delighted to have attended the premiere for Dublin Crust. The movie had a nostalgic feel that reminded me of the charm of the 'Barrytown Trilogy' of Irish movies - genuine characters, everyday situations and real-world problems, and an overall no-frills approach to the unfolding events. And, like any good Irish comedy-drama, the banter is as cutting as it is hilarious.

Bonehead's sometimes naive awkwardness balanced with his emotional fragility endears him to the audience amid an effortless breaking down of cliches and stereotypes that works well in a movie about anarchic music and its place in society.

There's a host of great characters, with performances delivered with rawness and an honesty that makes you feel these guys are all just one happy family of actors doing what they love.

With a wealth of humour, great music, and emotional investment, Dublin Crust is set to be a classic that harks back to (seemingly) simpler times while reminding us to look out for those around us and pay attention to those having a rough time - a reminder that the path to happiness is not the same for us all.
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Dublin Crust brings the very best of Irish Comedy
rennixjordan26 February 2024
From start to finish an enjoyable watch, Baz and the cast brings the best out of Irish humor that can easily stand next to any of the classic Irish comedy films that still make us laugh and wanting more. Dublin Crust solidifies it place as one of those movies that takes you on the emotional roller coaster of highs and lows laughs and tears, from its brilliant characters to its hilarious storytelling Dublin Crust gives the viewer a little of everything that makes a great Irish comedy. I highly recommend watching Dublin Crust if your a lover of music or something to sink your teeth into to watch, then this is the movie for you, let Bonehead and the gang give you the very best on the Irish independent scene today.
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A movie full of Irish passion & witt!
hnsb-008397 September 2023
Go and see it you won't regret it! The subtle and often not so subtle Irish humour throughout this movie is not to be missed! The characters each play such an important part of the story, with glances of some real life tough conversations! That's not easy to do! It's got a bit of everything. Laughter, tears and some catchy original tunes that you will be humming for days after! I instantly added that playlist to my Spotify. All this gold is now on repeat. I throughly enjoyed it and the journey it brought you on! A highlight for me was the shop scene, if you know Dublin Mammies, especially from when this was set, this will have you in stitches! A movie shot in 7 days in 30+ locations WOW! What an achievement for all involved! 👏🏻 Am I going again while it's still in the cinema? Absolutely and you should too!
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What a gem!
cathyurquhart-2072729 March 2024
This is an absolutely brilliant film, and a bit of a surprise, given that it seems to have hardly been reviewed by mainstream outlets. All the more impressive when you realise this is a low budget, independent film. The music is absolutely fantastic as well. All credit to whoever wrote and directed the music! The acting might be occasionally uneven, but all is absolutely forgiven, a great story and strong leads. What a lot of fun this film is! It's my hope it becomes a slow burn, cult hit. It really is quite something. Commitments meets punk but better!! Do add this to your list of unknown gems that you knew about before it became more well known 🙂
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You'll laugh You'll cry You'll want to start a band
sbrassils2 October 2023
From the very opening this film packs an emotional (and a few physical ones too) punch a story of redemption, friendship and that unbelievable high you get from playing music in a band. One of the film's standout features is its richly developed characters even minor characters such as Paul Fitzgerald's dodgy Mickey Flynn or Barry John Kinsella as drug addict Jimmy are extremely well written and resonate on an emotional level with the audience. It's also rare to see such well written female roles in a movie like this where so often the female characters can be reduced to the girl friend or groupie, Baz Black takes care to write strong, independent women who are in no danger of being side lined in this story.

Dublin Crust has all the hallmarks of a great Irish movie, from it's excellently written story, superb cast, laugh out loud moments and a killer punk soundtrack, Baz Black's directorial debut is fast becoming a classic Irish movie.

This movie will have you laughing, crying and leaving the cinema wanting to start a band.
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Brilliant film
guirky16 December 2022
Super film really enjoyed sitting down and watching it I was hooked from the start. Its a really great story line that catches your attention straight away has a mix of emotional, angry and a few funny moments mixed in.

Its a story you can really relate to in many was when it comes to a close group of friends like the band and its a well told a story from the crew about the punk rock band. I would 100% recommended this movie to anyone and can't wait to watch again. Very very professionally done by the crew directors and writers will do seriously well in my few something the Irish movie seen can be very proud of.
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Amazing! A Must see!
marytlynch4 September 2023
A brilliant film, drama, comedy music everything you would want and great actors! Il keep it short and sweet definitely go and see it now in cinemas well worth it, it draws you in right at the start and I wasnt expecting the ending. Baz black is a great writer, Director, actor, Joe rooney from father Ted also stars in it. The film is about bonehead getting out of prison and wanting to reform the punk band dublin crust. A great cast and crew all involved in making this film and is definitely worth going to see. A great story and very well edited together. Congratulations to all involved!!!!!!!!
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Great film.
SauDachi17 December 2022
I really enjoyed this film. Really energetic with great writing, directing and acting, across the board. I remember being told it was like 'Trainspotting' meets 'The Commitments' that had an illegitimate lovechild with 'The Full Monty', it definitely met that quota, and anyone who is fan of those films will definitely find something to enjoy in 'Dublin Crust'. It keeps you engaged with the very likeable main character 'Bonehead', who leads the audience through his trials an tribulations. 'Dublin Crust' effortlessly bounces between comedic and emotional moments, coupled with a fantastic soundtrack that sticks it all together. Well done.
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Band Politics and then some
mbirikaa4 September 2023
Ya cant fake that; either you relate or you cant and this movie nails every aspect of being in a band and trying to hold down the dreaded day job and forces you to think about what life is really about,,, some serious stand out moments!! Dying to see it again and again!!!!

The complexities of friendships and alliances whether musical or not dominate this film. The nuances and unspoken moments are spot on and relatable. Theres a gritty realness to the plot that you dont have to be a Punk fan to relate.

The music soundtrack is class and love how legendary Dublin bands celebrated throughout it all.
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Dublin Crust
oneillgill17 December 2022
What can i say? I had the pleasure of seeing Mongohorn live over a few years and they were crazy. Seeing Dublin Crust on the big screen brought it all back.

The movie was just amazing,true to the dublin punk scene,true to real life having jobs n balancing the band around it Baz,Eddie and Andy yous should be so proud of making this dream a reality. It was a brilliant production the actors were just brilliant,made me laugh and even cry at 1 stage.

What u guys did over 7 days in 32 locations was amazing Im so excited to see this in the cinema soon.

Baz u always push everything to the limits and this was no different xx.
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Plunge headfirst into the rebellious world of the band CRUST in this gripping movie
hildaarani10 February 2024
If you're a movie or music enthusiast, prepare to be plunged headfirst into the rebellious world of the band CRUST in this gripping movie.

The narrative is a tightly woven tapestry that keeps you hooked from start to finish, leaving you craving more insight into the unfolding drama. The film successfully balances humor and heart, making it an engaging watch for anyone eager to see how it all plays out. It speaks to the universal theme of craving change and the potential for self-destructive paths, particularly relevant to the struggles faced by young individuals. The film, with its brilliant execution, becomes a canvas for everyone, young and old, to reflect on their own journeys, passions, and the challenges of navigating life. In summary, "Dublin Crust" masterfully blends humor, heartbreak, and relatable experiences.
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A must see
markmonks16 January 2023
Dublin Crust thrusts you into this bombastic world of drugs, alcohol and Rock n' Roll. The film follows the bandmates of Crust as they navigate the world past their prime. At its core the film does a fantastic job at making you identify with the characters particularly Bonehead.

The film is not afraid to blend different genres together as throughout the film there's a surprising amount comedic elements. Paul Fitzgerald's character Mickey being one of many.

The Soundtrack was phenomenal and complemented the films overall aesthetic. Aside from the plethora of punk music throughout the film, Dublin Crust does give the audiences a nice blend of uplifting and sombre music that really helps the overall tone of the film.

Overall, I think Dublin Crust is a fantastic film that I can't wait to see again, full of laughs, tears and Rock n' Roll.
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Brilliant and a MUST SEE!!
leprechaun45916 December 2022
Dublin Crust from the start it grabs you by whatever adjective you want to use, you are immersed in the world of Bonehead and his band. Every characteris relateable, as we all know someone like them, each is excellent in their own right. You don't need to be a fan of punk which I really wasn't, but this gave me a new insight to the music and their ethos, to love this film, there are plenty laughs and tears on this amazing ride with Bone, Eddie, Terrence, Andy. Prepare to have your heartstrings tugged at. There is comic relief from actor Paul Fitzgerald, whose "Mickey" will have your face sore from laughter! Original songs played by this talented cast. With Irish stars such as Joe Rooney, Baz Black, Louise McCann, Gerry Cannon and many more, you will be begginf for more!! For me, Dublin Crust is an excellent film not to be missed!!
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The next best Irish classic
lyndamcnevin4 September 2023
From the moment the movie starts it has you engrossed. The first scenes with the mask had everyone in hysterics! I knew from then on it was only going to get better. The storyline really captures you into what Dublin life was like back then & the punk scene. The cast were absolutely fantastic. Very well chosen for their parts & there was one character in particular played buy Paul he is hilarious! I didn't know what to expect from the film when we went in but we were taken aback after we watched it. The storyline has a great twist & one we didn't see coming. Can't wait to see what's to come in the future. Already can't wait to see it again!
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